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Fuuuuuu. Deadlift scares the hell outta me man for
Real. 3 plates is what I rep at also
If what you're doing (squat/dl/bench) doesn't scare you a lil you aint doing it right
All I can say is warm up properly and when you're moving decent weight make sure to keep it tight.

and just pay attention to your body. know your limit. know what doesnt feel right. know the difference between being sore and being hurt. Definitely be working on your flexibility and mobility. Keep those hips loosey goosey. Last thing you all want is to pop something or sideline yourself unnecessarily. Also, pay attention to your fatigue levels. With pwo, you can ignore it; completely forget you're exhausted. Know when you need a couple days off.

Trust me, you won't lose anything. I used to think a couple days was the limit. BS. Went to Europe last August for 3 weeks, worked out like 5-6 times the whole trip (you have to when you go over there, they let you go shirtless lol) But when I got home, I hadn't lost jack squat as far as muscle. Just went to Africa for 3 weeks this past may. Did absolutely nothing. Didn't so much as see a weight. Lost about 11-12 lbs, but just body fat, muscle stayed put and came back like it was nothing. Piece of cake. My point is, we have this idea in our heads of how much exercise you actually have to do to reach your goal, but in actuality, it's most likely way less, and we've all just been lowkey overtraining for yrs.

Take the time to get your rest up and refueled. Get the proper healing and letting all that damaged tissue finally heal up stronger. No point in pushing yourself to exhaustion and killing your CNS. Work smarter, not harder.
Def all true.

Luckily I'm not hurting as bad as I expected this morning. Hoping it just keeps improving and maybe I did just pull or tweak something really bad.
Been hitting it easy down here in Orlando. Not doing anything crazy. My low back hurts though like I knew it was going to. The 2 weeks before my vacation I had to visit my chiro for it hoping it wouldn't bother me but oh well.
my boy rich piana once said that theres no such thing as overtraining. just under eating and under sleeping.
ahat ahat was deadlifting. In a hurry, forgot my belt, got sloppy on a rep at 315 and felt a shockwave, dropped the weight. I can barely bend at the waist now. I'm pretty sure I bulged it at the very least. Guess we'll see where it goes from here. I'm even more frustrated bc it wasn't pr weight or anything close. I pull that regularly. Idk what happened. I'm leaving for almost a week vacation tomorrow. I can't fin believe this.

Happened to me on a warm-up weight squat once man.Sometimes you just move ever so slightly wrong and boom, you're feeling it.

If it doesn't feel significantly better in 7-10 days I'd see a doctor if I were you.
My lower back burns when I do barbell rows. Is it weak hamstrings? I don't have any issues with deadlifts
What do you use the tape on?

My bicep and tricep. Its been twitching for a week now. Works like magic. It came with instructions on some common places to use it. Back, knee, calves, thighs and common injuries/soreness like plantar fasciitis and carpal tunnel. Also shows the different type of strips to use for each (I strip, Y strip). I just put a single I strip on my bicep and same on my tricep.
Damn I might need to see what's good for my plantar fasciitis. I been dealing with it for almost a year now
Yea I'm gonna be in Kissimmee like 15min from Disney in July for a 2 week vacation. I plan on finding a gym down there just to maybe go 2-3x while I'm down there. I actually WANT to be on vacation so nothing serious. Anybody in that area with some tips, let me know [emoji]128077[/emoji][emoji]127996[/emoji]

Broooooo. Go to Gold's gym. It's over on turkey neck rd. Just put the name in gps. Close as hell to where you'll be. A week's guest pass is $45 bucks. Guarantee it'll be one of the best gyms you've ever been to. I go down to Kissimmee a few times a yr and that's always one of the places I look forward to most. If you dont need the full week, then it's like $12 for day passes. Hit them up.
Good stuff bro! If I can find them, I'll have to give you some rolls I had stashed somewhere. Had like 20 or 30
Of the black rolls in a box somewhere Hahaa
Damn I might need to see what's good for my plantar fasciitis. I been dealing with it for almost a year now

get some hard balls and roll your foot on it while you're sitting down. Get some foam rollers and the harder plastic ones and roll out your calves. Opt for sandals when you can. stretch out your feet. Do it consistently, it will help.
get some hard balls and roll your foot on it while you're sitting down. Get some foam rollers and the harder plastic ones and roll out your calves. Opt for sandals when you can. stretch out your feet. Do it consistently, it will help.

Bro good looks but i have done literally everything. I'm talking everything, i avoided going to the doctor for months because I did so much research and a lot of what is out there says to not waste time and money going to the doctor. So even that was last resort. Dr gave me Anti inflammatory steroid pills but didnt solve it, shots didnt help either.
I roll my feet daily and it helps a lot, frozen water bottle also really helps. I have orthotics now and special sandals i wear at home with extra arch support. I never walk barefoot ever except in shower. I stretch all the time too. I'm close to trying acupuncture next. But I've stopped running and hooping for 3-4 weeks now and I'm starting to improve. Hope it continues to progress
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