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I feel lucky in the biggest dudes at my gym are all pretty chill and respectful of everybody.

You get a group of kids that can be sometimes annoying when they're together, but that's about it.
Disagreed. But let you tell it.

Anybody that's so lazy they'll take weeks off at the gym for no good reasons prolly won't see consistent progress. I'd be surprised if they did, especially natty.

Too much time off --> Too much time resetting --> No gains --> Demotivation --> Too much time off --> Restart cycle

(Five days a week in the gym is like the bare minimum.)
Not lazy tho, you casting some real big aspersions for someone you don’t know. But to clarify, I’m far from lazy. And 5 days out of a 7 day week is the bare minimum, ok….. I guess, you got it then Simeon Panda
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idiot visitors in my workplace behave more like neanderthals than on the gyms I've been in. if you know how chihuahuas behave, that's exactly how the visitors are while the bros at my gym behave like bullmastiffs. hope you guys get the analogy.
consistency is key so i see what you’re saying but everyone has a different level and definitely things can change over time, especially in terms of recovery…which is when they say you actually get ‘teh gainz. ‘ generally i think getting ‘burnt out’ in any endeavor the most obvious reasons are either:

1) overworking, such that one literally exhausts their efforts, which might be a necessary at times and you just have to deal

2) boredom, not being challenged or not needing to put in much effort such that everything becomes monotonous/routine

if someone is consistent with their routine and takes a week off every month or two i don’t think it has that much impact there are studies that show as much and it’s pretty accepted that rest is necessary.

could be that homie is a complete animal those 5 days he hits the gym and isn’t giving himself enough time to actually recover or conversely it might be that he is (sub)consciously taking it light those 5 days in order to actually be able to hit the gym with that frequency and isn’t getting enough intensity/stimulus; both could result in slow progression & feeling burnt out.

either way it seems that a possible solution would be less visits to the gym, which would give more time for recovery in the former circumstance and could naturally result in inspiring more intensity for the latter situation

Dude sounds unmotivated because his results don't come in consistently, ironically because he's inconsistent. I call that lazy.

A complete animal should be seeing consistent results and should already know when they're outkicking their coverage; dude isn't that. If you asked for receipts I'm sure you'd see that (if they were even provided).

Folks that achieve satisfactory progress continually don't just take weeks off for no reason.

Not directed at dude specifically, but:
Lazy people don't need "less visits to the gym" and time away from something they have no passion for won't be "inspiring more intensity" for them in my experience. Nothing worse than lazy mfers that don't understand you don't get credit for just showing up to the gym and not putting in work.

This is all my opinion and I have absolutely no dog in this fight; if you disagree, then we'll just not see things the same way and keep it pushing, no need to keep going back and forth
Tank Top Master Tank Top Master ,Dude isn’t going back and forth either, however, dude never stated that there weren’t results, maybe not as fast as I would like, but there are definitely results. Additionally, nowhere did dude state he takes weeks off on a consistent basis, dude took two weeks off because dude was over it at the time. Furthermore, you don’t know dude to call him lazy, so if that’s your opinion then that’s cool, but dude isn’t lazy. Then you said dude did the bare minimum because when he is in there crushing it 5 days out of 7, the math equates to 71% of the days available to go the the gym, what would be the maximum, 7 out of 7, or are the special gym people who have extra days in their week and they go 7-8 days out of 9, like how is 5 days out of 7 bare minimum. If anything dude is impatient because I put the work in, and when I felt burned out, then I took some time off to miss it. And on top of that, who cares why time was taken off, I didn’t lose anything and when I started back up I didn’t notice any drop off, so no harm no foul. Plus for most of us going to the gym is only what we do, it doesn’t encompass every facet of our lives. At least not mine, and I don’t make any money off of it, some of us have other things that consumes our time. I don’t need the gym to define me, if that’s what defines a person and nothin else, then that person is already lost, or if they need the gym to be integral to their personality, then they’re nothing. Just my opinion.
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it just comes down to the saying 'different strokes |⏸️| for different folks'...some have a passion for fitness, others view fitness & the activities therein as integral or different still others just view it as a means to an end...there isn't a 'wrong' approach so long as there is some modicum of consistency over time.

i think most people (fit or not) would find a 5+ day gym/physical activity commitment untenable, especially if not integrated into their lifestyle or super motivated by some a lot of people will alternate between periods of different intensity/motivation with gymming & thus can benefit from taking time off, ideally pre-planned after a period of consistent work to recharge or do something else to make their gym routine feel less routine...

on a related note had to take like 10 days off due to a light cold, but actually felt better for the time away from the weights, working on this routine to do a kip up into a back handspring and eventually into a backtuck

Not lazy tho, you casting some real big aspersions for someone you don’t know. But to clarify, I’m far from lazy. And 5 days out of a 7 day week is the bare minimum, ok….. I guess, you got it then Simeon Panda

I clearly struck a nerve though.

