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RIP to your arms :lol:

Srsly, where are you positioning your grip?

[emoji]128557[/emoji] say it aint so :lol:

I use the ez bar. I alternate grips between these


The weird thing is it doesnt bother me during my sets. Its only after when i put the bar down and rest between sets. I did biceps today and now my arms are fine i dont have that same stinging feeling. It really just trips me out. Maybe im grippin the hell out the bar?
You should do some forearm mobility. But grip the bar too tight can do that

Ima add some more forearm exercises. Ive been doing forearm curl with db. Im also gonna try not to squeeze the bar to death :lol:

Good looks!
Pro is a loosely used term these days. IFBB is the only one that matters.
I think that man is natty tho so you can't really put him in that category apples and oranges. He looks small but those shoulders and jawline are questionable.
Pro wbf or npc ifbb pro. He doesnt really look ifbb to me personally

He's an IFBB pro natural body builder. I believe this pic is 10 weeks out from his show. Last time he competed was probably 2012 I think? Hes since been developing his business, gotten married, and having a child so I think he's been busy
Nothing sold at a nutrition store got your buddy looking like dat. 

But he could be natty.

:lol: I realize I'm not going to ever look like dude, was just wondering what the hell that stuff was and that was literally the pic he posted :rofl:
I think that man is natty tho so you can't really put him in that category apples and oranges. He looks small but those shoulders and jawline are questionable.
Yeah I agree.
I realize I'm not going to ever look like dude, was just wondering what the hell that stuff was and that was literally the pic he posted
You can definitely look like that one day, genetics will play a role obviously but that physique is attainable. 
When you deadlift, do your shoulders have to be back or can they droop down? I have short arms and long legs, my body wants to lower my shoulders to put the bar down
When you deadlift, do your shoulders have to be back or can they droop down? I have short arms and long legs, my body wants to lower my shoulders to put the bar down
Drop the bar from standing position so everyone in the gym knows what a savage you are. Don't even look around and repeat.....
So for about the last 8 weeks Ive done all my benching with my feet up, wanted to try to just strengthen all my pushing muscles and see if it helped my bench by taking away the use of leg drive. I worked up to this 365 single after all my working sets and it feel pretty good. I hope to hit 405+ someday this way.

They need to get rid of this gamesmanship at the olympics. Totally unfair that a lifter has to come right back out there if the next lifter decides to move up in weight. 
Korean and China went head to head in 56kg Group A. 


170KG C&J....

China showed out.
Shaved my beard off earlier.

Expect all my numbers to drop off severely

Good night sweet princes
I shaved my head and did a gross amount of shoulder work. My traps grow without trying and my shoulders look small. :frown:
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