STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Not sure why you're so hung up on higher intensity when it's only one variable.

To squat daily your average intensity goes up to a degree, and your frequency will probably double or triple, but your volume per session probably decreases by half or more. Some people handle volume better, some people can handle higher frequency.

The higher your numbers get, the harder it is to add to those poundages, as someone else alluded to a few pages ago

What are these programs/splits you've mentioned that allow advanced folks to achieve similar results at lower intensities?
The only other program I know that boasts similar results is Smolov for squats, and I'd hardly say that the intensities are lighter on that.

As I mentioned in my write up ITT I added 120 pounds to my 1RM in 11 weeks, and actually hit +135 pound single in a gym meet later that week but the depth was probably only just at parallel.

Anyways, it doesn't really matter what I think. I know the uses of this type of programming and folks far stronger than I am have ran it successfully for longer than I have, so I'll defer to them and use my own experience to judge.

There's also more than one way to skin a cat.

If your goals aren't of a powerlifting nature there's no need to squat that often.


thanks, appreciate adding the context & detail/explanation! being new to lifting generally (still figuring out what & even if there are distinctions between approach in aesthetics, hypertrophy, powerlifting, resistance, strength training are 😂) so i just been cramming listening to, reading, & watching stuff related to fitness generally. i couldn’t really tell you what splits programs work

tokes99 tokes99 idk how long you’ve been lifting but that’s basically the concept of StrongLifts 5x5. You up the weight every session. It will get you hella gains your first year or two.

basically since the gyms reopened out here in cali, so less than year…i basically only had the goal of increasing ankle mobility after injuring my achilles years ago without really rehabbing or surgery; so i was just basically freestyling 😅
Nothing wrong with that, if you just want to lift for the sole purpose of getting strong I’d highly recommend strong lifts and it’s straight to the point and just add some accessory work.
hurt my lower back just the other day while taking the steps at work. misjudge the length and height of the step while not paying attention to such stupid steps. my body had to readjust to keep balance and landed pretty hard while my spine was straight though the impact was pretty forceful. the soreness, sharp pain and tightness pretty much happen the night afterwards and had to see a physio. I'm just glad the lower right lumbar muscle took the brunt of it and suffered a strain although was advised to keep off weight or anything really heavy for about a week. it's annoying since I'm pretty much getting back in shape and this unforeseen circumstance happened. can't even do my swimming for now. I'm pretty much limited for stretches right now. however, my body is screaming to do more.
hurt my lower back just the other day while taking the steps at work. misjudge the length and height of the step while not paying attention to such stupid steps. my body had to readjust to keep balance and landed pretty hard while my spine was straight though the impact was pretty forceful. the soreness, sharp pain and tightness pretty much happen the night afterwards and had to see a physio. I'm just glad the lower right lumbar muscle took the brunt of it and suffered a strain although was advised to keep off weight or anything really heavy for about a week. it's annoying since I'm pretty much getting back in shape and this unforeseen circumstance happened. can't even do my swimming for now. I'm pretty much limited for stretches right now. however, my body is screaming to do more.

Dude the other day I fell down a full flight of stairs but sounds like you got it way worse. :frown:

😅 yikes!! y’all boys good!? hopefully it’s just a couple days of soreness, i definitely miss the days where stuff like this would just slide by and could just pop back up, laugh about it and it was like nothing happened…now if i haven’t had a full warm up…ah the days of youth 😂
Dude the other day I fell down a full flight of stairs but sounds like you got it way worse. :frown:
it is definitely concerning. it's funny that we could get easily injured outside than it is doing gym work. a simple task could turn out worse all due to accidents. the last time I got worried was suffering from a slipped disk by bending over to reach a frying pan in the kitchen. my legs and back suddenly went jello and thought I would be paralyzed. I was just thankful that after an hour I was able to get up again walking and standing straight. that's why I'm quite conscious when hunching or reaching over to pick up stuff.
😅 yikes!! y’all boys good!? hopefully it’s just a couple days of soreness, i definitely miss the days where stuff like this would just slide by and could just pop back up, laugh about it and it was like nothing happened…now if i haven’t had a full warm up…ah the days of youth 😂
today's a bit better. not quite as painful and sore compared to the past 3 days. I'll be doing some light workout today. but nothing that would involved much of the lower back. so, no deadlifts and kettlebell swings for now til I feel 100%. don't wanna risk it.
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I didn’t even get hurt tbh, I was just flying down the stairs like fuuuuu don’t let me break through the drywall.

The messed up part was I was carrying gym equipment, sent a 50 pound power block flying as well. :lol:

That’s the worst when you get those shooting pains down your back that paralyze you. I did some dumb stuff deadlifting when I was brand new to lifting and f’ed up a disk in my back. I still feel it to this day years later.
I didn’t even get hurt tbh, I was just flying down the stairs like fuuuuu don’t let me break through the drywall.

