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had to change treadmills…. Dude next to me smelled so ****ing bad… like some expired sauerkraut 0]
much worse during summer time. good thing that elder man contaminating the equipment that he is using doesn't go to my gym anymore. friggin people just don't have manners. we have showers and they don't even have the audacity to use them. anyway, I shower first before going to my gym.

I can't lift due to restrictions from the dr but i can do aerobic like treadmill, elliptical, etc. Question is where will i see the most benefit ? Curious cause i go to the gym and I'm seeing zero results.
how long have you been going to the gym? what's your intensity level allowed? what are your restrictions.

I've been off working out for about a year (and a half) since returning back recently due to calf and neck injuries. even after returning, I'm being careful not to aggrevate those injuries and playing it safe for now.

as far as benefits goes, endurance, weight loss, calf/thigh/knee/etc...

it's no easy development and could take awhile depending on yourself.
how long have you been going to the gym? what's your intensity level allowed? what are your restrictions.

I've been off working out for about a year (and a half) since returning back recently due to calf and neck injuries. even after returning, I'm being careful not to aggrevate those injuries and playing it safe for now.

as far as benefits goes, endurance, weight loss, calf/thigh/knee/etc...

it's no easy development and could take awhile depending on yourself.

I deal with epilepsy and dr put me on a 20 lb restriction, has everyone i work with salty as hell. Dr said elliptical is fine but i never did it, just stuck to the treadmill. Went to the gym starting last August but not seeing any results kinda put me off so i ain't been there since like March but i wanna start going again. Was eating right but kinda fell off there too |l

Just wanna know where I'd see more results going back .
I deal with epilepsy and dr put me on a 20 lb restriction, has everyone i work with salty as hell. Dr said elliptical is fine but i never did it, just stuck to the treadmill. Went to the gym starting last August but not seeing any results kinda put me off so i ain't been there since like March but i wanna start going again. Was eating right but kinda fell off there too |l

Just wanna know where I'd see more results going back .

if i remember correctly, you were also on a keto diet right? what results are you looking for and what all are you doing at the gym??

if you can’t use additional weights, can you do body weight exercises? you can very the intensity by going super slow and increasing the time under tension or going explosive/fast…also you can do gymnastics rings/trx to help with the body weight stuff, also taking short walks (max 5-10 min) after meals
Yeah i was doing keto which did get me down 30 lbs according to the scale but just felt like nothing was happening. Honestly just lost interest with the lack of results.

I'm not lookin for a 6 pack, just wanna trim down. I'll definitely try the calisthenics, someone at work told me the same thing. Dude said he never lifted a weight in his life and he one of them dudes doing slow mo chin ups lookin mean at the camera :lol:

Preciate the info fam :smokin
Yeah i was doing keto which did get me down 30 lbs according to the scale but just felt like nothing was happening. Honestly just lost interest with the lack of results.

I'm not lookin for a 6 pack, just wanna trim down. I'll definitely try the calisthenics, someone at work told me the same thing. Dude said he never lifted a weight in his life and he one of them dudes doing slow mo chin ups lookin mean at the camera :lol:

Preciate the info fam :smokin

to add, it is said ‘comparison is the thief of joy’ so be careful comparing yourself too much to others because we all have varying genetic predispositions, and the homie that just does calisthenics & never touched a weight probably isn’t the same as you

diet can do much of the heavy lifting #punintended for some body composition up to a point but in order to continue see results most people will need to find a way to actually put on some muscle. unfortunately a lot of people neglect that part when trying to lose weight and actually lose muscle in the process.

depending on where someone is at on that timeline it may require some increase in calories to actually start that building process…
Yeah i was doing keto which did get me down 30 lbs according to the scale but just felt like nothing was happening. Honestly just lost interest with the lack of results.

I'm not lookin for a 6 pack, just wanna trim down. I'll definitely try the calisthenics, someone at work told me the same thing. Dude said he never lifted a weight in his life and he one of them dudes doing slow mo chin ups lookin mean at the camera :lol:

Preciate the info fam :smokin
not sure how frequent your epilepsy attack is or how dangerous it can be, so I'm in no liberty to suggest something extreme or hiit. anyhow, if you have someone looking after you while doing these exercises, I guess it's fine to do it as long as it is not something that would crush you. in my experience, doing the oval (5k run/jog/walk) and swimming really cut my weight. however, the intensity while doing those are more in the intermediate level and not less. when you could manage, you can push further. since you are limited to the intensity and 20 lb weight, you might need to increase the frequency and reps. you might want to try the decline bench sit ups/crunches too.

