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Crossfit is kicking my butt.

Did the Angie benchmark at 26:52

100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 air squats

On top of doing 5x3 at 120 no feet snatch.

I'm feeling stronger and pure muscle mass. I have to get my diet under control.

Damn man. You're gonna be looking like Ronnie Coleman is no time.

How many of you got certs or degrees in any form of fitness? Got three certs from is thinking about going for my bachelors in health wellness and promotion
How many of you got certs or degrees in any form of fitness? Got three certs from is thinking about going for my bachelors in health wellness and promotion
just my 2 cents but that isn't the best degree. Just go for a broad based business degree like finance or accounting. I have a nasm personal trainer certificate... just some good side money, but alot of people I know have made careers out of it.
Damn man. You're gonna be looking like Ronnie Coleman is no time.


Why you do em like that...hahahaha

Pure Muscle Mass.
Crossfit is kicking my butt.

Did the Angie benchmark at 26:52

100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 air squats

On top of doing 5x3 at 120 no feet snatch.

I'm feeling stronger and pure muscle mass. I have to get my diet under control.

can you do this in any order you want to ?
How many of you got certs or degrees in any form of fitness? Got three certs from is thinking about going for my bachelors in health wellness and promotion

My cousin got his BS in Athletic Training and MS in kinesiology.

He's the Atheltic Trainer for the NBA New Orleans Pelicans.
can you do this in any order you want to ?

No they told us to do it in this order.

We did 15 mins warm-up and stretch..rowing or jump ropes

Then, no feet snatch 5x3 with light to max

Then you have to do Angies in that order under 25 mins.
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No they told us to do it in this order.

We did 15 mins warm-up and stretch..rowing or jump ropes

Then, no feet snatch 5x3 with light to max

Then you have to do Angies in that order under 25 mins.
That's dumb. You shoikd be able to do it in whatever order u want. Like 15 pull ups. Bam. Onto 50 push-ups. When u fatigue. Do some sit ups. When that gets boring do the air squats. U feel me. More intense that way. Crossfit guys will never learn. Are you doing those pull ups where u look like a worm and just using all momentum. The gains bro?????
That's dumb. You shoikd be able to do it in whatever order u want. Like 15 pull ups. Bam. Onto 50 push-ups. When u fatigue. Do some sit ups. When that gets boring do the air squats. U feel me. More intense that way. Crossfit guys will never learn. Are you doing those pull ups where u look like a worm and just using all momentum. The gains bro?????

You don't have to do the "kip" pull-ups. I did all mine power wide grip pull ups. I did them 15 at a time.

If you mix it up, how will you actual tighten and gain muscles by switching it? Isn't that much easier?

You don't want to fatigue. Then you will be too tired to do anything else. It's about pacing yourself..
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You don't have to do the "kip" pull-ups. I did all mine power wide grip pull ups. I did them 15 at a time.

If you mix it up, how will you actual tighten and gain muscles by switching it? Isn't that much easier?
What u talking about Willis. How u gonna gain muscles? U doing them 15 at a time anyways. Who cares
What u talking about Willis. How u gonna gain muscles? U doing them 15 at a time anyways. Who cares

It's no difference than you doing bicep curls...if you contract your muscles multiple times, eventually you will get gains overtime...(tear your muscles and it rebuilds)

I am doing 15 pull ups at a time so that I don't fatigues. I rest maybe 10 seconds and get right back up there and do another 15 until I get to the 100...

Who cares? Obliviously, you have a strong dislike for Crossfit or the way its done because to you it's "dumb". Who cares? Ask yourself that.
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100 pull ups 15 at a time 10 second rest is impressive. I sure as hell can't do that :lol:

I sucks at the sit-ups. Took me more resting time for that. I have a pull up bar at home. Pull ups and push ups are my strength.

The timing is what killed me. I couldn't get that under 25 mins. Someone in my group did everything in 23:02.
It's a benchmark workout...

You wouldn't understand...

Worst part is the pull ups...

You can't break it up, defeats the purpose of the workout.

Don't know what I got last time. Got sub 20, all I remember is that it took me about 9-10 minutes to do the squats, push ups and sit ups and about the same amount of time to do he pull ups alone.

Ain't goingvto argue with dudes that don't know what full ROM means and probably don't have BW lifts in their arsenal. :lol:
That's dumb. You shoikd be able to do it in whatever order u want. Like 15 pull ups. Bam. Onto 50 push-ups. When u fatigue. Do some sit ups. When that gets boring do the air squats. U feel me. More intense that way. Crossfit guys will never learn. Are you doing those pull ups where u look like a worm and just using all momentum. The gains bro?????

If you mix it up, how will you actual tighten and gain muscles by switching it? Isn't that much easier?..

Can you explain what you mean by this?
Can you explain what you mean by this?

Basically, if you stop at 20 pull-ups and get tired then want to switch something else, you are defeating the purpose of the workout. Makes it easier. You supposed to focus on your performance/elevation and to see if you are able to improve your time.I hope I'm making sense.

Like it was said earlier. Benchmarks workouts are not meant to be broken up.
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Don't know much about the value of muscle contractions and the mechanics behind it.

Benchmarks are test type workouts, that push you to work beyond your normal capacity and beyond the fatigued state... Makes you dig into a very dark place.

They aren't programmed regularly, they shouldn't be.
Necessary for those that plan on competing. You don't mail it in during the 4th quarter. Grab your sack and keep pushing.

As some of my people say "agarate los pinche huevos"
Thanks IronMan. My instructor was like don't fatigue you don't want to lose your time and keep your momentum. Focus on your technique...

Well she was yelling lol
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