STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Thin blue line flag pays homage/support to law enforcement and thin red line to firefighters. Also often used as in memory of said individual during a passing. Nothing more, nothing less. Those are the roots.

Extremists have used it to hide behind or push a hateful message. There’s no denying that. I could also say that the BLM gatherings are full of nothing but rioters based on what we see on TV, but I know this is not the case. And I’ve seen that first hand.

My point is these flags do not symbolize a political group or domestic radicalization and the misinformation or uneducated are the reason why this country will never get anywhere.

All lives matter just means they like everyone

back the blue just means they really like police

stand for the flag just means they love the national anthem

real American just means they love America

MAGA just means they want America great

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Went to a bodybuilding gym and they had a posing room so I tried to pose :lol:

My boy said I should get some pics to have something for when I get old and frail in the future.

Going into my 7th year of training.

A lot of bodybuilding-esque training for the first four, and now I'm 2+ into powerlifting.

Yea, no abs like **** :smh::lol:
look at them quads
Dude really in here wildin.

Pretty amped, Wife and son are going to grandparents house. So, I have these next couple of days of gym freedom.
My gym attracts a MAGA crowd but that’s how it goes with small gyms. There’s also plenty and probably more anti MAGA people.

they don’t have anything political up and everyone gets along fine for the most part. One dude said something racist to one of the trainers once and he got banned. :lol:
My gym attracts a MAGA crowd but that’s how it goes with small gyms. There’s also plenty and probably more anti MAGA fascist people.

they don’t have anything political up and everyone gets along fine for the most part. One dude said something racist to one of the trainers once and he got banned. :lol:

What's crazy is you don't even have to say which group of people the person who said something racist belong to... We all know, but "both sides."

Miss me with that.
Trainer is a marine and has that fascist look to him until you get to know him and you find out that’s the farthest from the type of person he is. Actually one of my favorite people at the gym and kick it with him outside the gym.

anyways they get a little comfortable and start spewing that racist bs all the time he says and he quits training them :lol:
:lol:It's wild how often my white friends encounter people that are comfortable just saying racist **** to them. Gym, shooting range, 1st date it doesn't matter. You'll never hear it like that if you're non white and might get a false sense it's not as prevalent as it is.
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Went to a smaller gym before i moved to commerical gyms. I was wearing a Larry Bird shirt probably 7ish years ago . Some clearly maga dude with mental isssues dude looked crazy bare feet working out and **** . He went up to me and said your shirt reminds me of the good ole now theres too much black people in the nba. Bruh had me :stoneface: . Then he just started pushing sleds barefoot again
Gym got them feeling confident because that low T spike is masked by caffeine and the itchies. Those dudes start wanting to talk to me about their “facts” and I look at them dead in the face and just say no. **** off
It was low key high, but I said f it.. $19.99 (compared to a whole container)
But Mike Rashid & his team had a pre work called "iX3" something like that "That formula always had me right". But I think they change stuff up when he sold that company to do ambrosia.
I placed a order and just got the samples.. I'm about to enter the gym..
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