STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Had more surgeries than I can count :lol: speaking of I gotta get my wisdom teeth taken out soon I think.
I've been doing bro splits (chest\biceps on one day, back\triceps on another, legs, etc.) For several years now. I'm hearing that doing either full body or upper\lower split is effective and I want to give it a try. I'm looking a upper\lower\off\upper\lower type of program

one of my concerns is that a lot of the upper lower programmed by sea look like very long workouts that I may not have time for. I'm in the gym at 5:45 am and out by 7 am, I really don't have time for a two-hour workout everyday. Also, upper lower split don't seem to have the amount of accessory work I'm used to.

Does anyone do upper lower splits? Any advice?
I really don't have time for a two-hour workout everyday.

If you have such limited time constraints, I would not personally recommend an U/L, especially if your goal is aesthetics. While a Bro Split lacks the frequency to develop strength at an optimum rate, one benefit of the lower frequency is the ability to feature increased volume. A Bro Split is thus sub-optimal for strength but can be ideal for aesthetics and hypertrophy provided it has enough volume AND intensity.

Also, upper lower split don't seem to have the amount of accessory work I'm used to.

Bro Splits have more volume and a generally larger exercise selection because they have low frequency. Upper/Lower splits (x2) have moderate frequency, unless they are repeated thrice a week (U/L/U/L/U/L/off). As frequency increases, accessory work tends to decrease, save for a few splits that have moderate frequency and high volume/selection (some PPL splits, Arnold Split, etc.).

Essentially, very few U/L routines have a lot of accessory movements because the extra volume increases the demand placed on your recovery ability.

Does anyone do upper lower splits? Any advice?

I do them whenever I end up doing PHAT or n-Suns 5/3/1. Certain 5/3/1 templates are essentially U/L too.

My advice is to check out the PHUL workout (done it, thought the volume was too low, used PHAT instead).
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Starting to look into the science and studies of gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time. Has me wanting to conduct an experiment
After 4 weeks of my self designed bench and OHP program, my OHP is shooting up every week while my bench is stagnant. After reviewing I’m finding my average intensities are much high on the OHP than the BP and I’m adding weight to the bar more consistently.

I’ve considered doing The Bridge by Barbell Medicine since it’s free. I decided to download it, read it, and see how they programmed and the intensities and rep schemes are vastly different from what I’ve been doing. So I’ve considered using what I know now and continuing trying on my own but I think I’ll just run The Bridge (only 2 months). I’ll see progress and get a feel for what working at these kinds of intensities on a regular basis feels like.
I've been doing bro splits (chest\biceps on one day, back\triceps on another, legs, etc.) For several years now. I'm hearing that doing either full body or upper\lower split is effective and I want to give it a try. I'm looking a upper\lower\off\upper\lower type of program

one of my concerns is that a lot of the upper lower programmed by sea look like very long workouts that I may not have time for. I'm in the gym at 5:45 am and out by 7 am, I really don't have time for a two-hour workout everyday. Also, upper lower split don't seem to have the amount of accessory work I'm used to.

Does anyone do upper lower splits? Any advice?
a misconception with upper lower split is that you have to do 3 exercies each body part 10-15 reps and that takes time.
upper lower body split you can split up still.
quads cavs
hams abs
tricep bicep shoulders
chest back

Dude is a beast. 362 pounds with abs like that

crazy he was solid even with the belly.
he's also sneaky tall. forget he's 6'3 imagine if he played sports
I've been doing bro splits (chest\biceps on one day, back\triceps on another, legs, etc.) For several years now. I'm hearing that doing either full body or upper\lower split is effective and I want to give it a try. I'm looking a upper\lower\off\upper\lower type of program

one of my concerns is that a lot of the upper lower programmed by sea look like very long workouts that I may not have time for. I'm in the gym at 5:45 am and out by 7 am, I really don't have time for a two-hour workout everyday. Also, upper lower split don't seem to have the amount of accessory work I'm used to.

Does anyone do upper lower splits? Any advice?

You’ve been bro splitting for years, do you still see results or are you plateauing? 1:15 is plenty of time, I bet if u do a upper lower or ppl you’ll see some new results for sure depending what your goals are
I've been doing bro splits (chest\biceps on one day, back\triceps on another, legs, etc.) For several years now. I'm hearing that doing either full body or upper\lower split is effective and I want to give it a try. I'm looking a upper\lower\off\upper\lower type of program

one of my concerns is that a lot of the upper lower programmed by sea look like very long workouts that I may not have time for. I'm in the gym at 5:45 am and out by 7 am, I really don't have time for a two-hour workout everyday. Also, upper lower split don't seem to have the amount of accessory work I'm used to.

Does anyone do upper lower splits? Any advice?

If you want a more efficient program then I would highly suggest P/P/L split with the first wave being volume based then the second wave being strength focused. I feel like upper and lower wouldn't give you enough time to focus on everything on the upper day.

When it comes to lower body you don't really need a lot of accessory work compared to upper, squat and deadlifts should be the main focus then leg press, leg curls, leg ext should be plenty if you get the right volume, I say keep it stupid simple when it comes to lower body, don't try to reinvent the wheel.

Im in there 90 minutes on average so I have time to do the bro split plus Im not #teamdad so I can devote more time to being in there.
You’ve been bro splitting for years, do you still see results or are you plateauing? 1:15 is plenty of time, I bet if u do a upper lower or ppl you’ll see some new results for sure depending what your goals are

Yeah I've seen alot of gains. I don't go in a do 4 sets of 10 on bench every week though.

While doing my bro splits, I've tried alot of different things. for example, for chest I've done low reps, high reps, super setting every movement, benching my body weight to failure, repping 225 to failure, primarily dumbells for a period, primarily barbells for a period, etc. I mix up the rep range and movements so I'm always doing different things.
As long as you mix it up you’ll get stronger.

I was doing body builder bro splits for 24 weeks super high reps combined with super sets but still working the big 3 lifts.

Came back to lifting heavy after a few weeks to get my cns up to speed I hit a pr in every single lift.

This doesn't look healthy or appealing at that height, why are his parents paying for the roids so early
a misconception with upper lower split is that you have to do 3 exercies each body part 10-15 reps and that takes time.
upper lower body split you can split up still.
quads cavs
hams abs
tricep bicep shoulders
chest back

Doesn't really make use of the advantage of the upper lower split (increased frequency).

At that frequency (1x/wk direct work), he might as well just stay on the bro split and not skip leg day.

m boiz m boiz is right. If you like the idea of U/L but want more accessories, try a PPL split. Gives your legs more recovery time between workouts, you still hit everything twice a week/every five days, and it'll take less time than doing a 2+hr upper lower session.

This doesn't look healthy or appealing at that height, why are his parents paying for the roids so early

Id be surprised if that kid was taking something. He is a little beast but great lighting, a pump and instagram filters can do wonders, plus he is pretty lean so all his muscles are going to show more regardless.
That kid is tiny af
Yea bodybuilding is all about illusion. Being lean makes anyone look “bigger” when they’re actually not lol. He just has prime genetics for being lean which is a gift and a curse. If/when he decides to go on a bulk lil man gon have to take olive oil shots to put on weight :lol:
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