I can't lift due to restrictions from the dr but i can do aerobic like treadmill, elliptical, etc. Question is where will i see the most benefit ? Curious cause i go to the gym and I'm seeing zero results.
Brisk walk on the treadmill with an incline

You can do higher reps and more sets with the lighter weights. Or circuits. All that will give u a nice sweat
diet can do much of the heavy lifting #punintended for some body composition up to a point but in order to continue see results most people will need to find a way to actually put on some muscle. unfortunately a lot of people neglect that part when trying to lose weight and actually lose muscle in the process.

ALL OF THIS! In the past when I have only done cardio I might see initial weight loss but then I stagnate. However, over the past three years when I have been active, I mix in weight lifting cardio and that is when I really see results.

It is kind of why I mentioned a few days ago that in my current routine, I am not as concerned about weight. Besides the fact that I have been using different scales that give different readings, at the end of the day I can see the changes in the mirror and measurements. The way some of pieces in my wardrobe fit are actually a pretty good estimation of how well I'm doing :lol:
ALL OF THIS! In the past when I have only done cardio I might see initial weight loss but then I stagnate. However, over the past three years when I have been active, I mix in weight lifting cardio and that is when I really see results.

It is kind of why I mentioned a few days ago that in my current routine, I am not as concerned about weight. Besides the fact that I have been using different scales that give different readings, at the end of the day I can see the changes in the mirror and measurements. The way some of pieces in my wardrobe fit are actually a pretty good estimation of how well I'm doing :lol:
in the past 10 years, I have gone from a small frame to an XL. I couldn't even fit in the same machine I used 10 years ago. :lol:
in the past 10 years, I have gone from a small frame to an XL. I couldn't even fit in the same machine I used 10 years ago. :lol:

I am assuming this was your intent so good **** :lol::nthat:I would probably have to go back to 15 years not 10 but in that time frame I went from XL to Medium (and yes that was with purpose :lol:)
not sure how frequent your epilepsy attack is or how dangerous it can be, so I'm in no liberty to suggest something extreme or hiit. anyhow, if you have someone looking after you while doing these exercises, I guess it's fine to do it as long as it is not something that would crush you. in my experience, doing the oval (5k run/jog/walk) and swimming really cut my weight. however, the intensity while doing those are more in the intermediate level and not less. when you could manage, you can push further. since you are limited to the intensity and 20 lb weight, you might need to increase the frequency and reps. you might want to try the decline bench sit ups/crunches too.

happens mostly in my sleep but my wife has shown me videos of me sleep walking , standing in my living room walking in circles, folding clothes , i can't even watch em. my poor wife is going thru it :lol::ohwell:

i got DBS surgery and it kinda stopped em but the dr's keep messing with the meds and i have em every now and then. thats why the lb limit and other stuff.

appreciate all the input tho from everyone :smokin

DBS surgery if anyone's interested ..

happens mostly in my sleep but my wife has shown me videos of me sleep walking , standing in my living room walking in circles, folding clothes , i can't even watch em. my poor wife is going thru it :lol::ohwell:

i got DBS surgery and it kinda stopped em but the dr's keep messing with the meds and i have em every now and then. thats why the lb limit and other stuff.

appreciate all the input tho from everyone :smokin

DBS surgery if anyone's interested ..

I see. Basing from what you said, that's more like narcolepsy. epileptic seizures are more worrisome imo. Haven't had a sleep walking episode more than 10 years ago. I was physically asleep but my mind was frigging active like I was dreaming but was aware of my surroundings. Forgot my wife was working the night shift and heard someone was opening the door of the bedroom. I sprung on top of the bed and did a boxer pose and shouted like I was ready for a fight. It surprised my wife initially then started laughing while I suddenly calmed down and collapsed on the bed afterwards. I believe that event only lasted 3 secs.
I see. Basing from what you said, that's more like narcolepsy. epileptic seizures are more worrisome imo. Haven't had a sleep walking episode more than 10 years ago. I was physically asleep but my mind was frigging active like I was dreaming but was aware of my surroundings. Forgot my wife was working the night shift and heard someone was opening the door of the bedroom. I sprung on top of the bed and did a boxer pose and shouted like I was ready for a fight. It surprised my wife initially then started laughing while I suddenly calmed down and collapsed on the bed afterwards. I believe that event only lasted 3 secs.

Not to pry but were you diagnosed with anything? I ask mainly because I thought this was a certain type of dream (lucid dream maybe)?
Not to pry but were you diagnosed with anything? I ask mainly because I thought this was a certain type of dream (lucid dream maybe)?
I didn't really pay attention to it. but I do know that I did some sleep walking as a kid. I did have an active mind when I was younger and could remember my dreams. one dream (nightmare) is scary and could still remember it like it's fresh and another dream was really nice like I don't want to wake up. those are really old dreams but they always stayed in my mind.
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