STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread


Had the five guys in there last night.
All this recent diet talk had me thinking “I don’t **** enough”. So yesterday when I was at Whole Foods looking for sleep tea, I saw this and copped to see what it was about.

Had two bags astound 4PM…nothing. A couple hours late I had two more…nothing. I’m thinking it’s fraudulent so I have my sleep tea around 11:30 then man….from midnight to 2AM THO….

Woke up this morning feeling light and spry as **** :smokin Doubling down on the cleanse with this other purchase from yesterday


Man might as well skip all this, take a few days off work and drink a few gallons go lytely.

My med school surgery attending: They do not go lightly.
Had the five guys in there last night.

Speaking of that topic along with your post last night, I think there is truth to your statement about eating “crappier” just meaning that you have to go harder in the gym.

The cardio is king mindset is real too (also false). I just don’t recommend it to people because I don’t know enough about the exact science behind it and I know anytime you talk about “lifting weights” when you’re not frail that people assume you mean heavy ****. They don’t realize they can get by with some 25s (for dudes, ladies could go lighter).
fam, i had the regular king kong bag for years and that **** was massive. ended up selling it and getting the backpack

The website recommended the 51L duffel but I knew that be too small.
I really wish they had a bigger bag but the 63L is the biggest they make.

I bring Chucks, Romaleos, and running shoes in the bag, plus 3-4 belts, clips, and some cable attachments...I'm basically bringing everything but the weights, rack, and barbell in that
Speaking of that topic along with your post last night, I think there is truth to your statement about eating “crappier” just meaning that you have to go harder in the gym.

The cardio is king mindset is real too (also false). I just don’t recommend it to people because I don’t know enough about the exact science behind it and I know anytime you talk about “lifting weights” when you’re not frail that people assume you mean heavy ****. They don’t realize they can get by with some 25s (for dudes, ladies could go lighter).

I for one mean lifting heavy **** when I say lifting and folks irl know that.

One of the reasons I think people don't see good results is because they don't lift long or hard enough (⏸️). If the lifting portion of your workout takes less than an hour and a half, you prolly didn't even hit it good IMO.

I see people come in, warm up, workout, and leave in the time it takes me to do one barbell lift, and 99.9% of the time they're folks are both weaker and less brolic than Tank Top Master Tank Top Master .

With all that said, there are of course multiple ways to skin a cat and everyone has different goals I guess.

Unless a dude is small and weak or doing lateral raises or curls for a 15 to 20 clip, they should definitely not be using 25's.
Unless a dude is small and weak or doing lateral raises or curls for a 15 to 20 clip, they should definitely not be using 25's.

And go home and be a family man is the ultimate disrespectful things I like to say.. :rofl:

But this is kind of what I was saying. It’s usually the Family Man that is complaining about gaining weight, wanting to lose an extra few, etc. He’s not going to be lifting heavy weights in his 30s-40s. The folks in this thread are much closer to the exception than the norm when it comes to working out. Just like any niche thread on NT tbh :lol: (sports, sneakers, entertainment, etc)
But this is kind of what I was saying. It’s usually the Family Man that is complaining about gaining weight, wanting to lose an extra few, etc. He’s not going to be lifting heavy weights in his 30s-40s. The folks in this thread are much closer to the exception than the norm when it comes to working out. Just like any niche thread on NT tbh :lol: (sports, sneakers, entertainment, etc)

most folks will never squat 500 in general but if someone at 200lbs takes powerlifting seriously and trains for it, they can a very good shot at squatting 500 and deadlifting 600

i guess the question is how do you define ‘seriously’ in terms of training? relative to a powerlifter, i’m not serious at all…but i have been improving just by being consistent and keeping the volume low & the intensity away from failure. to this point i hadn’t really been targeting any specific goals other than just getting better at the compound lifts, which i still have a bunch of room to improve on

Yeah, nah breh.

(Frequency × Volume × Intensity) ÷ Recovery = Gainz.

Remember that formula.

You either gotta do high intensity + adequate frequency or high volume + adequate frequency to hit those numbers IME.

We got cats like that that do 90 pound jumps on bar and hit 315+ on their third warmup and do higher intensity. You got me who might hit a barbell lift for 12-15+ sets 2 or 3 times a week.

Frequency needs to be high enough to allow you practice/maintain your form and keep your neural pathways "open".

Volume/intensity needs to be high enough to drive neural and/or muscular growth, and need to be manipulated in order for your body to not crumble as your lift:BW ratio goes up.

Seeming or being "athletic" gets you absolutely no zero on the platform. Tryna be a 200 pound natty powerlifter who's stonk, aesthetic, and "athletic" might be too much for somebody with a day job and/or without elite genetics.

On a certain Sports, Hip Hop & Piff site we debated the rarity of folks hitting 225/315 on skwat or bench. Think about the folks celebrating hitting the 1K Club.

1400 at 200 lbs prolly ain't something your gonna stumble into unless your last name is Kent or Banner.

makes sense, basically y’all are both saying in order to reach said numbers the training has to be intentional to some extent

Accessories are important if you're trying to improve the big 3 lifts

true, definitely something i am trying to do more of, anecdotally i’ve noticed that when i get better at box jumps my squat & deadlift improve as well
i guess the question is how do you define ‘seriously’ in terms of training? relative to a powerlifter, i’m not serious at all…but i have been improving just by being consistent and keeping the volume low & the intensity away from failure. to this point i hadn’t really been targeting any specific goals other than just getting better at the compound lifts, which i still have a bunch of room to improve on

makes sense, basically y’all are both saying in order to reach said numbers the training has to be intentional to some extent

true, definitely something i am trying to do more of, anecdotally i’ve noticed that when i get better at box jumps my squat & deadlift improve as well

serious = you follow the program. you dont skip days cause youre "tired". you get your protein in.


powerlifting really isnt hard. its one of the easiest sports ever lol
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