STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Did a 190 PR on OHP. It was...easy. I struggled with 185 weeks ago. That was weird.

Probably because I'm fat, now. I weighed in at 193 on Sunday for my cutting weigh in. Lawd.

@Olympus I wanted to try out the one they had last month in manhattan. Then I saw I had to pay. Also, I had to go to Manhattan. Also, I was travelling to Manhattan, to pay, to lose.

Decided I'd rather move couches around the house, throw a broom on the floor and run around that for free 99.

But I'm the same guy who had to clip my lock yesterday and didn't want to buy a new one from the gym for $6, cause I had 3 at home, so I just left it unlocked and hoped no one wears size 13 or uses a weight belt.

I see u :pimp:

Come join the 200+ club. You almost there just keep eating, **** your macros :rofl:
cant believe I slept on chipotle all these years...

god sent for bulking
used to eat that almost everytime after a work out 

try smoothie king as well for bulking. their smoothie called "the hulk" has an easy 800-1K calories for their smallest size
Almost done with the program that im on, looking for a Powerlifting program heading to early fall. Anyone have a recommendation?

Supersetted everything

Bent over rows x pull ups
Db seal rows x db curl
Seated rows x db hammer curl
Lat pulldowns x concentration curl


Went for a run outside at the track first time in lord knows how long. Only ran 1/2 mile. Did it in 3:28. Gonna do this 2-3 times a week and increase it to a mile in a couple weeks
I never know how to feel when you're dieting lost about 10-15lbs and someone ask if I'm bulking.
I guess it's good but I'm like damn I lost this wight and you saw me like a month ago
I never know how to feel when you're dieting lost about 10-15lbs and someone ask if I'm bulking.
I guess it's good but I'm like damn I lost this wight and you saw me like a month ago

Depending on how much muscle you have, you def appear much bigger as you cut fat. People been asking me what my secret is lately. I think they think im juicing :lol:. Im like bruh..counting macros and cardio. But i do have a strong muscular foundation. So i look bigger with less fat.

How much do you weigh? Are you swole?
Lol @ steroids.

Nah its stress +


Its always in the same spot it twitches. Happens often too. Annoying AF

What is that?! I'm assuming that's a bullet. What happened? U good tho?
I never know how to feel when you're dieting lost about 10-15lbs and someone ask if I'm bulking.
I guess it's good but I'm like damn I lost this wight and you saw me like a month ago

Depending on how much muscle you have, you def appear much bigger as you cut fat. People been asking me what my secret is lately. I think they think im juicing :lol:. Im like bruh..counting macros and cardio. But i do have a strong muscular foundation. So i look bigger with less fat.

How much do you weigh? Are you swole?

What are your workouts looking like? And meal plan?
^that's crazy, bro. I don't think I was shot but yeah, this tricep tingle is just the biggest wtf when it happens to me :lol: I just wanna know what's causing it.

I don't know what happened but when I do Reverse Machine Flyes, Dumbbell Rows with my right arm (bc I'm supporting with my left hand), and barbell presses, I could tell something's wrong with my left elbow. I think I need to pickup one of those Copper Compression sleeves or something :lol:
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ahat ahat was deadlifting. In a hurry, forgot my belt, got sloppy on a rep at 315 and felt a shockwave, dropped the weight. I can barely bend at the waist now. I'm pretty sure I bulged it at the very least. Guess we'll see where it goes from here. I'm even more frustrated bc it wasn't pr weight or anything close. I pull that regularly. Idk what happened. I'm leaving for almost a week vacation tomorrow. I can't fin believe this.
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Damn... Hope its nothing serious and you bounce back and are able to enjoy your vacation.
Thanks man. Hoping for the best, expecting the worst :lol:

jkitty jkitty damn bro what weight do you usually pull?

I've pulled 455. I've debated going for 5 but with the prior issue I've decided against it, hoping that I'd avoid this ever happening if I did. I'm also not a big guy, I only weigh 162 now. I'm pretty lean but I suppose it's still a decent amount of weight for my size.
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