Lemme stay over here then, not losing motivation, taking whole-*** weeks off for no reason, not becoming unmotivated, and seeing continual progress. You got it "bro", even though your previous post indicated otherwise.

I don't even train for hypertrophy but maybe I will be on the Simeon scale one day.
Tank Top Master Tank Top Master ,Dude isn’t going back and forth either, however, dude never stated that there weren’t results, maybe not as fast as I would like, but there are definitely results. Additionally, nowhere did dude state he takes weeks off on a consistent basis, dude took two weeks off because dude was over it at the time. Furthermore, you don’t know dude to call him lazy, so if that’s your opinion then that’s cool, but dude isn’t lazy. Then you said dude did the bare minimum because when he is in there crushing it 5 days out of 7, the math equates to 71% of the days available to go the the gym, what would be the maximum, 7 out of 7, or are the special gym people who have extra days in their week and they go 7-8 days out of 9, like how is 5 days out of 7 bare minimum. If anything dude is impatient because I put the work in, and when I felt burned out, then I took some time off to miss it. And on top of that, who cares why time was taken off, I didn’t lose anything and when I started back up I didn’t notice any drop off, so no harm no foul. Plus for most of us going to the gym is only what we do, it doesn’t encompass every facet of our lives. At least not mine, and I don’t make any money off of it, some of us have other things that consumes our time. I don’t need the gym to define me, if that’s what defines a person and nothin else, then that person is already lost, or if they need the gym to be integral to their personality, then they’re nothing. Just my opinion.

Brent Rambo | Know Your Meme
I clearly struck a nerve though.

Lemme stay over here then, not losing motivation, taking whole-*** weeks off for no reason, not becoming unmotivated, and seeing continual progress. You got it "bro", even though your previous post indicated otherwise.

I don't even train for hypertrophy but maybe I will be on the Simeon scale one day.
And I’ll stay over here not being the type to let going to the gym be “integral to my personality”
Papis, escúchame.

I’m on a beach somewhere on the Caribbean right now. Nothing fancy, literally the paramilitary side of the Colombian north coast.

Es un poco peligroso but I look amazing, I literally look exactly how I want to look in my mind’s eye, and I did it lifting heavy weights 3x per week over the last 10 years, with a rudimentary understanding of physiology and exercise science, consistent application of that knowledge, and more than a few days off.

I spent the majority of every other moment either doing degenerate ****, learning a language, or working to be able to make money from a beach somewhere anywhere in the world. Could have spent that time doing anything else, including lifting weights, but I didn’t.

I’ve learned a long time ago that lifting weights is integral to my physical wellbeing and mental health, and I coordinate every other aspect of my life around being in the gym 3x per week, MWF, first thing in the morning. That works great for me. More volume or intensity wouldn’t help me in any way according to what I want.

Papi Tank Top Master Tank Top Master es fuerte en la mente y fuerte en el cuerpo, y son opiniones son suyas.

Do what you want and tap into resources whenever you want/need guidance. But always focus on what you are trying to achieve, nothing else matters, unless you got a wife or dependents. Work hard and do the most you can given everything else in the world you choose to prioritize.
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Unwashed myself a little bit and got some metcon 8 fly ease for the gym. Not the best looking but feel great out the box which is a priority these days.

Been outchea in Brooks running shoes for the past 18 months :smh:
I think in any hobby or facet in life, you have people that dedicate an exuberant amount of time to something where others make it a part of their life in a different way.

For example, I play guitar and recently met up with a buddy I used to play guitar with all the time. My guitar skill over the years has progressed much further than his, and he kept making comments about it. But someone asked him if he played as much as I do these days, and he honestly said no and that he barely plays nowadays. But I know it’s because he allocates his free time to other things, whereas I make it a point to practice and improve and learn new things.

It’s the same concept here. The only reason I feel gym people feel they can flat out call someone lazy or go @ them due to a difference in interest / priority is because gym-ing affects your health in a positive way. So not gym-ing consistently, to some people, is seen as unhealthy.

And btw y’all shouldn’t really be arguing over consistency cause who tf cares about that, it’s dependent on goals and timelines. To Tank Top Master Tank Top Master “standards” for himself, you’re “lazy”. From what I’ve read, his personal standards and consistency are unrealistic for most people working full time jobs, especially those who have families and aren’t super young (aka prone to injuries).
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