STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Took my usual 2 scoops of C4 today and I didn't feel anything at all. It was working alright until today. Smh.
I tell folks all the time, drop sugar out of your diet and watch how lean you get. It took me the longest (I think it was Durden when we went back and forth on the carbs thing) to finally realize carbs wasn't the issue, it was the fact I was eating just way to much sugar, which I contributed it to be simply eating to much carbs.
What were you eating? Candy, cakes? Etc. What was your problem child?

You really had to call me a child though over what I posted? Dog, grow up.
yea I agree DC..explain more rook

All I'm saying is, I've been eating alot of sugar. Juices, fruit (Healthy but still sugar at the end of the day), greek yogurt (loaded with sugar), etc. It took me awhile to realize it wasn't "carbs" that was stopping me from becoming fully lean, it was that I wasn't eating the right carbs. I did more reading on complex carbs, etc and I know fully understand the difference.

That's all.
stop with the juice, period

theres absolutely nothing wrong with eating fruits

and if your gonna eat greek yogurt, get plain.
Hit 175 on the bench today to the JT album :lol: :lol:

Benching 20 lbs over my own weight. Feels good :pimp: :pimp:

And I can still barely do 1 pullup :frown: :frown: :lol:
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Actually, I think you're the only one saying loading is pointless.

lol the entire forum says it, and many articles state it too. But its his money he can load if he wants.

Money has nothing to do with loading or not loading. If you or anyone else thinks loading is a scheme to buy more then you have absolutely no clue on how to take creatine.

Is loading necessary? No
Does it work? Yes
Is it a money making conspiracy? Hell no.

So.. is every three hours sufficient time between dosages or do I need to wait longer?
I would heavy lifting for 3 weeks. Then I would go do moderate lifting for another 3 weeks.
Im like 5'6'' , 155 lbs and carry lower belly and back fat :x

Heavy Lift weeks 1-3 (Example):
Chest Day (Monday): 1st week- Flat; 2nd week- decline; 3rd week- incline
Back Day (Tuesday or Wednesday): 1st week- traps; 2nd week- lats, 3rd- sacrum area, etc...
Shoulder Day (Thursday or Friday): " "; " "; " ", etc...
Leg/butt Day [depending if I play sports that day] (Friday): etc....

Moderate Lift weeks 1-3:
Chest Day (Monday)
Back Day (Tuesday or Wednesday)
Shoulder Day (Thursday or Friday)
Leg/butt Day [depending if I play sports that day] (Friday)

I have various circuit workouts to accompany each muscle target, so every week it's something different and not always the same routine.


Heavy Lift weeks 1-3
2500m on row machine

Heavy set:
Bench; 10-6-4-3-3 (max out 180lbs :\ )

Circuit 1: 3x set
1 arm dumbell press; 10-15 reps (25-30lbs)
bicep curl; 20 split reps (20lbs)
push-ups; 10-15 reps

Circuit 2: 3x set
flat bench flys; 10-15 reps (20lbs)
bicep dips; 10 reps
bench machine; 10-15 reps (50-60lbs)

Ab workout:
5 sets of various ab workouts (chest day- lower abs)

2 mile jog

Moderate Lift weeks 3-6:
" "

Moderate Set:
Bench; 10-10-10 (135lbs)
Burn sets; 10-10 (95lbs, 65lbs)

Circuit 1
" "

Circuit 2
" "

Ab workout
" "

" "

Let me know what you guys think. Any changes I should make? What are your thoughts?
My t shirts are starting to get a bit big :pimp:

But medium t's are still kind of tight :frown:

The struggle ...
Case studies are done scientifically. Some dude on here is way less credible than a case study for a variety of reasons.
The only difference is that one is in an academic journal, and one is on Niketalk. They are both retrospective, mostly concerning one case. Case studies carry practically zero weight in academic circles, although they can be starting points for changes in treatment regimens, characterization of new illness, etc.

As a physician, you could document pure ******** and write it up as a case report. It happens.

