STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread


Whats crazy is in the first pic i though i looked good at the time smh

is there a reason why you store your supplements in your bathroom cant be very sanitary
AG and Durden

Appreciate the kind words. Nice to know ur in a similar situation. I do feel a little stronger and I do feel like I am beggining to have a better shape even if the gains aren't noticeable yet. It's just hard to judge my strength improvements because I lowered all my weights to start doing proper form. (Kai green video). I'm taking my time working my way back up so I don't know how much stronger I am yet. I can give you guys a better idea of the specifics of my workouts and what weight range I'm in for the reps if that helps?

Also I will share my meal plan with you tonight for you to have more of an idea on what I do.


1. Yeah I feel you bro. I was thinking the same. We live with each other so maybe it's hard for her to see the changes. She did say I had some stretch marks on my back she hasn't seen before tho, that was a plus
(Not that marks are pretty but it's a good sign).

2. I am eating more than usual (clean) but you're right some days I don't hit 3000. I try my best to keep track. But I know I hit 2500 everyday at minimum. You're right tho, since I'm working out harder I'm burning more so I have to adjust my calories for that. I have cheat meals once or twice a week but they aren't "horrible" cheat meals.
I'm very disciplined. For example, yesterday was my cheat/treat for the week.
I got a turkey burger at the habit. I got it on a wheat bun, no mayo. I got avocado on it with all the veggies. A side of sweet potatoe
Fries and water. Sure the potatoes are salty, but I didn't go with regular. Even when I "cheat" I still make the best decision possible. It wasn't as bad as my friends going to the pizza parlor on their cheat days. I only eat healthy pizzas.

3. I never thought about that. You're right, but I didn't always lift right. The Kai green video inspired my last 7 weeks. It's why I felt like I'm starting fresh. Stretch/contract has changed everything. I've lowered weights and focused on slow and precise reps. That's why I'm only counting 7 weeks, because I feel like all the other workouts before were garbage now that I know my form was off and I was workin out for my ego instead of my body
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I think I'm due for some actual pictures from the last few years/months to help you guys know my situation better and help me get more accurate advice.

Would that help?

I can post some pictures tonight when I get home. I'm not too proud yet but I might as
Well share with you guys since we're all in the same boat.
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Licensed to Ball-

You just gotta eat man. You were blessed with a fast metabolism but obviously that can be a pain to gain weight. If you really want to gain weight I wouldn't worry as much about the 'cleanliness' of the food because its probably going to be a lot more volume food wise. But there are plenty of good foods you can eat that will pack a punch kcal wise.

Maybe 2500-3k is low for your metabolism. And to be honest I'd be interested to see if your actually tracking/logging your meals and portions to see how close you actually are to what you think you are. I've found many people either overestimate or underestimate. Very rarely will someone be spot on or 5-10% from planned to actual.

If I were in your position I would be lifting hard, eating chicken, quinoa, eggs, olive oil, fruits, banana/almond butter/honey sandwiches on the regular and going from there.

Remember, gaining too fast is not a good look. Got to have patience and willingness to adjust. Don't feel defeated after 7 weeks and 0 weight gain, thats great feedback, your not at a dead end, listen to your body, make the kcal increase and re-evaluate after 2 weeks and continue that cycle until you've hit your goal weight or mirror goal.

keep it up :smokin

I've been mixing in cardio in between my lift sets and feel like its cutting me up pretty good for the spring. Kind of my take away from crossfit and incorporating it into what I normally do already.

for ex. Chest yesterday:
DB Bench 4x5-8
1/4 Mile on treadmill @ 12mph
DB Pullovers 4x8
1/4 Mile on treadmill @ 12mph
DB incline 4x7
1/4 Mile on treadmill @ 12mph
Cable Flys 5x5
1/4 Mile on treadmill @ 12mph
Core - misc
1/4 Mile on treadmill @ 12mph
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Just changed my workout from lifting full upper body twice a week and legs once a week, to individual body part each day (sunday chest, monday back, tuesday rest, wednesday shoulders, thursday arms, then friday legs). Excited to see what happens
I've been going hard with the diet and weights for 7 straight weeks now.

I've been working out longer but the last 7 weeks have been super dieting and consistent effort in the gym.

I asked my girl to be honest and tell me if she sees any difference in my gains yesterday (I'm trying to bulk)...she said she doesn't wanna hurt my feelings but she thinks I honestly look the same.

Should I not panic? Am I losing body fat while I gain muscle possibly? Idk man.

But ill keep going... Gonna keep faith that its gonna Pay off...hopefully. *sigh*

I had your same problem. I followed all the advice, all the "right" things to do... and it just wasn't working.

