STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Hence why you’re making posts talking about burnout and feeling guilty for not going.
Post”s” as in a whole 1 post? You got it bro. Let’s go our separate ways on this topic which only really affects me, you’ll be fine, keep doing Black Adam things and I’m going to keep doing Art Vandelay things.
Ain't no one way to do things. Some people have a hard time with that. Been in the game 25 years. Been through a lot of phases. The fat powerlifter phase where you watch a lot of Louie Simmons videos and don't care about anything but strength. The bodybuilder phase where the weights are just a tool. The lean and ripped phase and the try to have the best of both worlds phase. Used to call it power building.

Nowadays I'm in the stay healthy and keep from falling apart phase. Probably where I'll stay.
I think in any hobby or facet in life, you have people that dedicate an exuberant amount of time to something where others make it a part of their life in a different way.

For example, I play guitar and recently met up with a buddy I used to play guitar with all the time. My guitar skill over the years has progressed much further than his, and he kept making comments about it. But someone asked him if he played as much as I do these days, and he honestly said no and that he barely plays nowadays. But I know it’s because he allocates his free time to other things, whereas I make it a point to practice and improve and learn new things.

It’s the same concept here. The only reason I feel gym people feel they can flat out call someone lazy or go @ them due to a difference in interest / priority is because gym-ing affects your health in a positive way. So not gym-ing consistently, to some people, is seen as unhealthy.

And btw y’all shouldn’t really be arguing over consistency cause who tf cares about that, it’s dependent on goals and timelines. To Tank Top Master Tank Top Master “standards” for himself, you’re “lazy”. From what I’ve read, his personal standards and consistency are unrealistic for most people working full time jobs, especially those who have families and aren’t super young (aka prone to injuries).
would you say, your buddy is burned-out from playing the guitar?
What’s the update? Dude never looked natty to me

tldr; whoever was coaching/he sought out for advice/help leaked their correspondence/emails of the ped protocols 'liver king' was doing...

fact is no one looks like that without putting in work, and it is somewhat understandable that he didn't disclose that he was enhanced via the "special stuff' as it would definitely muddy his message to lay folk & just keeping it a buck, it's not like most people in the space of using their body image as a sales tool or a proxy for trusting their word(s) in the fitness space are upfront about using peds...

😂 i didn't/don't much care either way, he is an entertaining character & some of what he is advocating makes some sense in terms of including organ meats into folks diets, him using is not necessary that pertinent to that message, altho him going so hardbody denying it makes him untrustworthy even tho it seems he does, for the most part, practices what preaches
People who thought Liver King was natural are the same ones who thought Kali Muscle didn't take roids :lol:

I get why people get defensive about roid accusations. You put in a ton of hard work and sacrifice and people think it's all the steroids and you're a cheater. I know a guy who's juicing and he the hardest worker in the gym.
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I remember when liver king promoted eating raw brain and multiple doctors on tiktok had to make videos advising everyone against it.

forgot the name but theres a deadly disease you can get from eating raw anime brains
People who though Liver King was natural are the same ones who thought Kali Muscle didn't take roids :lol:

I get why people get defensive about roid accusations. You put in a ton of hard work and sacrifice and people think it's all the steroids and you're a cheater. I know a guy who's juicing and he the hardest worker in the gym.

kali muscle is my favorite natty vegan bodybuilder.
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question for those that try maxing out on lifts: how do you decide/know how much you can add to your max? the lowest increments at the gyms seem to be 5 lbs, does anyone bring (smaller) weights to the gym??

recently bought a set of incline blocks for squatting on recommendation as a better alternative to standing on plates…used them for the 1st time this morning, it might have been the caffeine in my system, they were really difficult to use on the platform and in what should have been obvious to me, it’s use definitely requires shoes on
question for those that try maxing out on lifts: how do you decide/know how much you can add to your max? the lowest increments at the gyms seem to be 5 lbs, does anyone bring (smaller) weights to the gym??

recently bought a set of incline blocks for squatting on recommendation as a better alternative to standing on plates…used them for the 1st time this morning, it might have been the caffeine in my system, they were really difficult to use on the platform and in what should have been obvious to me, it’s use definitely requires shoes on

Micro weights in 1 and even 0.5 lbs increments help me a lot when working to improve 5 rep max. I bring them with me in my gym bag.

Ya where do you go? Thought those are standard

Some gyms are ghetto and cheap as ****. 24 Hour Fitness in some parts of California is a prime offender.

None of the Oakland locations have 2.5 plates or clamps. The one in San Leandro has a single set of 5lbs plates for the entire gym.

I think people steel and the gyms refuse to replace.
Micro weights in 1 and even 0.5 lbs increments help me a lot when working to improve 5 rep max. I bring them with me in my gym bag.

Some gyms are ghetto and cheap as ****. 24 Hour Fitness in some parts of California is a prime offender.

None of the Oakland locations have 2.5 plates or clamps. The one in San Leandro has a single set of 5lbs plates for the entire gym.

I think people steel and the gyms refuse to replace.

Use to go to the 24 in downtown Oakland since it was around the corner from my office. Always carried clamps with me. Lol

So glad I got a home gym now.
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