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Hit 175 on the bench today to the JT album :lol: :lol:

Benching 20 lbs over my own weight. Feels good :pimp: :pimp:

And I can still barely do 1 pullup :frown: :frown: :lol:

Props man i like reading stuff like this :lol: I hit 185 bench for the first time. I weigh about 180 now. I was kinda proud even though everyone around me was warming up with the same amount :lol:

My dad always told me it doesn't matter how much weight you put up, its a science. Work = Force x displacement (distance really). And Force = Mass x Acceleration. So basically work is a product of your mass to some degree. So when you see that dude who is 300lbs putting up 275lbs just are doing more work then he is. When you see dudes who are 5 foot 5 200lbs doing those half squats with 315 like they are a boss and you get 315lb are doing more work.
Props man i like reading stuff like this :lol: I hit 185 bench for the first time. I weigh about 180 now. I was kinda proud even though everyone around me was warming up with the same amount :lol:

My dad always told me it doesn't matter how much weight you put up, its a science. Work = Force x displacement (distance really). And Force = Mass x Acceleration. So basically work is a product of your mass to some degree. So when you see that dude who is 300lbs putting up 275lbs just are doing more work then he is. When you see dudes who are 5 foot 5 200lbs doing those half squats with 315 like they are a boss and you get 315lb are doing more work.

That's actually the wrong interpretation of Mass in those formulas. The mass taken into account is that of the object being moved (and having work done on it), and can include portions of bodyweight depending on the movement. A guy moving 175 lbs is doing less work than a guy moving 275 lbs, according to the standard physics definition. If the force(weight) is high enough, you can compensate for less distance to do the same work. That speaks nothing about the usefulness of those movements though. What you are talking about is quality of movement and relative strength (strength to bodyweight ratio).
Actually, I think you're the only one saying loading is pointless.

lol the entire forum says it, and many articles state it too. But its his money he can load if he wants.

Money has nothing to do with loading or not loading. If you or anyone else thinks loading is a scheme to buy more then you have absolutely no clue on how to take creatine.

Is loading necessary? No
Does it work? Yes
Is it a money making conspiracy? Hell no.

So.. is every three hours sufficient time between dosages or do I need to wait longer?

There isn't a set time between doses. It doesn't have to be strictly regimented. Take a dose with some juice at breakfast, one post workout, maybe one pre workout and the other at night. Take it with some sort of sugar and remember to continually drink water.
Props man i like reading stuff like this :lol: I hit 185 bench for the first time. I weigh about 180 now. I was kinda proud even though everyone around me was warming up with the same amount :lol:

My dad always told me it doesn't matter how much weight you put up, its a science. Work = Force x displacement (distance really). And Force = Mass x Acceleration. So basically work is a product of your mass to some degree. So when you see that dude who is 300lbs putting up 275lbs just are doing more work then he is. When you see dudes who are 5 foot 5 200lbs doing those half squats with 315 like they are a boss and you get 315lb are doing more work.

That's actually the wrong interpretation of Mass in those formulas. The mass taken into account is that of the object being moved (and having work done on it), and can include portions of bodyweight depending on the movement. A guy moving 175 lbs is doing less work than a guy moving 275 lbs, according to the standard physics definition. If the force(weight) is high enough, you can compensate for less distance to do the same work. That speaks nothing about the usefulness of those movements though. What you are talking about is quality of movement and relative strength (strength to bodyweight ratio).

I agree i didn't want to break it down to the bottom level but you would essentially like to know how much force it would take to move the object (which would take into account the angle of motion and leverage etc)...whether or not you can exert that force would mean you would have to know your strength deficit (At any given bodyweight, a lifter can become only so strong)...which can be partial to your body weight....the moral to the story was just you heavier you are the more weight you generally can don't get discouraged just know you are working as hard as you can.
:rolleyes Read case studies? Someone's opinion on here basically is a case study.

If you read some of the garbage posted on here and still have the audacity to call it "basically a case study" then no one should take you seriously going forward.

You also need to fall back on calling dudes out (iLLest) for whining/venting/crying in this post. If they use this thread to release some stress by posting on here and it is a benefit to them then so be it.

You pretty much invented crying on NikeTalk with your "girl problem" posts from a few years back. Did you forget about those already?

Chill with the negativity and grumpy-old-man attitude.
WT Hell happened to this thread the last few pages?! :lol: :smh:

Question regarding taking PreWO's:

I only take them on lifting days, 3-4 times a week. Some times I don't take them at all on a lift day.

Would I need to still cycle off?
For the bros who were wonderin about Creatine...get ALLMAX Creapure german creatine..its only $20 on and itll last u months..its pure additives


Today is LEG DAY and I'm about to **** those mother ******* up baby


Let's get this thread back on track...

with a wimmenz fail
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