I got fed up and started trying things out for myself. It wasn't until i started eating "dirty" (made sure I was getting enough protein) that my body started changing. It may sound weird and unhealthy or whatever but try it out. It was a huge difference, more energy, focus, gains. All that eat healthy, feel great in the gym stuff didn't translate for me. No idea why. The ectomorph body type is a strange thing so try out my suggestion and see if it works for you. Of course, don't take it to an extreme and get fat but those extra calories might just be what is keeping you from making the gains you want.
LTB don't get down on yourself homie!

I wish I was in your shoes bro, I've recently hit another weight loss plateau and I don't know what to do. I only need to lose another 10-12 pounds but it seems like it will never come off 

You just gotta stick with it man, I know one day I'll lose this stubborn *** belly fat just like you will put mass on, it just takes time, dedication and consistency. 
Bros I got a question...

Since I'm trying to burn as many calories as I can throughout the day should I eat a small meal/snack before I go lift? Do I burn more calories with something on my stomach v.s. eating lunch then going and lifting 2 hrs later with my food being settled? 
Bros I got a question...

Since I'm trying to burn as many calories as I can throughout the day should I eat a small meal/snack before I go lift? Do I burn more calories with something on my stomach v.s. eating lunch then going and lifting 2 hrs later with my food being settled? 

I don't think there is a difference between how many calories you burn, rather where those calories used for energy are coming from.

If you want your body to use itself for fuel moreso then I would suggest lifting on an empty stomach. Plus I personally believe your body is able to give all its attention to lifting and not be occupied digesting food.

Either way its a daily total calorie wise. Timing really doesn't matter, and it doesnt affect the amount you actually burn.
Can I get some information on abs?

I currently do not have a 6 pack. I'm working on it and I know most of the progress comes from nutrition.

I've read carbs are bad for me and I should up my protein. The problem is most of the foods I eat contain bread or rice.

Also, I read I shouldn't focus too much of crunches because it'll cause me to have a bigger stomach. I should focus on bridges and planks.

My question is what are the main foods do I stay away from? What are foods that I can consume throughout the day?

Made my own Chipotle bowl at home:

8 oz ground beef 80/20
200g black beans
Handful of broccoli
Pinch of sharp cheddar
3 Old El Paso hard taco shells

Not the most healthy, but it isn't as bad as going to the actual restaurant.

Been doing this for like the past 2 weeks :lol:

White rice w/ cilantro and lime juice
Low sodium Black beans

Can I get some information on abs?

I currently do not have a 6 pack. I'm working on it and I know most of the progress comes from nutrition.

I've read carbs are bad for me and I should up my protein. The problem is most of the foods I eat contain bread or rice.

Also, I read I shouldn't focus too much of crunches because it'll cause me to have a bigger stomach. I should focus on bridges and planks.

My question is what are the main foods do I stay away from? What are foods that I can consume throughout the day?


Lower body fat %= Abs

Carbs aren't bad for you. They cause you to retain more water than fat or protein would.

Don't worry about making them big, build up your core

Eat less calories than you expend and you should have abs when your bodyfat % is in check

This seems like a lot of bro science for page 318, do some reading on page 1 and study up
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HAS ANYONE TRIED INSANITY, P90X, 10 MINUTE TRAINER anything like that and gotten results?

Doing a research paper (small one) and I want to know how you guys feel?

HAS ANYONE TRIED INSANITY, P90X, 10 MINUTE TRAINER anything like that and gotten results?

Doing a research paper (small one) and I want to know how you guys feel?

p90c and insanity work for sure, but you must follow their diet plan to get the results they speak of in the commercials.
Can I get some information on abs?

I currently do not have a 6 pack. I'm working on it and I know most of the progress comes from nutrition.

I've read carbs are bad for me and I should up my protein. The problem is most of the foods I eat contain bread or rice.

Also, I read I shouldn't focus too much of crunches because it'll cause me to have a bigger stomach. I should focus on bridges and planks.

My question is what are the main foods do I stay away from? What are foods that I can consume throughout the day?


Lower body fat %= Abs

Carbs aren't bad for you. They cause you to retain more water than fat or protein would.

Don't worry about making them big, build up your core

Eat less calories than you expend and you should have abs when your bodyfat % is in check

This seems like a lot of bro science for page 318, do some reading on page 1 and study up

Good looking out. Didn't know those links were on the first page.

I check my body fat last week and they said it was 20%. I found that hard to believe since it was only 13% at LA Fitness maybe a month ago.
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Good looking out. Didn't know those links were on the first page.

I check my body fat last week and they said it was 20%. I found that hard to believe since it was only 13% at LA Fitness maybe a month ago.

How did you test it? Calipers?

Usually any test aside from a bod-pod or dexa scan can fluctuate pretty significantly in addition to not being very accurate.
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