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I disagree. I think it needs to be taken serious. Almost maniac like. On the weekends, cool, do your thing. Don't overdo it. 1 day if fine per week. But to get max results, we all know that what you put in needs to be taken seriously.

It really depends on what your overarching goals are: health, performance, or bodybuilding. With bodybuilding, fitting macros and calorie counting can work, even if it doesn't come from the best food sources. For overall health and performance (especially performance), you need to be much more strict about your nutrition.

To me the choice is obvious: at the end of the day, what's the point of having a body like a ferrari with the engine of a ford focus?
I'm with you here. Not saying my diet is as pristine as I need it to be, but the idea is to get closer and closer. Two years god :lol:

Plus, it may not be a bad idea to qualify these statements on here with the persons saying them...
As soon as I can get someone to take them, I'll post them up. I'm not a slouch. I'm not making excuses for a poor diet. I'm saying as someone who's been on both sides of the spectrum since I started lifting more than a decade ago, it's much more pleasurable to be in the middle when it comes to your diet. Keep it clean, but enjoy it to. You won't want to eat your boring *** chicken breast with some brown rice and steamed veggies forever.
GNC sent me an email regarding them cancelling my order. I'm guessing everybody will have theirs cancelled after reading this.

Due to a brief technical issue, the pricing on the site was not accurate on several products. Due to this error the orders were cancelled per the terms and conditions of our website. However, due to the inconvenience, we would like to offer you the ability to replace an order with $20 off of a purchase of $100 and free shipping. To take advantage of this appeasement, simply call a customer service agent at 877.GNC.4700 (877.462.4700) and they will place the order and apply the discount. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience.
How much did you order? I just got a shipping confirmation for my order this morning. I only ordered 2 so maybe they were ok with it?

I disagree. I think it needs to be taken serious. Almost maniac like. On the weekends, cool, do your thing. Don't overdo it. 1 day if fine per week. But to get max results, we all know that what you put in needs to be taken seriously.

It really depends on what your overarching goals are: health, performance, or bodybuilding. With bodybuilding, fitting macros and calorie counting can work, even if it doesn't come from the best food sources. For overall health and performance (especially performance), you need to be much more strict about your nutrition.

To me the choice is obvious: at the end of the day, what's the point of having a body like a ferrari with the engine of a ford focus?

Everyone works out for different reasons. And honestly a lot of people do it solely for aesthetic purposes only. So I am sure a ton of people would love to have the body of a ferrari....and not care at all about the engine because they don't need to use their body for anything other then to attract females. The only reason i work out is to stay in shape for soccer. I like the personal challenges the gym brings....but hell i like to look good. And if it was a trade take ferrari body focus engine over focus body ferrari engine.
2 tubs as well.

I don't know if there is any way you can hold them to anything but i can post my shipping confirmation with the prices or something if you want to try to email them and show them that other orders were processed for the same price.

Hopefully if i do that they won't take my order back :lol:
Stumbled across this guy last night on youtube. His name is CT Fletcher he is an ex strongman and bodybuilder. He claims to be all natty and has held world records for several lifts. He claims to have lifted 720 without a shirt before. But what amazes me is when he does a pause rep with 405 like it's nothing 
 It happens around 3 mins

This is what he looks like now, he is a hell of a motivator.

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Also a big thank you to everyone here for the tips and support throughout the whole process. #TeamFit :nthat: :nthat: :nthat:
2 tubs as well.

I don't know if there is any way you can hold them to anything but i can post my shipping confirmation with the prices or something if you want to try to email them and show them that other orders were processed for the same price.

Hopefully if i do that they won't take my order back :lol:

Nah bruh, I'm fine. Wouldn't want to jeopardize your order.

They emailed me about getting $20 off an order of $100+ though, but I didn't need the protein that bad. I only jumped on it because of the price.


Welp, I'm going to jail. My lats filed assault charges against me after that beating I gave em.

3x10 Close Grip Seated Rows
3x10 Wide Grip Seated Rows
3x10 Lat Pulldowns
4 sets of Deadlifts with the last set being 205x5

I've been working on my coordination, and I'm happy to say I've locked almost everything I need down.

