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Anecdotally, all the "ripped and/or brolic & I'm 99.9% sure they're natty 'folks I know irl eat. They may not eat McDonald's or salads for every meal, but they eat. Yes, food.

Older ex-powerlifting trainer breh at my main gym tells me to up my calories every time I see him.

Most of the folks(admittedly not that many) that do IF that I know look like crap.

Not saying that The Hunger Games District NT in here is like that though.

Then not eating food is prolly even healthier than a purely plant based diet, with all that plant cholesterol, photosynthesis.

But I'm not tryna be a twig anymore so I'll live a shorter, more brolic life (maybe).

LOL those pro body builders have short life spans for a plethora of reasons. Be looking extra brolic in the casket tho.
Then not eating food is prolly even healthier than a purely plant based diet, with all that plant cholesterol, photosynthesis.

😂 those in the longevity space do basically say this, altho based on limited data & not really taking into account quality of life, there are studies that show that folk tend to live longer by limiting calories and specifically protein, as there is something about protein synthesis that increases aging/degeneration or something along those lines…
LOL those pro body builders have short life spans for a plethora of reasons. Be looking extra brolic in the casket tho.

Not a bodybuilder or a pro so that's on folks that choose that life.

😂 those in the longevity space do basically say this, altho based on limited data & not really taking into account quality of life, there are studies that show that folk tend to live longer by limiting calories and specifically protein, as there is something about protein synthesis that increases aging/degeneration or something along those lines…
Image of Come on, you apes! You wanna live forever?
Based on what?

This is a decent study but still with limitations i mentioned earlier.

The main benefit of a plant based diet is its protective against the biggest causes of mortality amongst oldee adults (carcinogenesis, heart disease). There are biochemical/molecular mechanisms at play here.

The study highlights that its less important in young people but if youre washed and old you may want to consider it.

There are some studies on 7th day adventists but they overall tend to live healthier lifestyles which I highlighted in my previous post as a confounding factor amongst vegetarians.

The strongest evidence for me personally just comes down to biochemistry and the mechanisms of eating plants/fiber rich foods thwarting carcinogenesis, inflammation, and metabolic aberrations.
Theres this skinny 20 year old kid washing everyone on the mat 1 by 1 myself included. I need to go home and be a family man. :lol:

I got one arm sub in on this obviously out of shape blue belt that struggles against me every week.
question for the seasoned (power) lifters: how attainable/reasonable would it be to get to a 2.5x bodyweight squat & 3x deadlift @ 200lbs?

right now i’m about 225, max squat: 420 bench: 255, deadlift: 540, been lifting about 2-3 times a week since starting lifting 2021 post pandemic, so i’d be losing 25lbs while trying to but 80 on my squat & 60 on my deadlift, and maybe get to 3 plates for around a 1.5x bench…

not looking to get to these numbers soon but as an eventual goal it be cool to get somewhere close to these numbers
question for the seasoned (power) lifters: how attainable/reasonable would it be to get to a 2.5x bodyweight squat & 3x deadlift @ 200lbs?

right now i’m about 225, max squat: 420 bench: 255, deadlift: 540, been lifting about 2-3 times a week since starting lifting 2021 post pandemic, so i’d be losing 25lbs while trying to but 80 on my squat & 60 on my deadlift, and maybe get to 3 plates for around a 1.5x bench…

not looking to get to these numbers soon but as an eventual goal it be cool to get somewhere close to these numbers

at 200lb bodyweight a 500lb squat and 600lb deadlift is VERY attainable.

those numbers in powerllifting terms (at your BW) is ez money sniper.

you need to get on program and train for it though.

squat 2x a week, bench 3-4 a week, and deadlift 1-2 a week.
Tank Top Master Tank Top Master what do you mean by the folks you know that do IF look like crap? Are they aging poorly? Fat? Frail? Something else?

Just trying to get some perspective

Mostly frail and/or skinny fat. I'm sure there are some jacked vegans like Arian Foster but I've never met any vegetarians that didn't look "vegetarian" or seen/heard of anyone doing IF/OMAD that looked like "that dude" except for Greg Plitt (

Knew a couple of dudes that did IF at my old job and it didn't seem to be any more effective (to me) than if they just ate less overall and put in work in the gym.

Most "fitness-conscious" folks at my current job seem to just eat super clean. A lot of fruit, lean meats, salads, very little bread, etc. All of them except for one are pure cardio monsters or just normies that don't even look like they lift.

Imma go out on a limb and say most folks could prolly get a way with a "crappier" diet if they just went harder in the gym, but most folks don't want to hear that. Most folks also seem to think that cardio is superior to lifting for body composition goals and I wholly disagree.

People constantly incorrectly assume I eat clean just because I'm kinda swole.

