STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

today im officially free from all "processed foods" i was eating 2 protein bars and a serving special k cracker chips daily they fit into my macros fine and i saw results but i came to the realization that to get rid of this lower belly fat i need to rid my self from every little thing and "Partially Hydrogenated Soybean Oil" didnt fit my macros anymore

but to continue to discussion on multi vitamins if u can handle taking 11 pills a day for a multi there isnt nothing coming close to animal pak theres a reason its been around since 1983

full joint complex
full servings of free form bcaas
digestive enzymes
and not to mention all the normal vitamins and minerals

orange triad is the "cool/popular" vitamin to take but animal pak is where its at, but you cant go wrong with either
i got burned at work on my arm. Won't be able to lift for a week or more. maybe cardio


That's disgusting bro. I wouldn't eem work out and just let it heel. Keep that area sterile.
so is eating eating non-organic meats and fruits deemed not clean?

Doesn't have to say organic IMO. If you buy a bag of chicken and cook it etc, that's fine. For example, if you buy a precooked bag that you microwave then obviously that's processed to last longer and not to mention the amount of sodium that's in those things. Same goes for canned fruit.

I don't pay attention to the organic label. You never know what anyone puts in the food that you buy. Even if it does say "organic", non-GMO, blah blah. I know there's some kind of loophole to use that organic label to use as a marketing ploy and drive the price up.

But what do I know I'm not an expert lol
Doesn't have to say organic IMO. If you buy a bag of chicken and cook it etc, that's fine. For example, if you buy a precooked bag that you microwave then obviously that's processed to last longer and not to mention the amount of sodium that's in those things. Same goes for canned fruit.

I don't pay attention to the organic label. You never know what anyone puts in the food that you buy. Even if it does say "organic", non-GMO, blah blah. I know there's some kind of loophole to use that organic label to use as a marketing ploy and drive the price up.

But what do I know I'm not an expert lol
My point is, what is "clean" to me may not be "clean" to someone else. There is no concrete definition.
Took last week off lifting, went to the gym today to do chest, and some shoulders.

I need to lift around 75% of my usual working weight. I was so weak on bench :lol: :smh:.

Going to incorporate HIIT 2-3 times a week as well. thing I noticed is that taking off your headphones makes you more approachable at the gym. Easy way to meet new people, because you'll need a spotter sooner, or later.
My point is, what is "clean" to me may not be "clean" to someone else. There is no concrete definition.

what lol? there is some what of a general basis of what it is to eat clean.
but lets say you have your own definition of what it is to eat clean and you follow that definition
wouldn't you still be eating clean? at least for your standards
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Ive been just doing portion control lately and maintained my weight within a pound or 2 for a month, Ive seen some good strength gains. After such a long cut I have just been mentally drained 
Took last week off lifting, went to the gym today to do chest, and some shoulders.

I need to lift around 75% of my usual working weight. I was so weak on bench :lol: :smh:.

Going to incorporate HIIT 2-3 times a week as well. thing I noticed is that taking off your headphones makes you more approachable at the gym. Easy way to meet new people, because you'll need a spotter sooner, or later.
Ya I usually pop one earbud out between sets. I don't buy into the whole don't bother me at the gym thing. If someone asks something annoying I give em a stare and a firm no, but generally people are friendly and flexible.
what lol? there is some what of a general basis of what it is to eat clean.
but lets say you have your own definition of what it is to eat clean and you follow that definition
wouldn't you still be eating clean? at least for your standards
Your two premises prove my argument. "A general basis" is something that is not a concrete definition and clean =/= clean to everyone.
just dont eat crap is how i go by it

healthy foods
I have the same problem with this statement too. What are healthy foods?

Whole eggs might not be healthy to someone who only consumes egg whites.

Someone who drinks protein shakes and eats protein bars might think they're eating healthy, but it might not be to someone else. 
Lol I don't believe in healthy eating but I will say I don't believe in eating alot of things that add a lot of calories and aren't actual meats or veggies ie.fried,heavy butter, etc
This is probably a repititive question but I'm just starting.

Do any of you take any type of supplements?
what lol? there is some what of a general basis of what it is to eat clean.

but lets say you have your own definition of what it is to eat clean and you follow that definition

wouldn't you still be eating clean? at least for your standards
Your two premises prove my argument. "A general basis" is something that is not a concrete definition and clean =/= clean to everyone.
just dont eat crap is how i go by it

healthy foods
I have the same problem with this statement too. What are healthy foods?

Whole eggs might not be healthy to someone who only consumes egg whites.

Someone who drinks protein shakes and eats protein bars might think they're eating healthy, but it might not be to someone else. 

lean meats, vegetables, fruits, eggs are fine. not sure who came up with the idea that eggs are healthy.

protein drinks and bars arent healthy :lol: bars are just full of sugar and crap. an occasional shake is fine since they arent loaded with sugar at least.

just dont eat fried/processed meats and you should be good. roasted turkey/chicken is delicious, low fat, low cal, high protein.

its not hard to eat healthy you just gotta want to eat it.
Your two premises prove my argument. "A general basis" is something that is not a concrete definition and clean =/= clean to everyone.
I have the same problem with this statement too. What are healthy foods?

Whole eggs might not be healthy to someone who only consumes egg whites.

Someone who drinks protein shakes and eats protein bars might think they're eating healthy, but it might not be to someone else. 

again, as i said before you should have an idea of what eating healthy/clean is for you.
and if you eat according to that idea then for you, you are eating healthy, are you not?
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