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6000 because I'm a vegetarian. I don't get A LOT of the protein, calories, and nutrition that people get from eating meats so I need those extra calories. Right now I weigh 130 and I haven't checked my body fat % but If I had to guess I'd say it's around 10-12% or higher. I want to get to a solid 150-155lbs before I being to lean out. So once I get the weight on as muscle I will be switching to a leaner protein that has about 170cal.

Not sure if anyone has heard of this site but they have some reasonable prices. Haven't ordered from them yet.
Why are you a vegetarian?

Health reasons? I think adding in some meat rather than mass gainers is probably the healthier route.
Ethical reasons? I doubt your vegetarian food producers are any more ethical in terms of their practices, in terms of overall impact on animals - i.e. land clearance results in habitat destruction etc.
Environmental reasons? Valid to an extent, but you should balance out your carbon output by getting rid of extraneous ********, not the most necessary food group - meat.
I hate everyone Bulking right now.


that feel, i know

@ the 6000 cal's bulk what the hell lol. Food bill must be insane every week
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Why are you a vegetarian?

Health reasons? I think adding in some meat rather than mass gainers is probably the healthier route.
Ethical reasons? I doubt your vegetarian food producers are any more ethical in terms of their practices, in terms of overall impact on animals - i.e. land clearance results in habitat destruction etc.
Environmental reasons? Valid to an extent, but you should balance out your carbon output by getting rid of extraneous ********, not the most necessary food group - meat.

I'm Indian and my entire life I was brought up being vegetarian. That being said I have tried meat and I love it. I don't eat steak, lamb, or pork but I have tried chicken, sushi, turkey and it's awesome! Problem is I can't eat it while around my parents or bring it in the house and cook it so I only eat it when I'm away from my parents. I do eat soy products though that give me some protein and calories.
For someone who's trying to bulk and is a vegetarian?

i still dont understand where you are getting this notion that 6000 calories in a vegetarian diet is worth a lot less in a meat base diet
6000 calories is 6000 calories regardless if you eat meat or not man.
figure out your maintenance cals and add about 300 cals to that...then depending on your results you can keep adding more calories
but 6000 cals insane

im a vegetarian by the way.
i still dont understand where you are getting this notion that 6000 calories in a vegetarian diet is worth a lot less in a meat base diet
6000 calories is 6000 calories regardless if you eat meat or not man.
figure out your maintenance cals and add about 300 cals to that...then depending on your results you can keep adding more calories
but 6000 cals insane

im a vegetarian by the way.

What's your diet look like? If you don't mind could you post/pm me your stats? If not it's cool I'm just trying to get a sense of what other vegetarian bodybuilders are eating out there.

Yes, if you're barely eating 2500 now you're just gonna get fat as **** eating thousands of cals over your current maintenance

I get what you guys are saying now. Maybe I was being a little insane with the notion of eating that many calories but for me it's just hard to put on weight since I'm as skinny as a piece of paper and my metabolism is high. I'll start off with 3k and build from there. Thanks for talking some since into me.
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no homo but dead physique is on point
He is ripped and tall which is impressive, I think its good to have a desired physique to aim for. His genes are better then the average guy I don't care what anyone says lol but he has put in work to get to where he is.
your cut is pretty abnormal in terms of weight loss and duration. Most people are only spending a couple months at most on it
What do you think a good pace is while cutting? 1 to 2 lbs at most a week? 

I think if I drop the creatine I will go back to loosing weight a little easier, I know I am carrying more water then normal.
when your cutting you wish your bulking when bulking you wish you where cutting story of a bb

Man this....

Also what is everyone's opinion on products such as Herbalife and Visalus... My coworker uses Visalus and my best friend uses Herbalife... I think they are effective but not sure whether it is cheaper (doubt it) than my sups I get online
Anyone do the caffeine/yohimbine/green tea combo? I most def see slimming in the stomach area.
What brand Yohimbe do you take? For some reason the ones I take make me want to throw up.

Primaforce off amazon.

Did you take half a capsule when you first started taking it? I'm thinking about entering that Yohimbine life but I'm a little worried based on the things I've read regarding heart rate and anxiety attacks. I bike everywhere I go, so my cardio game is pretty solid, I just have to get in tune with a gym more.

Also, are you taking the vegetarian capsules?
Naw the whole capsule, they're tiny. And no didn't try the vegetarian one.
I honestly doubt anyone bulking wishes they were cutting, eating at maintenance sure.

When your abs and obliques start to fad along with clothes not looking as good on you, you start thinkin abt cutting mid bulk at least I did but in kept telling myself I'll loose it in the summer and I did just that
I honestly doubt anyone bulking wishes they were cutting, eating at maintenance sure.

It's summer time, I'd rather have more defined abs now.

I agree with this...summer time shirt off a lot...rather be bulking in the winter and trying to lean out for summer time.

Legs day today can't wait! gonna try to get chest and some shoulders in on saturday and deadlift on sunday. Got to get some cardio in too might throw my soccer cleats on and run around for a half hour
I honestly doubt anyone bulking wishes they were cutting, eating at maintenance sure.

When your abs and obliques start to fad along with clothes not looking as good on you, you start thinkin abt cutting mid bulk at least I did but in kept telling myself I'll loose it in the summer and I did just that

Word. Lucky you haven't even really reached that stage to even properly bulk to know where your mind goes at times. Especially if you're putting on some fat, man you can't wait to cut.
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