STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Hurt my shoulder/rotator the other day and went for muscle ups to show off yesterday. Big mistake, have to skip back day now. Great.
the body is weird.

so last Thursday Aug 27th I weighed myself, was 197lbs.
Keep in mind im cutting so these numbers will look low.
This week Starting a new job ive still been eating but doing my low carb days (which are still 150 grams) I think i did 2 High days (which are only 200 grams)
checked my weight yesterday 193.5 thought that couldnt be right
Checked this morning 2 scales confirm 192.

I forgot how effecctive carb cycling would be but 4-5lbs in a week.. Been carb cycling for 2 weeks now.

about to hit my goal by my October 20th date at this rate (185 in 7 more weeks) the last 4 weeks i was planning to go on the Kris gethin 4 weeks to shred plan which is 1.18g of protein per lb and then the cabs goes from .65, to .58 to .5 then practically just morning and PWO carbs.

Its not my intention to drop weight this fast this all started from me doing a slow cut I was frustrated from only losing .5 a week. now im 7lbs from goal and still eating decently good. not getting super hungry.

I'ma cheat meal it for labor day... I deserve it. may throw in a few more high days now.
When i was low carbing it i use to get weeks like that all the time.

It could just be water, Dont be surprised if after that cheat day you gain a quick 3 pounds the day of because of the water and food in you, than be even lower in weight the day or two after.
GNC trying to charge me 49.99 for a box of quest bars. No thx jeff

damn that
Vitamin Shoppes sale is going on right now so 25 for a box of 12 and you can mix and match, i got 9 different flavors and doubled up up on oreo, banana oatmeal and cookie dough
(Didn't really like the smores one that much)

When i was low carbing it i use to get weeks like that all the time.

It could just be water, Dont be surprised if after that cheat day you gain a quick 3 pounds the day of because of the water and food in you, than be even lower in weight the day or two after.

yea I know the process, but i think since this year im starting do quinoa and EZ bread more also im getting in more fiber (finally the right amount I should say) so all this gunk is going out of me also.
Wild thing is. Those are what always make me the most sore after a leg day (because i dont do enough) i do em like once every 2-3 weeks and when i do the next 4 days just suck

Yo you aint lyin b, my inner thighs are SOOOOORE today. :lol: Never felt like this after a leg day ever.
New flavor coming out this holiday season boys stay woke
Probably something pumpkin...
I still love supreme bars pumpkin supree still one of my favorites
I gotta chill with all this beer and wine man. Been drinking alcohol around the house like it's a soft drink.

If it wasn't for the fact that I do all my workouts in the morning I would get nothing done. Sometimes I'll be tipsy at 3 in the afternoon on my off days :smh:

When I finish this six pack and two bottles of wine, I'ma try to go cold turkey.

I just need to drink straight water from now on.
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I gotta chill with all this beer and wine man. Been drinking alcohol around the house like it's a soft drink.

If it wasn't for the fact that I do all my workouts in the morning I would get nothing done. Sometimes I'll be tipsy at 3 in the afternoon on my off days

When I finish this six pack and two bottles of wine, I'ma try to go cold turkey.

I just need to drink straight water from now on.
Having a beer or wine every now and then won't kill ya haha just work it in! lol
I gotta chill with all this beer and wine man. Been drinking alcohol around the house like it's a soft drink.

If it wasn't for the fact that I do all my workouts in the morning I would get nothing done. Sometimes I'll be tipsy at 3 in the afternoon on my off days :smh:

When I finish this six pack and two bottles of wine, I'ma try to go cold turkey.

I just need to drink straight water from now on.

i mean as long as your system is pretty clean with water, beer or wine every now and then wont hurt ya..

dont go over board with the 6 pack a day (unless it's been that type of day)
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