STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Packed on weight the past few years. Determined to whip myself back into shape this year. Trying to drop all my unhealthy habits. Taking a break from meat, junk food and alcohol for a few months. And also quit smoking cold turkey on new years day. Lets see how this goes..

I like the attitude.

But ain't nothing wrong with meat. Just going to make getting your protein in harder unless you aren't concerned with optimizing muscle mass.
I like the attitude.

But ain't nothing wrong with meat. Just going to make getting your protein in harder unless you aren't concerned with optimizing muscle mass.

Stocked up on a bunch of alternative sources of protein like beans, chickpeas, greek yogurt, almonds, etc. And drink a protein shake after every workout so I think I'll be straight. Only giving up white meat temporarily. I might be done with red meat for good tho.
Stocked up on a bunch of alternative sources of protein like beans, chickpeas, greek yogurt, almonds, etc. And drink a protein shake after every workout so I think I'll be straight. Only giving up white meat temporarily. I might be done with red meat for good tho.

I mean, you'll be fine in terms of getting the necessary protein you need to live. I'm just thinking more in terms of high quality, complete proteins that you need to trigger MPS and optimize any potential hypertrophy/strength improvements.

You can get that from combining other proteins that aren't meat (most meats are complete proteins), i.e. beans and rice. Whey is good, yogurt is good, soy is good.

But it's dependent on your goals. If weight loss is #1 then do what you need to do to make it happen.
FYI and it may be YMMV. But costco has ON protein 5.64lbs for 35 until 1/27

Kris gethins products are top notch along with his workouts.
Pre Kaged tastes soooo bad
It does?
For the last couple of weeks I've been drinking about a gallon and a half of water every day. It's a game changer. I feel a lot better and it's a great appetite suppressant. I realized I was eating a lot more than I need it to. Now I just have a glass of water and that usually does the trick.
Seen a guy throw on wrist wraps, gloves and a belt and proceed to barbell row 60lbs

**** outta here
See that all the time. It’s the guy version of the girls who got in a complete workout onesie and huge headphones to do odd squats in front of everyone on top of two movable benches

Somebody left a 5# plate on each side of the seated calf raise.:lol::smh:

The man left the weights on the bar too.

I asked him if he was done. He said ya, so I said put the weights back then. He says he's gonna do deadlift after that's why he didn't put it back.

Fast forward a couple sets later he's putting the weights back. Not a single deadlift was done
why do u guys spend so much time watching others in the gym. Ya'll should try lifting or working out instead of mirin
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You never looked at other people in the gym between sets?

Stop frontin lil homie
im either logging my stats, looking at da mirror, changing songs, miring girls w fatties. not purposely staring at men wrap gloves around their arms while gently making rowing motions with steel objects.
I’m not “one of those guys” but that ain’t your place bro lol. Cmon now. It’s annoying but that’s it
i can see both sides. for me i'll always ask/remind another member to rerack. it's a respect thing; shared space.
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