The messed up part was I was carrying gym equipment, sent a 50 pound power block flying as well. :lol:

That’s the worst when you get those shooting pains down your back that paralyze you. I did some dumb stuff deadlifting when I was brand new to lifting and f’ed up a disk in my back. I still feel it to this day years later.
my core has always been the weakest part of my anatomy. having said that, it's the most flexible part so my dancing is pretty good. the most I had for abs muscle development is a 4-pack.
the footwork and legs though is terrible since it's the most heavily used and conditioned.
I didn’t even get hurt tbh, I was just flying down the stairs like fuuuuu don’t let me break through the drywall.

The messed up part was I was carrying gym equipment, sent a 50 pound power block flying as well. :lol:

That’s the worst when you get those shooting pains down your back that paralyze you. I did some dumb stuff deadlifting when I was brand new to lifting and f’ed up a disk in my back. I still feel it to this day years later.
it is indeed scary. apart from those lower back incidents, I also suffered a dangerous hyperextension on my neck when someone fell on me around my neck region playing ball. I didn't paid much attention too much on it til a few years later where signs of a pinch nerve became more apparent. apart from the typical neck pain, I was experiencing pins and needles, numbness and weakness from the neck, upper shoulder down to my right arm, hand and fingers. it got worse progressively for months and I was constantly going for physio, chiro and acupuncture. I was thankful that it got better after months of therapy. as of the moment, I'm on my last month of therapy for my gastroc tear and hoping to get back to everything I was doing. though I fear that it won't be the same anymore. not sure if muscles grow back that easily or doesn't.
My boy is a pro body builder but been in martial arts forever too. Dude will bust out the splits like it’s nothing then backflip out the gym. :rofl:
my core has always been the weakest part of my anatomy. having said that, it's the most flexible part so my dancing is pretty good. the most I had for abs muscle development is a 4-pack.
the footwork and legs though is terrible since it's the most heavily used and conditioned.
I maybe close to doing this. :lol:


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it is indeed scary. apart from those lower back incidents, I also suffered a dangerous hyperextension on my neck when someone fell on me around my neck region playing ball. I didn't paid much attention too much on it til a few years later where signs of a pinch nerve became more apparent. apart from the typical neck pain, I was experiencing pins and needles, numbness and weakness from the neck, upper shoulder down to my right arm, hand and fingers. it got worse progressively for months and I was constantly going for physio, chiro and acupuncture. I was thankful that it got better after months of therapy. as of the moment, I'm on my last month of therapy for my gastroc tear and hoping to get back to everything I was doing. though I fear that it won't be the same anymore. not sure if muscles grow back that easily or doesn't.
We’re the same person bro :lol:

Broke my neck due to whiplash and stretched every tendon in the process so the pain comes from the stretched tendons.

It comes and goes, last night I had to pop some ibuprofen and smoke to sleep sometimes it’s barely noticeable.

I don’t get too down about it, by the time you’re in you’re 30s you’re gonna have some injuries whether it’s blown out knees, neck or shoulders.
My boy is a pro body builder but been in martial arts forever too. Dude will bust out the splits like it’s nothing then backflip out the gym. :rofl:
I think I might have seen a video like that.


on a serious note, my son does martial arts and has gone really flexible with his splits. I remember when he first started and couldn't really do it, but nowadays he just treats it like it's nothing like how Van Damme does it. the funny part of it, is that he is the heaviest in his class with a combo of fat and muscles. pretty wide and huge for his age. struggling quite with his endurance but could do some real damage. I'd try to enroll him for some swimming lessons in conjunction to his martial arts for further conditioning. and possibly could transition to BJJ or boxing once he gets his black belt in 2 years.
Big guys can do some crazy stuff. Look at Eddie hall and swimming.

My other dude is a short obese troll but he’s been in jujitsu his whole life. He’ll hem you up real quick looking like a leprechaun.
We’re the same person bro :lol:

Broke my neck due to whiplash and stretched every tendon in the process so the pain comes from the stretched tendons.

It comes and goes, last night I had to pop some ibuprofen and smoke to sleep sometimes it’s barely noticeable.

I don’t get too down about it, by the time you’re in you’re 30s you’re gonna have some injuries whether it’s blown out knees, neck or shoulders.
Oh Hi Kurt. never thought you were the olympic gold athlete.:rofl:

speaking of neck injuries, we try to avoid how Lex Luger ended up.


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Big guys can do some crazy stuff. Look at Eddie hall and swimming.

My other dude is a short obese troll but he’s been in jujitsu his whole life. He’ll hem you up real quick looking like a leprechaun.
reminds me of a highschool buddy. guy was pretty much a stocky ****** but could pull sit-ups and push-ups like nothing. guy was like a jackhammer when we were teenagers. too bad he past away though due to liver complications caused by medications. that's why I'm trying to avoid or minimize pain killers and other supplements without food as much as possible. it could really ruin up our liver.

What my #cutlife meal looks like:

Chicken nuggets: 60 calories, 75g protein
Mcdouble: 100 calories, 53g protein
Diet coke: -50 calories. Since its diet it cancels out.

Total: 110 calories.

You went to McDonald's and didn't get any fries?

I'm gonna assume you ate your other 10 McNuggets before the picture was taken, since they can only be ordered in increments of 20.

I see I'm gonna have to post how to order some fast food properly for you noobs.
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