STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

creatine doesn't work like that after taking it once. the muscle has to saturate and it will generally show no effects until at least 10 days or more. placebo is a helluva thing though.

Yeah I heard you need to saturate it within the loading phase first 3-4 days. I'll finally have a pre-workout, creatine and protein stack to work with.

you dont load creatine, dis regard the label.

take 5g a day, everyday and in about a month you will be saturated.

Some disagree. Some people take 25g/day if I'm not mistaken to try to saturate themselves faster.

I don't take creatine though...even though I'm thinking of starting it soon.
Would walkin on the treadmill with a sauna jacket on for an hour be dumb?
what is the point of this? if you're trying to cut weight for a competition and want to dehydrate yourself, there are better ways to accomplish this but you'll def lose water doing that. hope you're not doing it to "lose weight".
Had a nice shake before I went in on some shoveling.  Still got a lot left to shovel.  Friggin 28 inches... :smh:   That as well as some calisthenics was my workout for today.  State is pretty much shut down.

12 oz almond milk
1 serving peanut butter
1/4th cup steel cut oats (grounded it up in the magic bullet)
1 1/2 frozen banana
2 strawberries
handful spinach
1/2 scoop whey
I have a slight variation of this

Almond Milk
Peanut Butter
Steel Cut Oats
Graham Crackers


Can you taste the spinach in this shake ? I like eating spinach but im not sure how it would be mixed with fruits and a chocolate whey
You really can't taste the spinach bro. It's as if you're sipping away without it being in there, but get all the goodness of it's benefits.
A Female Illest........
Epic rack.
Just did my first ever powerlifting meet.

It shoulda been a gold! I had sliders on underneath my singlet on the squat so they didn't count my 2nd attempt.(Hell it was my first meet! (I didnt know u had to free ball) With that I would have won 1st easily! Pretty pumped just to have finally done one. Now onto State!
Good stuff!  I can't see myself getting into the power lifting, but I definitely respect the grind that goes into building that kind of strength.
Had a nice shake before I went in on some shoveling.  Still got a lot left to shovel.  Friggin 28 inches...
  That as well as some calisthenics was my workout for today.  State is pretty much shut down.

12 oz almond milk
1 serving peanut butter
1/4th cup steel cut oats (grounded it up in the magic bullet)
1 1/2 frozen banana
2 strawberries
handful spinach
1/2 scoop whey
I have a slight variation of this

Almond Milk
Peanut Butter
Steel Cut Oats
Graham Crackers

Nice.  I'll have to try the graham crackers when I want a treat.
Whats a good creatine brand?
Brands don't really matter.  Monohydrate is the cheapest and most researched.  Buy it in bulk and go from there.
Right now I'm using Optimum Nutrition's brand. When I worked out after using it for the first time it gave me the ability to bang out those last 2 reps EASY
creatine doesn't work like that after taking it once. the muscle has to saturate and it will generally show no effects until at least 10 days or more. placebo is a helluva thing though.

Damn near fell outta my chair.
Right now I'm using Optimum Nutrition's brand. When I worked out after using it for the first time it gave me the ability to bang out those last 2 reps EASY

And this is exactly why supplement companies make so much money...
A Female Illest........
Epic rack.
Just did my first ever powerlifting meet.

It shoulda been a gold! I had sliders on underneath my singlet on the squat so they didn't count my 2nd attempt.(Hell it was my first meet! (I didnt know u had to free ball) With that I would have won 1st easily! Pretty pumped just to have finally done one. Now onto State!
Good stuff!  I can't see myself getting into the power lifting, but I definitely respect the grind that goes into building that kind of strength.
Had a nice shake before I went in on some shoveling.  Still got a lot left to shovel.  Friggin 28 inches...
  That as well as some calisthenics was my workout for today.  State is pretty much shut down.

12 oz almond milk
1 serving peanut butter
1/4th cup steel cut oats (grounded it up in the magic bullet)
1 1/2 frozen banana
2 strawberries
handful spinach
1/2 scoop whey
I have a slight variation of this

Almond Milk
Peanut Butter
Steel Cut Oats
Graham Crackers

Nice.  I'll have to try the graham crackers when I want a treat.
Whats a good creatine brand?
Brands don't really matter.  Monohydrate is the cheapest and most researched.  Buy it in bulk and go from there.
Right now I'm using Optimum Nutrition's brand. When I worked out after using it for the first time it gave me the ability to bang out those last 2 reps EASY
creatine doesn't work like that after taking it once. the muscle has to saturate and it will generally show no effects until at least 10 days or more. placebo is a helluva thing though.