Squat form down, deadlift, and today, I got bench down as well. Only repped a max of 85 lbs on bench, but I wanted to focus on getting the form correct. Even got DB shoulder presses locked down in the coordination department.

I want to get my pullup reps up as well. I'm only going to do with body weight, and I got 3x5 today. I want to hit at least 3x12 with an ultimate goal of 3x15.
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This day last year I weighed in at a disgusting 314 year later I weighed in at 235.5 pounds! I set my goal for 100 pounds but I know i'll be there soon enough. I'm pretty freaking stoked right now at what I have been able to accomplish. :smokin :smokin :smokin

good ish my G

i recently took a bet with my brother for $1000 to see who can lose and maintain weight through out the summer (starting march 1st-ending august 1st)...

im now 310lbs, 6ft 2in and gained weight like this for the 3rd time!!!...:smh: every couple of years ill lose 70lbs and 5 years later im back at sq one... (im 31yrs young BTW)...

hopefully i can do it...
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Crossfit at 6am is a whole different beast

1RM of squat snatch + hang snatch, unbroken

3 rounds for time:

50ft handstand walk

50 ab-mat situps

75 double unders way I can do the 5 or 6am class....lmao

Bout to go into mines in a few minutes :pimp:
This day last year I weighed in at a disgusting 314 pounds....this morning is my one year and I weighed in at 235.5 pounds! I set my goal for 100 pounds but I know i'll be there soon enough. I'm pretty freaking stoked right now at what I have been able to accomplish.
That's one hell of a transformation.  Congrats man!  Keep on pushing.
This day last year I weighed in at a disgusting 314 year later I weighed in at 235.5 pounds! I set my goal for 100 pounds but I know i'll be there soon enough. I'm pretty freaking stoked right now at what I have been able to accomplish.
good ish my G

i recently took a bet with my brother for $1000 to see who can lose and maintain weight through out the summer (starting march 1st-ending august 1st)...

im now 310lbs, 6ft 2in and gained weight like this for the 3rd time!!!...
every couple of years ill lose 70lbs and 5 years later im back at sq one... (im 31yrs young BTW)...

hopefully i can do it...
The money is a nice motivator, but I say the following in a nice way.  F the bread.  Do it because you want to live a better quality of life, look better, feel better, be there for your children (or future children).  Whatever your motivations are, you have to be sure that those are constantly on your mind with every bite you take, every rep you push out, every bit of cardio you do.  It's not about hoping that you can do it.  You have to dig deep within yourself, sack up, and tell yourself that you WILL do it no matter what.  Transforming your body is probably one of the hardest things you'll ever do in life.  It's going to take every ounce of discipline that you have, but the payoff is worth it.  You have experience with dropping weight, so you're not starting from zero which is good.  The key is having the discipline to turn it more into just a 6 month weight loss.  This is a journey.  Never-ending journey of self improvement.  If you don't want it bad enough, it's not going to happen.  If you do though and you put in the work, make the necessary sacrifices, and remain consistent you will get there.  Stay active in this thread as there are a lot of knowledgeable people who are more than happy to lend a helping hand.
Got tired of I'm trying farro (which I absolutely love so far) and bulgar.
great tasting candy bars.

Not really the most helpful thing I've read in this thread, but I do appreciate the comment.

Recommend anything else as far as a "healthy" (using the term loosely) snack?

Dramatically cut my calories, and have been doing the insanity workouts.

Just looking to improve what I put in my body to help streamline good results.
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What is the best shoulder workout that will work your deltoid but wont work out your neck/trap area?
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great tasting candy bars.

Not really the most helpful thing I've read in this thread, but I do appreciate the comment.

Recommend anything else as far as a "healthy" (using the term loosely) snack?

Dramatically cut my calories, and have been doing the insanity workouts.

Just looking to improve what I put in my body to help streamline good results.

hes right, those bars are trash. all full of sugar and its all soy in those too.

do some research i bet they have some bars which are natural and organic without the fake sweetners, they might taste like crap but so much better for you
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