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How does one know who has good genetics or not? I see that being thrown around a lot.
Little dude isn’t on gear he’s just shredded.

Most guys in here are probably bigger that a lot of physique guys, they just look bigger in photo because they are so lean. Then you stand next to them and they are tiny.

Anyways good for him nothing wrong with what he’s doing imo.
I’m also starting to realize you don’t have to be punishing 5000 calories a day to get stronger if you are naturally skinny.

I’ve lost weight and all my lifts have gone up due to better technique. Yes at some point you will have to put on some muscle but technique goes a long way. I know natty guys pulling damn near 600 pounds at 175. I feel like your body has more capacity to move weight than people think.
How does one know who has good genetics or not? I see that being thrown around a lot.

in terms of aesthetics: muscle insertion and shape, naturally lean, thick muscles, etc.

you ever seen dude above 11% body fat and their abs are STILL visible. smh. im jelly. i wanna be lean but i'd rather hit my desired numbers first for the big 3.
How does one know who has good genetics or not? I see that being thrown around a lot.

Remember the guys in high school on the football team that really didn't give a **** about it and ate like **** all the time but were still ripped and walked around like they had springs in their calves? Those guys have good genetics :lol:

For real though anytime someone has a natural small waist and broad shoulders or good muscle insertions/bellies are all good indicators of favorable genetics. Its definitely more prevalent in minority races as well, Ive been around guys that doesnt even lift but are just cut up and you can tell they would put on muscle very easily.
That little dude is tiny/lean af but he’s 16 yrs old? He looks like he’s not even 5 feet tall
Id be surprised if that kid was taking something. He is a little beast but great lighting, a pump and instagram filters can do wonders, plus he is pretty lean so all his muscles are going to show more regardless.
He's not even that crazy for a 16 yr old that lifts, he just looks way younger.
I’m also starting to realize you don’t have to be punishing 5000 calories a day to get stronger if you are naturally skinny.

I’ve lost weight and all my lifts have gone up due to better technique. Yes at some point you will have to put on some muscle but technique goes a long way. I know natty guys pulling damn near 600 pounds at 175. I feel like your body has more capacity to move weight than people think.

fact. any time your technique is off and your body isnt completely on tension you’re leaking power.

if technique is on point and you create proper tension the weight will flow like the salomon of capistrano
Yep, you wanna test that theory just dive bomb a squat at 90%+ and watch how long it takes to get back up vs going down slow and building tension.
looking for advice. My triceps are always way too sore to do shoulders and my biceps too from the day before (to do upright rows and front raises)
I only end up doing 4 sets on a lateral raise machine and then playing basketball lol. Here's my split:

Monday- legs

tuesday- chest/tris

thursday- back/biceps

friday- shoulders

should I split it up differently?
I dont think my biceps have ever been sore the next day, literally ever.

That split looks fine though, your body will adjust over time and not be as sore.
looking for advice. My triceps are always way too sore to do shoulders and my biceps too from the day before (to do upright rows and front raises)
I only end up doing 4 sets on a lateral raise machine and then playing basketball lol. Here's my split:

Monday- legs

tuesday- chest/tris

thursday- back/biceps

friday- shoulders

should I split it up differently?

Why not just do push pull legs.

Add shoulders into your chest and tri days. You can hit triceps last
Mornin gang. Just finished up week 6 of this and it's been going pretty well:

This program follows recovery/rehab from rotator cuff surgery in March, so I've been putting on muscle pretty good (as of last week about 4.5 pounds muscle, while dropping .5 lb fat per an InBody scan.)

Trying to decide if I should do it again since it's been working or switch it up. Thinking of doing again. Like the variety and different rep ranges I probably wouldn't think of doing myself.

Ya'll doing anything you're really enjoying right now?
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