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understand all of that, i definitely don’t mind sacrificing a bit of maximal strength gain for a more ‘general’ ability or spreading the focus across different things…just was curious if/how other deal with the ache/pain/soreness equation for lifting…it could just be i’m compressing too much activity into these sessions…

the us/y’all with food/weight comment was a light flex 😂, i wish that was still the case for me

yea, i never used to warmup seriously before, it’s a hard habit to break…. even now i definitely don’t spend as much time time warming up or cooling down as a should. other than walks, on off activity/rest days, i try to avoid doing anything really…couldn’t imagine running tho. how long do you spend stretching?

i usually mobilize for 5 minutes before my workout and around 25 minutes a few times a week in the evening
getting back now for a few days reconditioning myself. feeling good with my neck and shoulder so far. abs are sore for doing a different routine with the workout. might skip my abs tomorrow. I hulked up again so waiting a week or two for it to shrink so be doing a caloric deficit for 2 weeks and wait and see. so far, I have been indulging for the last couple of weeks including yesterday. so have to burn them all again.
Got back from Disney Wednesday. Ate “a lot” to me which at this point is probably average meals for most.

Ready to start working at this goal again. Feeling great with how I looked in photos from the trip, especially seeing my legs / calves.

First day back tomorrow morning.
cheat day last weekend with the little guy. he had Ice Cream waffles and I had the Benny.


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Yeah I ain’t been benching lately cause I want my chest size to go down.. but when I was it’s not difficult to just not push for PR’s when you’re alone. Sometimes it’s like “damn I might’ve been able to hit 1 or 2 more reps..” but safety over injury tbh
Just get a spotter, or bench in the power rack with the safety bars if you dont have one.

yea, after struggling with 185 and nearly caving my chest in on the bench press station i realized the power rack was the much better option 😂…altho not ideal because it limits full the range of motion, really the main reason i avoid the bench press is i don’t do much of anything for upper body and my arms are super long which i think makes it kinda awkward for me
yea, after struggling with 185 and nearly caving my chest in on the bench press station i realized the power rack was the much better option 😂…altho not ideal because it limits full the range of motion, really the main reason i avoid the bench press is i don’t do much of anything for upper body and my arms are super long which i think makes it kinda awkward for me
Limits the ROM how?
What do you mean size down? Anyway, safety over injury indeed.
I mean physically. I want my chest to go down. I want to flatten it out, not maintain larger pecks or build them. That can be a later time but right now I want it as small as possible after having moobs for so long.

good lookin out, i was trying to figure out mathematics of safety height, the height of available bench(es) but it ends up being either too low or high

Lol what? Just don't try to max or beat your pr without a spotter

yea, it’s mostly an aversion to the exercise itself and as a result i haven’t ever really gotten acclimated/used to the movement thusly raising the possibility of failure even when not attempting a max/pr
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