STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

New DL PR @ 435. :pimp:

Lower back is on fire though, I get why dudes use belts now, going to have to cave in and do that because ****. :lol:

The ol it's too much weight but **** it I'm lifting it pain. :lol:

Nice :pimp:

I like my pioneer. It wasn't expensive and didn't bruise me up too bad at first.
BS ATG 315 1x 3.


Military Press

155lbs 1x3
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You know it's a good shoulder workout when you can barely lift your arms to wash your hair 
You know it's a good shoulder workout when you can barely lift your arms to wash your hair :nthat:


Did the "Maupin" in an amazing time yesterday. This Hero is no stuff.

4 rounds

800m Run
49 push-ups
49 Sit-ups
49 Air Squats

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So I'm emptying trash around work yesterday and I find this in the recycling can. Something told me to grab it and I noticed it sounded like there was some stuff in here


Turns out there was a whole serving in there still! I found out who's it was and he said he dumped it because he needs a scoop and a half for him. I told him he's crazy for tossing it. Now I'm bout to see what's good with it at the moment lol
Bro......are times so hard your trash digging pre workout :rofl:

Lol na I've been meaning to try it and it just happened to be there. Gym gawds blessing me. I'm supposed to be off pw anyway and I still have a whole nother container of Wreckage.
You guys ever heard about this supplement? My friend is a pro body builder and he recently posted it on his FB. Dude NEVER promotes products, he has his own gym. He said it helps with physique "hardness, and vascularity"

Is this strictly for glamour and pointless if you're not modeling? I've just never heard of this product

Nothing sold at a nutrition store got your buddy looking like dat. 

But he could be natty.
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Just poppin in to say Epic bars are 
. Grass fed beef, antobiotic free and hormone free chicken.
Does anyone else get a weird feeling in their forearms after barbell curls? I get almost like a stinging feeling but only in my left forearm. Its good when i do DBs but i feel it with barbell, less so when i do close grip. Once i put the bar down and rest for a little bit it goes away then i feel it again after another set
You guys ever heard about this supplement? My friend is a pro body builder and he recently posted it on his FB. Dude NEVER promotes products, he has his own gym. He said it helps with physique "hardness, and vascularity"

Is this strictly for glamour and pointless if you're not modeling? I've just never heard of this product
it's a well known ingredient in pump products. take a gram before workout and you should feel it. despite all the claims of stretching the muscle facia and improved nutrient deliver blah blah, imo it's purely cosmetic (like all pump products).
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