Cat from work hit the
the other day when I told him I don't diet, I just actually go to the gym consistently. I made sure to point out all the junk I was eating the rest of the week to him. :lol:

tl;dr: I'm sure fasting has weight loss benefits that can be matched doing other, easier things and I like food too much to give it up. I'm also not tryna lose weight so I'm by no means an expert.
question for the seasoned (power) lifters: how attainable/reasonable would it be to get to a 2.5x bodyweight squat & 3x deadlift @ 200lbs?

right now i’m about 225, max squat: 420 bench: 255, deadlift: 540, been lifting about 2-3 times a week since starting lifting 2021 post pandemic, so i’d be losing 25lbs while trying to but 80 on my squat & 60 on my deadlift, and maybe get to 3 plates for around a 1.5x bench…

not looking to get to these numbers soon but as an eventual goal it be cool to get somewhere close to these numbers
at 200lb bodyweight a 500lb squat and 600lb deadlift is VERY attainable.

those numbers in powerllifting terms (at your BW) is ez money sniper.

you need to get on program and train for it though.

squat 2x a week, bench 3-4 a week, and deadlift 1-2 a week.

Not a seasoned powerlifter like Josh n'dem but Imma disagree and say it's not very realistic for most folks not focusing on PL, especially with all the workout stuff you post tokes99 tokes99 that's not PL-specific.

Anybody that's put up those numbers also knows it's a lot harder to have 2-3 lifts at a certain level or peak than it is a single lift, especially year-round.

Most dudes at 200 pounds that aren't serious about powerlifting ain't walking around in the 1400 Pound Club but Beruseruku Desu Beruseruku Desu seems to disagree.

Some observations:
  • I've been lifting since fall of '15. It took about 8 months of lifting to go from 95 pounds on SL 5x5 for me to hit 4 plates, maybe 2 1⁄2 years to hit 500+, and almost 4 years to hit 600.

  • Anecdotally, I know of like five dudes in my city that can pull 600+ and only myself is doing that 3.0+x BW.

  • The amount of cats squatting 500+ is also low, and again, all of the dudes are more than 200 lbs.

  • All of us compete in at least city-level competitions of some sort, and none of us (to my knowledge) does any type of other "stuff" in the gym: no hooping, no plyos, no swimming, not a lot of cardio, etc. We're also tend to lift longer and/or at higher intensities than most other folks.

  • I haven't done a serious full-power event in a minute so my squat hasn't "needed" to be higher, but when I was 203 and squatting 500-520 with wraps I was squatting heavy singles at least 6x a week for almost 3 months straight. At the same weight/different time I pulled over six and a half plates using the same programming.
tokes99 tokes99 My squat will regress on only 2x a week frequency unless both days use heavy back squats, and then I'm prolly at maintenance. If you're in the same boat, you might be hitting legs 3 or more times a week pleighboi.

when you squat over 500lbs you dont need research
Damn. I just realized that Anime Alphabet Josh is this guy as I typed this out.

Me and him had a "discussion" last month about hooping and lifting, and apparently powerlifting and basketball don't mix.

Might need to cut out the sports stuff tokes99 tokes99 and focus more on the Big Three, but that's just my 0.02 and Beruseruku Desu Beruseruku Desu squats more than I do so he has the hammer.
Beruseruku Desu Beruseruku Desu Tank Top Master Tank Top Master bet, not going to be really out to pursue these in the immediate, just something to have a gauge of how attainable the numbers were in those circles as i don’t really see to many powerlifters on the regular, so i don’t have a frame of reference for what’s possible or what it takes and i imagine powerlifters are aiming to progress multiple lifts at the same time as a result of the sport

on the rare occasion i have been in the gym w/guys that powerlift they always drop a few gems on technique or tips tho i never think to ask about their programming, i don’t hoop as much these days (which is kinda anxiety inducing on the rare occasions i do, so i’m trying to ease back in to that) anyways but i definitely want to maintain athleticism in the mold of cats like these:

granted i’d guess both are probably above 200lbs but both seem to lift heavy but still be athletic, which is why i try to keep some athletic stuff in my training/workout activities and not go too crazy with the intensity on the lifts and not too much additional accessory work
Not a seasoned powerlifter like Josh n'dem but Imma disagree and say it's not very realistic for most folks not focusing on PL, especially with all the workout stuff you post tokes99 tokes99 that's not PL-specific.

Anybody that's put up those numbers also knows it's a lot harder to have 2-3 lifts at a certain level or peak than it is a single lift, especially year-round.

Most dudes at 200 pounds that aren't serious about powerlifting ain't walking around in the 1400 Pound Club but Beruseruku Desu Beruseruku Desu seems to disagree.

Some observations:
  • I've been lifting since fall of '15. It took about 8 months of lifting to go from 95 pounds on SL 5x5 for me to hit 4 plates, maybe 2 1⁄2 years to hit 500+, and almost 4 years to hit 600.

  • Anecdotally, I know of like five dudes in my city that can pull 600+ and only myself is doing that 3.0+x BW.

  • The amount of cats squatting 500+ is also low, and again, all of the dudes are more than 200 lbs.

  • All of us compete in at least city-level competitions of some sort, and none of us (to my knowledge) does any type of other "stuff" in the gym: no hooping, no plyos, no swimming, not a lot of cardio, etc. We're also tend to lift longer and/or at higher intensities than most other folks.

