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Actually, I think you're the only one saying loading is pointless.

lol the entire forum says it, and many articles state it too. But its his money he can load if he wants.

Money has nothing to do with loading or not loading. If you or anyone else thinks loading is a scheme to buy more then you have absolutely no clue on how to take creatine.

Is loading necessary? No
Does it work? Yes
Is it a money making conspiracy? Hell no.

So.. is every three hours sufficient time between dosages or do I need to wait longer?

There isn't a set time between doses. It doesn't have to be strictly regimented. Take a dose with some juice at breakfast, one post workout, maybe one pre workout and the other at night. Take it with some sort of sugar and remember to continually drink water.

I was hearing that I shouldn't drink citric juices with creatine. A lot of people were suggesting grape juice. Broscience or no?
The only difference is that one is in an academic journal, and one is on Niketalk. They are both retrospective, mostly concerning one case. Case studies carry practically zero weight in academic circles, although they can be starting points for changes in treatment regimens, characterization of new illness, etc.

As a physician, you could document pure ******** and write it up as a case report. It happens.


You do realize there is a huge difference between a peer reviewed academic journal and nike talk, right? lol

No reputable academic journal is just gonna publish some garbage experiment.
Anyone workout from home?  I feel going to the gym sometimes is annoying because loud music, etc all the annoying things about the gym. 
Also i dont understand how people do some exercises that gets them results. Some exercise look straight up stupid.
If you read some of the garbage posted on here and still have the audacity to call it "basically a case study" then no one should take you seriously going forward.

You also need to fall back on calling dudes out (iLLest) for whining/venting/crying in this post. If they use this thread to release some stress by posting on here and it is a benefit to them then so be it.

You pretty much invented crying on NikeTalk with your "girl problem" posts from a few years back. Did you forget about those already?

Chill with the negativity and grumpy-old-man attitude.
So now almost 10 years ago equals a few years huh?

I wasn't calling him out. I was trying to motivate his ***.
You do realize there is a huge difference between a peer reviewed academic journal and nike talk, right? lol

No reputable academic journal is just gonna publish some garbage experiment.
I'm two months away from being a physician. I know what the difference is.

Do you know what a case report is? It's an observation of a given outcome in a given case. It's not an experiment. Someone saw something interesting and decided to write it up.

Academic journals aren't immune to the submission of false reports either. Much easier to make up a case report than a prospective study.

This argument is stupid, so I'll drop it. I apologize for taking it further than it needed to go. The point I ultimately wanted to make was that supplements are RARELY subjected to vigorous academic studies where use is proven to have some benefit. The benefits vary on a person to person basis, which should be kept in mind before making a purchase.
"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable" - Socrates
Man i had to take some days off from IF been doing it since December and past few days i can literally hear my body telling me to feed it, was trying to study for GMAT durinng lunch at work and my body could not focus at all
Even though I'm only benching 95 lbs, I'm starting to get my form down. At the start of April, I'm switching to a 4 day split. Not sure if I wanna take a week off from the gym before that though. Over a year strong with no missed sessions by then.
This internship stuff is terrible. Sit at a desk for 8 hours aday, usually eat out (even if Subway) then you come home and your tired from SITTING all day.

When I'm done I might do a 4 day a week regimen, with some days doin AM/PM stuff (Work in out and accessory work/ball later on) Does anyone do it? Whats your schedule /split like?
This internship stuff is terrible. Sit at a desk for 8 hours aday, usually eat out (even if Subway) then you come home and your tired from SITTING all day.

When I'm done I might do a 4 day a week regimen, with some days doin AM/PM stuff (Work in out and accessory work/ball later on) Does anyone do it? Whats your schedule /split like?

I work a corporate gig every hour i walk around the office and go outside or upstairs for a few min or just go outside and stand , when i get off i go straight the gym
Anyone have any experience with juice cleansing? Looking for some input
juicing is a pain sometimes. my juicer has like 5 different parts to clean after each use. needless to say, my cleanse didnt last very long. i still juice if i have a lot of fruits and veggies to use up, but not daily anymore

i just bought a blender and have been making shakes. it allows you to use the whole fruit and then you can add whey, pb, supps, etc. way better imo
This internship stuff is terrible. Sit at a desk for 8 hours aday, usually eat out (even if Subway) then you come home and your tired from SITTING all day.

When I'm done I might do a 4 day a week regimen, with some days doin AM/PM stuff (Work in out and accessory work/ball later on) Does anyone do it? Whats your schedule /split like?
a couple semesters ago i had classes from 7am to 2pm then straight to work from 3 -10. absolutely no time or energy for the gym. but then i started to settle into my daily routine of school/work and decided to hit the gym at 5am before class. it sucked in the begininng, but then i started to really like it. only thing that sucked was that i was going to bed at like 8 or 9. i felt like an old man 
This internship stuff is terrible. Sit at a desk for 8 hours aday, usually eat out (even if Subway) then you come home and your tired from SITTING all day.

When I'm done I might do a 4 day a week regimen, with some days doin AM/PM stuff (Work in out and accessory work/ball later on) Does anyone do it? Whats your schedule /split like?

Im still getting into my routine but i work 7:30 to 4 and by the time i drive home and get to the gym its about 5:30 usually out by 7.
Im in bed by 10:30 or 11 most nights. U spend your free time more wise when you have a jam packed day i feel. I dont really browse the interwebs at home anymore nor do i have time for video games. Its work, workout and spend time with my girl. I really dont miss the stuff that i used to do in my free time honestly and its given me something to look forward to in the day.
This internship stuff is terrible. Sit at a desk for 8 hours aday, usually eat out (even if Subway) then you come home and your tired from SITTING all day.

When I'm done I might do a 4 day a week regimen, with some days doin AM/PM stuff (Work in out and accessory work/ball later on) Does anyone do it? Whats your schedule /split like?
No reason why you can't make your own lunch. Whip up some tuna or chicken salad the night before.
Man i had to take some days off from IF been doing it since December and past few days i can literally hear my body telling me to feed it, was trying to study for GMAT durinng lunch at work and my body could not focus at all

LOL i know what you mean. especially after a low cal day, my body is screamin for some grub!
after 3-4 months of Intermittent Fasting and inspiration from this thread, here are my progress pics! i was at 155lbs before. now i'm at 147. (ignore me posin with the Reps magazine. it was an inside joke with the wifey. lol)
You droppped the bf% and put on some muscle. Good job son.
Man it be so hard sometimes when your in a crib full of snacks. Sugary cereals, poptarts, ice cream, dove chocolates.

Idk how I keep sane man :lol:
Man it be so hard sometimes when your in a crib full of snacks. Sugary cereals, poptarts, ice cream, dove chocolates.

Idk how I keep sane man :lol:

I'd show you how many sweet, bad **** is kept in this house of 7 but i'd be ashamed of showing how my family eats.
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