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a 10-20 metcon after lifting to burn out the muscles i just worked is my cardio.

i like running and will run on rest days if the weather is nice out
When you guys warm up for deadlifts, do you start with 45's on each side?

I can do like two pulls at 405, but I 90 percent of the time finish my deads at 315...

I almost always go:

...unless I have specifically scripted warmup.
I like the pool but if I swim I’m not doing anything else. Big hassle haha
I used to do pool and gym and basketball in my early 30s. 1 hour swim + 1 hour gym work + 1 hour of rec basketball. I can only manage 1 activity at a time now, only because I have family duties to tend to.
When you guys warm up for deadlifts, do you start with 45's on each side?

I can do like two pulls at 405, but I 90 percent of the time finish my deads at 315...

i've been doing a light box jump circuit/routine before deadlifting & squats to help cue hip extension, i've gotten 505 up off the floor but couldn't lock it out before my grip gives out...i'll only use 2 45s when focusing on speed

My loud knee crack with every single step or everytime I extended my leg went away after 7 days. I did a lot of quad stretching and some muscle stick rolling and then got a 30 min massage where she focused on my quads. First time I ever had that, ngl I was struggling like a B as she worked out the tightness, she said I was OD tight. The clicking was still there but that night I hooped and after it was gone 🔥 thank god

i'm definitely not a physio, but my understanding is the clicking/noise from the knee(s) as long as there isn't pain and/or limited range of motion (being able to both fully extend and fully contract) you were probably gucci anyways; i'm 40 and my left knee has been popping since i was a pre-teen! in fact the @prehabguys on ig had a recent post related to this with some classifications

Rower is the only machine i really fw. Swimming is the best, i have access to a pool now that its open again. Gonna take full advantage. Easy on the joints. Running in the pool, as dumb as it may look, is good too. High knees, lunges etc.

doing active movements in water is high key underrated, especzially if trying to get over injury or easing back into activity. i've only recently gotten into lifting after decades of avoiding the weights, and doing things like unilateral hops & squats, lunges, shuffles to close workouts at least a couple times a week definitely has me feeling much better leaving the gym.
With all the injury talk, how many of y’all actually take the time to practice the movement vs perform them? I’m taking pvc pipe for several hours type of stuff. Helps a ton. Also doing the accessory work IE using the GHD machines and such
That’s a lot of reps for just warming up.
Never really thought about it like that. But that's why I posed the question in the first place, to help me think about deadlifts different.
Or to see how everyone else gears up, to see if it might benefit me.

My workout style is, lots of reps with weights that use like 50 to 60 percent of my strength, then a test of strength at the end to cap off.
With all the injury talk, how many of y’all actually take the time to practice the movement vs perform them? I’m taking pvc pipe for several hours type of stuff. Helps a ton. Also doing the accessory work IE using the GHD machines and such

in my case, definitely not enough...only started lifting after the gyms reopened. i basically only deadlift & squat tho, and i use the lighter weight speed reps to focuse on form. i rarely do any other lifts and very little accessory stuff but i figure i get enough activity/stimulation outside the gym
Is it normal to take 3-4 whole days to recover from a leg day? I normally do it on a sunday. What do y’all do to recover faster.? I want to hit legs twice a week, like sunday and wed or thur but I don’t feel recovered.
Is it normal to take 3-4 whole days to recover from a leg day? I normally do it on a sunday. What do y’all do to recover faster.? I want to hit legs twice a week, like sunday and wed or thur but I don’t feel recovered.

When I used to do PPL I did legs on Wednesday and Saturday and never had any problems. If your doing a ton of volume on Sunday then do a lil less if you want to work em out twice a week.
Three or four days sounds normal to me.

I usually do this:

Back and arms

Day off

Repeat the process after the day off.
I tried doing my chest day before my back day but my chest would feel tight to do movements like lat pull downs. So my days are
Sun: legs
Tue: back/shoulders
Thur: chest/arms
Is it normal to take 3-4 whole days to recover from a leg day? I normally do it on a sunday. What do y’all do to recover faster.? I want to hit legs twice a week, like sunday and wed or thur but I don’t feel recovered.

It only takes me 3-4 days to recover after an extended layoff but I’m definitely noticing longer time to recovery as I get older.

I hit legs M->F->W but I’m usually good in 48 hours if I want to up the volume.

Sleep well and eat well should be obvious but I’m noticing that alcohol intake is also affecting my sleep and recovery waaaaaaaaay more than it used to when I was younger.
I'm legit full body workout every workout. I go 4 days a week.

I mentioned a while back in this thread, how the pandemic made me a better workout person. I relied fully on Resistance bands, body weight stuff & yoga. I got stronger and more agile.

Now that I've been back in the gym for about 5 to 6 months(I think). I'm hybrid, I do lots of pull ups, deadlifts, but 60 percent of my workout in the gym is: Push ups, Body squats, Slider circles for the feet, weighted jump rope, kettle bell stuff, bosu ball things I learn from youtube. & for cardio stair climber and stationary bike.

My goal has always been: lose fat, build strength & maintain it, and increase agility. Mind health also!!
With all the injury talk, how many of y’all actually take the time to practice the movement vs perform them? I’m taking pvc pipe for several hours type of stuff. Helps a ton. Also doing the accessory work IE using the GHD machines and such

I practice the movement by performing the movement.

I'm also not especially worried about "going too heavy" or injuries from lifting in general, as if I can't be injured doing everyday things or hobbies as well.

To each his own.
Is it normal to take 3-4 whole days to recover from a leg day? I normally do it on a sunday. What do y’all do to recover faster.? I want to hit legs twice a week, like sunday and wed or thur but I don’t feel recovered.

Do legs more, even if they don't "feel" recovered.

Doing legs once a week is no the whey.

Three or four days sounds normal to me.


A muscle group taking half a week to recover sounds OD to me.
Tank Top Master Tank Top Master sqwats 8 days a week 3 hours per session, mans is an alien though

Not quite.

Ironically I've actually been running the Bulgarian Method back since 2 August. I've squatted 79 times since then, including a 6-day deload (first and last one for this half of the year). The goal is to finish out the year on it.

This is the longest I've ever ran the program for. All things considered, it's been going fairly well. I've managed to progress more slowly than usual but that's to be expected on a cross-country TDY and slight deficit.
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Not quite.

Ironically I've actually been running the Bulgarian Method back since 2 August. I've squatted 79 times since then, including a 6-day deload (first and last one for this half of the year). The goal is to finish out the year on it.

This is the longest I've ever ran the program for. All things considered, it's been going fairly well. I've managed to progress more slowly than usual but that's to be expected on a cross-country TDY and slight deficit.

We're not far behind you.
Todays Deadlifts results:
135 1 x 4
185 1 x 3
225 1 x 3
275 1 x 2
315 1 x 3
365 2 x 1

I hit 405 for one time in 2019
Just want to hit that once again then i'll go back to capping off at 315
Todays Deadlifts results:
135 1 x 4
185 1 x 3
225 1 x 3
275 1 x 2
315 1 x 3
365 2 x 1

I hit 405 for one time in 2019
Just want to hit that once again then i'll go back to capping off at 315
I bet if u skipped 185 275 youd hit that easy
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