  • I haven't done a serious full-power event in a minute so my squat hasn't "needed" to be higher, but when I was 203 and squatting 500-520 with wraps I was squatting heavy singles at least 6x a week for almost 3 months straight. At the same weight/different time I pulled over six and a half plates using the same programming.
tokes99 tokes99 My squat will regress on only 2x a week frequency unless both days use heavy back squats, and then I'm prolly at maintenance. If you're in the same boat, you might be hitting legs 3 or more times a week pleighboi.

Damn. I just realized that Anime Alphabet Josh is this guy as I typed this out.

Me and him had a "discussion" last month about hooping and lifting, and apparently powerlifting and basketball don't mix.

Might need to cut out the sports stuff tokes99 tokes99 and focus more on the Big Three, but that's just my 0.02 and Beruseruku Desu Beruseruku Desu squats more than I do so he has the hammer.

most folks will never squat 500 in general but if someone at 200lbs takes powerlifting seriously and trains for it, they can a very good shot at squatting 500 and deadlifting 600
granted i’d guess both are probably above 200lbs but both seem to lift heavy but still be athletic, which is why i try to keep some athletic stuff in my training/workout activities and not go too crazy with the intensity on the lifts and not too much additional accessory work

Yeah, nah breh.

(Frequency × Volume × Intensity) ÷ Recovery = Gainz.

Remember that formula.

You either gotta do high intensity + adequate frequency or high volume + adequate frequency to hit those numbers IME.

We got cats like that that do 90 pound jumps on bar and hit 315+ on their third warmup and do higher intensity. You got me who might hit a barbell lift for 12-15+ sets 2 or 3 times a week.

Frequency needs to be high enough to allow you practice/maintain your form and keep your neural pathways "open".

Volume/intensity needs to be high enough to drive neural and/or muscular growth, and need to be manipulated in order for your body to not crumble as your lift:BW ratio goes up.

Seeming or being "athletic" gets you absolutely no zero on the platform. Tryna be a 200 pound natty powerlifter who's stonk, aesthetic, and "athletic" might be too much for somebody with a day job and/or without elite genetics.

On a certain Sports, Hip Hop & Piff site we debated the rarity of folks hitting 225/315 on skwat or bench. Think about the folks celebrating hitting the 1K Club.

1400 at 200 lbs prolly ain't something your gonna stumble into unless your last name is Kent or Banner.
most folks will never squat 500 in general but if someone at 200lbs takes powerlifting seriously and trains for it, they can a very good shot at squatting 500 and deadlifting 600

Yeah, I think we're saying the same thing.

A 5 plate squat is like an opener at most state-level raw comps for 198/220 but it will get you tribute as a gawd in a commercial gym at that size.
All this recent diet talk had me thinking “I don’t **** enough”. So yesterday when I was at Whole Foods looking for sleep tea, I saw this and copped to see what it was about.

Had two bags astound 4PM…nothing. A couple hours late I had two more…nothing. I’m thinking it’s fraudulent so I have my sleep tea around 11:30 then man….from midnight to 2AM THO….

Woke up this morning feeling light and spry as **** :smokin Doubling down on the cleanse with this other purchase from yesterday

All this recent diet talk had me thinking “I don’t **** enough”. So yesterday when I was at Whole Foods looking for sleep tea, I saw this and copped to see what it was about.

Had two bags astound 4PM…nothing. A couple hours late I had two more…nothing. I’m thinking it’s fraudulent so I have my sleep tea around 11:30 then man….from midnight to 2AM THO….

Woke up this morning feeling light and spry as **** :smokin Doubling down on the cleanse with this other purchase from yesterday

You drank 4 cups of laxative tea?

Also, chamomile tea is good for before bed. Tea will always be >>>> coffee to me. It's medicine.
I don't know if you've ever tasted apple cider vinegar but it's ******* disgusting :lol:. Get the gummies instead they're delectable. And eat oatmeal it will keep you regular
You drank 4 cups of laxative tea?

Also, chamomile tea is good for before bed. Tea will always be >>>> coffee to me. It's medicine.

I have never had laxative tea before in my life so I wasn’t sure of proper dosage. Plus since it’s only tea and my schedule was clear the rest of yesterday and today, I went for it. No humanly harm, no foul. I say humanly harm because my toilet got debacled up :lol: :smh:

Yeah, I have noticed that several of the sleep teas have chamomile in them. I generally agree with you about tea being better than coffee. There are so many different types with a myriad of benefits beyond just the taste and caffeine provided by coffee.
I don't know if you've ever tasted apple cider vinegar but it's ****ing disgusting :lol:. Get the gummies instead they're delectable. And eat oatmeal it will keep you regular

I have been consuming apple cider vinegar with water or tea for like a decade so I am familiar with the taste. It doesn’t really bother me at this point. A couple teaspoons mixed with some water isn’t a dealbreaker.

This honey cayenne joint actually tastes good. Thank you for the gummies recommendation! Ima throw them in my next Amazon cart
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