Damn near fell outta my chair.
...oh jesus
Would walkin on the treadmill with a sauna jacket on for an hour be dumb?
Yup. You'll just get super dehydrated for no reason.

it doesn't hurt. it's just that your glucose levels are un-naturally low and your body switches over to fats as your source for fuel . As a result, your cognitive abilities are not there 100% and your thinking may be "fuzzy" or "hazy". If you're doing a 13 day keto diet with the 14th day serving as the re-feed (i.e. carb reload), the fuzziness will go away after Day 6/7 (when your body gets used to it).

Keto works. It just takes a lot of mental discipline. However, I would not recommend it if you've got a task that requires a lot of thinking (e.g. a midterm) coming up. Good luck!
Never knew this about Keto. Thanks for posting.

you dont load creatine, dis regard the label.

take 5g a day, everyday and in about a month you will be saturated.
There's been a debate back and forth in this thread on this point. Both work fine. "loading" will get you saturated faster, but taking a scoop a day is more convenient.

Can you taste the spinach in this shake ? I like eating spinach but im not sure how it would be mixed with fruits and a chocolate whey
Yeah I was close to throwing spinach in my shake the past couple days but I really don't wanna ruin a perfectly good shake. I guess I should be more trusting.

I chuckled.

If yall are interested in the anatomy of lifting - take a look at this thread on . I'd take some of it with a grain of salt, but it's definitely solid info.
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Whats a good creatine brand?

The higher quality/more pure brands are manufactured in Germany. The cheap Chinese brands have impurities and can cause side effects as a result.

The loading phase increases intramuscular creatine levels faster, but isn't necessary. If you want the effects sooner, then load. If not, take 5g/day, it will be cheaper that way.
Looking to get back in shape this year. I'm about 6'2" and 175-180 lbs (but I'm skinny fat...thin everywhere but starting to gain that convex shaped belly fat) due to slacking off and working 80+ hour weeks for about 3+ years. It's hard for me to get motivated since I am such a weakling now (can literally only bench any more weight than the bar, maybe 65-70lbs tops, I can probably only squat/dead around 100lbs).

Just wanna get back in shape, getting lean and strong, and hit goals of benching 185-205, and dead/squat 225 or so.

Anyone in this thread that was in my position and achieved these goals? Looking for any tips/help/motivation.

My dinner tonight after a great Squats/Deads/Calves workout.

Grilled Baked Chicken with various non-salt seasonings. Made spicy :smile:
Brown rice of course.
Mixed veggies mixed with a dash of low sodium soy sauce and Siracha.

I threw on a Persian spice called Sumac, it's the brown powder. Bomb. You'll find it at many of the high end Persian/Middle East restaurants in the LA area. It's a must to sprinkle onto Beef/Chicken kabobs if you wanna get the traditional Persian taste.

If anyone's bored with seasonings and wants to try something a little outta the box, try it. You'll be able to find some on Amazon. I think you'll like it, not spicy or salty. Something unique. :smile:
Anyone in this thread that was in my position and achieved these goals? Looking for any tips/help/motivation.
i got pinned trying to rep 95# on bench when i started out. then i got pinned again trying to rep 115# :lol:
i used to go to a nice health club and workout at 5am. i just kept going and stayed consistent and now i can do much more than your goal weights so i'm positive you could too. just drop the ego and don't compare yourself to others. lift only what you're capable of doing. focus on form and be safe.
You drink water.

As for sodium and cholesterol, sodium isn't hard to keep low, but I have problems keeping my cholesterol under 300 as well.
Don't worry about cholesterol. Unless you have a family history of hyperlipidemia, a low cholesterol diet isn't going to be all that beneficial for reducing your lipid panel (which most of you won't even get until you're 35, so...).

If you're sodium is that high, you're eating too many processed foods. That frozen burger was probably loaded with sodium just like that frozen chicken patty was that you posted a few days back. Make your own meats so you can control what's in it. Cut the store bought bread out and make no-sodium pita bread.
Did anyone's GNC order go through? Mine hasn't been cancelled yet but i only ordered 10 lbs. It's pending still in my bank account....

Dead lifted 355lbs yesterday. New PR did two sets...3 reps. I was in some "angry at the world" zone i have no idea why it felt so easy considering last week i did 345lbs 2 reps and was doing the "death shake" as we call it. But finished my day with some shrugs yesterday and god lord my whole body is sore today.

I might just do cardio today depending on the weather. But today def should be a rest day for me.

Going to look into the myfitnesspal app seems like a decent investment.
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