STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread


Cutting calories big time, drinking mostly water, hooping, the sit up machine, push-ups, and Arm Curling have done wonders for my upper body as far as definition goes :pimp: :pimp:
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Always lift before I run.

I just see it as my goal right now is to lose weight (fat). Im not concerned so much with getting stronger/bigger muscles. If anything, id like to maintain the muscle I have now, and just keep losing fat.

On a side note, I tried on a few flannels and dress shirts. :wow: at how much a difference a 15lb loss is. Some of my stuff is just falling off me. :pimp:

Now I gotta do some heavy shopping for fall and winter coming up. :lol: Feelsgoodman.

If youre not concerned with getting stronger or bigger then drop the volume of resistance exercises. Do 2 sets instead of 4. Do 3 exercises per muscle group instead of 4-5. The current volume is just way too high for everything youre trying to accomplish.

I really think youll see great results if you drop the volume down. Youll be just as strong because youll be able to put more energy into fewer sets and still have the cardiorespiratory capability to run afterwards. The reduced volume will make the recovery better too.
Cutting calories big time, drinking mostly water, hooping, the sit up machine, push-ups, and Arm Curling have done wonders for my upper body as far as definition goes :pimp: :pimp:

Keep up the good work bro. Its a good feeling. :smokin

Today, I woke up and hiked with a buddy. We not only hiked but also ran up the hills. It was HIIT in a way, wed sprint up for 30 seconds, rest...repeat, over and over again. It was very hot and very exhausting, but the feeling of reaching the top of the steep hill and having an amazing view of the city was so rewarding and worth it.

Legs are drained which makes me happy. No Pain No Gain.

I didn't think id be able to do it at first glance, i told my buddy he is crazy for expecting me to run up those hills in that heat. But he pushed me to try, and i succeeded. At the top of the hill i realized that anything is possible if you have the right attitude. He asked me "Its worth the pain isnt it?" and i could do nothing but smile and nod my head. Totally worth it. :smokin


My view at the top.

You guys are capable of working out a lot harder than you realize. Push yourselves, this is for you and no one else. Make yourself proud and give it your all. We can all get where we wanna be as long as we keep pushing. :D
Keep up the good work bro. Its a good feeling. :smokin
Today, I woke up and hiked with a buddy. We not only hiked but also ran up the hills. It was HIIT in a way, wed sprint up for 30 seconds, rest...repeat, over and over again. It was very hot and very exhausting, but the feeling of reaching the top of the steep hill and having an amazing view of the city was so rewarding and worth it.
Legs are drained which makes me happy. No Pain No Gain.
I didn't think id be able to do it at first glance, i told my buddy he is crazy for expecting me to run up those hills in that heat. But he pushed me to try, and i succeeded. At the top of the hill i realized that anything is possible if you have the right attitude. He asked me "Its worth the pain isnt it?" and i could do nothing but smile and nod my head. Totally worth it. :smokin

My view at the top.
You guys are capable of working out a lot harder than you realize. Push yourselves, this is for you and no one else. Make yourself proud and give it your all. We can all get where we wanna be as long as we keep pushing. :D

*EDaps* and Repped :pimp:
You guys are capable of working out a lot harder than you realize. Push yourselves, this is for you and no one else. Make yourself proud and give it your all. We can all get where we wanna be as long as we keep pushing. :D


Shared on IG, I feel this way too brah, to hell with what whatever whoever else is up to, work hard for yours, and you'll reap those rewards soon enough.
If youre not concerned with getting stronger or bigger then drop the volume of resistance exercises. Do 2 sets instead of 4. Do 3 exercises per muscle group instead of 4-5. The current volume is just way too high for everything youre trying to accomplish.
I really think youll see great results if you drop the volume down. Youll be just as strong because youll be able to put more energy into fewer sets and still have the cardiorespiratory capability to run afterwards. The reduced volume will make the recovery better too.
Hmmm, not a bad idea. Although 2 sets seems very light? Maybe ill go for 3 sets, 6-8 reps? And maybe just stick to 3 exercises. Yeah, ill try this, mainly cause sometimes I dont go for failure on my reps anyways, usually when I feel the strain I dont push, I end my set (which ends up to be 8-10 reps anyways). If I was concerned with getting stronger/bigger id probably push another 2 reps or so.

Thanks for the advice bruh.

And to to the guy who ran up the hills, good stuff. Sometimes we all need a little push.
I was taking it when I first started out and didn't find it any more beneficial than the gold standard. In fact, when I switched over to gold standard I noticed more improvement physique wise. I don't attribute it to the protein I was taking but you're better off sticking with gold standard. Hyrowhey isn't worth it.

as i said awhile back hyrdowhey is nothing special and not worth the cost.
just get ON whey gold standard.
no need to pay extra for whey. get what ever is good quality and decent tasting and your fine.

Thanks guys :pimp:
loving this thread.

im switching my workout routine tomorrow. going to try and do mornings instead of evenings. and also going to move to 5-6 small meals a day as opposed to the normal 3 that i was doing. excited to switch it up.
Went HAM on the biceps and legs today. Can't walk, but it feels good.
Hmmm, not a bad idea. Although 2 sets seems very light? Maybe ill go for 3 sets, 6-8 reps? And maybe just stick to 3 exercises. Yeah, ill try this, mainly cause sometimes I dont go for failure on my reps anyways, usually when I feel the strain I dont push, I end my set (which ends up to be 8-10 reps anyways). If I was concerned with getting stronger/bigger id probably push another 2 reps or so.

Thanks for the advice bruh.

2 sets isnt that light, assuming youre giving maximal effort for each set. However, if youre going to reduce the number of exercises per muscle group then 3 sets is perfectly fine. Its just about lowering the total volume, no matter how its done.

Good luck
Flo Rida has always been slept on as far as size goes. But when you reside in Miami, I guess its a standard of living in a gym

But his Workout DVD coming at the end of the year has me :lol: :lol: for some reason

screw it, im just gonna eat anything i want for a few weeks and gain some weight :smh: i need do but damn
Seeing Licensed To Ball's picture, I'm gonna begin my 25th birthday this Saturday with a hike. Been wanting to go for some time, but for whatever reason I haven't. What better way to begin the day than with a nice challenging hike?

I'm pumped. Going harder in the gym this week. Got to.
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Flo Rida has always been slept on as far as size goes. But when you reside in Miami, I guess its a standard of living in a gym
But his Workout DVD coming at the end of the year has me
for some reason
I woudnt say he was slept on...

I just dont think anyone cares about him.
Do y'all measure food before or after you cook? I've been measuring after its cooked but feel like I may be taking in more calories tha I should because of that.
I throw whatever on the scale pre-cooked, I feel it's more accurate

I've read it's better because you've no idea how much or little liquid may be lost in the process, and it's how restaurants sell their burgers/steaks, so it seemed right
Do y'all measure food before or after you cook? I've been measuring after its cooked but feel like I may be taking in more calories tha I should because of that.

you should measure before you cook.
You measure before you cook.

Imagine 50gr of cooked rice or pasta (they absorve the water), thats like 3 spaghettis...
Curious as to what everybody's opinion/experience/theory on lifting gains while cutting?

I'm cutting at the moment but it seems like once I hit a certain weight (ex. 245 on squats), I can't go higher without messing my form up or "cheating."

So, I just wanted to know whether people just lifted the same amount till they go on a bulk or if it's just me?


My theory is that since it's hard to put on muscle while eating on a calorie deficit, your muscle doesn't grow so you don't get stronger...

Any advice/opinions are appreciated.
Curious as to what everybody's opinion/experience/theory on lifting gains while cutting?
I'm cutting at the moment but it seems like once I hit a certain weight (ex. 245 on squats), I can't go higher without messing my form up or "cheating."
So, I just wanted to know whether people just lifted the same amount till they go on a bulk or if it's just me?
My theory is that since it's hard to put on muscle while eating on a calorie deficit, your muscle doesn't grow so you don't get stronger...
Any advice/opinions are appreciated.

It's a known fact that your lifts are going to decrease somewhat. They shouldn't drop by much though. It's just a part of the cutting phase.
Curious as to what everybody's opinion/experience/theory on lifting gains while cutting?
I'm cutting at the moment but it seems like once I hit a certain weight (ex. 245 on squats), I can't go higher without messing my form up or "cheating."
So, I just wanted to know whether people just lifted the same amount till they go on a bulk or if it's just me?
My theory is that since it's hard to put on muscle while eating on a calorie deficit, your muscle doesn't grow so you don't get stronger...
Any advice/opinions are appreciated.

It's a known fact that your lifts are going to decrease somewhat. They shouldn't drop by much though. It's just a part of the cutting phase.

Should I try to lift more or just lift the same amount till the cutting process is over? In your opinion.
Do what you can with proper form. You're not gonna lose a ton of weight and not experience some loss in strength. Everything you lose probabky won't be fat either your bound to lose some muscle too. Best way to do it is cut as slow as you can. Try to rush it and your strength and muscle loss will just be more profound.
New goals: bench 300 & weigh 185-190 by the end of the year..currently weighing at 176

Even though I benched 225 once yesterday I feel sky is the limit in the gym now
Glad my post inspired some of you guys to go out there and push. I'm no expert in fitness, but I have recently stepped my game up and gone passed the bare minimum of work in the gym and it has shown its results. 8)

Cinco have fun out there on your birthday, but stay safe. There were rumors of snakes and foxes for the location we went to, so you already know I was keepin my eyes to the ground at all times. :lol:

I would recommend wearing high socks, i was wearing my usual low-cut socks and my legs were getting scratched by all the sharp weeds and bushes constantly.

Have fun out there :D
Just came back from the gym, worked an hour and some change. Chest, biceps and abs, feels good batman.
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