STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I agree. I think just a logo would be fine.
There is a new local supplement shop and they have the typical 'streetwear' appeal. They have their slogan in large The Hundreds style font that say "SHUT THE F___ UP AND LIFT". That alone just turned me off from a marketing point of view. Looks like they invested a lot into gear too, I see shirts, hats, and hoodies made already. Plus they keep bombing cars at the gym with their flyers. Understatement is the best type of statement.
What do you guys do for a multi vitamin?

Been reading a lot about Orange Triad, ON Mega Men, and Animal Pak.

This works just fine for me

wj and timbo, good looks. i take small snack bags to work too. I dont just have a tub of them sitting at work to snack on, but i take a bag everyday. Don't think that is overdoing it on the nuts.

wj, i am still down for the shirts too.
I'm in. Anyone in for a Facebook NTFtiness group? It'd be easier to use docs, payments, and show mock ups of shirts. It'd also be easier to show deals and ask questions etc.

It'd also be easier to post progress and pictures and not be on a public forum. It'll be on a private Facebook group instead.
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What do you guys do for a multi vitamin?

Been reading a lot about Orange Triad, ON Mega Men, and Animal Pak.

I use orange triad. I like it I guess. Idk. I dont notice anything, but I use it everyday anyways lol. Along with fish oil.

are you supposed to notice something? :lol:

I mean compared to not taking a multi at all whichi wasn't before I got it. I dont think I feel any different. If I do its marginal. Idk lol
I like cutting more than bulking. I rarely wear a shirt in the summer, hell even winter, but I like seeing my abs and having more defined muscles in the summer than winter.

Also what is everyone's opinion on products such as Herbalife and Visalus... My coworker uses Visalus and my best friend uses Herbalife... I think they are effective but not sure whether it is cheaper (doubt it) than my sups I get online
Not worth the money. BeachBody stuff is decent. They're committed to all natural, not many additives. You can find better stuff out there in bulk for cheaper though.
I second that.

Anyone doing a Tough Mudder this year? I'm doing the Nor Cal one in September with some of the homies. Hopefully my shoulder is 100% by then.
I just did the Marine Mud run like 3 weeks ago, it was fun as hell but kicked my *** plus it was hot.

How about a big *** lions face with the a logo or a big barbell bending or something. Or just keep it plain with a logo only lol
I use orange triad. I like it I guess. Idk. I dont notice anything, but I use it everyday anyways lol. Along with fish oil.

I went from ON to OT, I feel the same but my piss isn't neon right after I take it due to the better quality B vitamin that I'm actually absorbing instead of pissing out.
Is Kirkland (Costco) vitamins good enough? I just bought another bottle of ON vitamins. I take only 2 tablets a day as opposed to the 3 just to make it last longer. 

Gyms been paying off, down to 194 and thats with a pretty "bad" diet. If I get it in check, ill be down to 185, or a solid 180 in no time. Trying to get in good enough shape to have a nice back to get tatted up. I want a full back piece and woudnt want my artist having a flabby back to work with.
Is Kirkland (Costco) vitamins good enough? I just bought another bottle of ON vitamins. I take only 2 tablets a day as opposed to the 3 just to make it last longer. 

Gyms been paying off, down to 194 and thats with a pretty "bad" diet. If I get it in check, ill be down to 185, or a solid 180 in no time. Trying to get in good enough shape to have a nice back to get tatted up. I want a full back piece and woudnt want my artist having a flabby back to work with.

bro vitamins are vitamins honestly. the BB ones are usuaully very very high doses and you gotta take like 5-6 pills :lol:

i just take an adult gummy vitamin. with regular BB vitamins they are too thick and they cause me to have heartburn for some reason.

any multi will do, but of course lift hard bruh
What do you guys do for a multi vitamin?

Been reading a lot about Orange Triad, ON Mega Men, and Animal Pak.

I use orange triad. I like it I guess. Idk. I dont notice anything, but I use it everyday anyways lol. Along with fish oil.

are you supposed to notice something? :lol:

I mean compared to not taking a multi at all whichi wasn't before I got it. I dont think I feel any different. If I do its marginal. Idk lol

You're not supposed to "feel" anything from multis (assuming whatever you're taking doesn't have a stimulant). I think the main point is to keep your general health up and to boost your immune system so that you won't get sick and miss any gym time.

I second that.

Anyone doing a Tough Mudder this year? I'm doing the Nor Cal one in September with some of the homies. Hopefully my shoulder is 100% by then.
I just did the Marine Mud run like 3 weeks ago, it was fun as hell but kicked my *** plus it was hot.

How about a big *** lions face with the a logo or a big barbell bending or something. Or just keep it plain with a logo only lol

I was thinking about doing Tough Mudder in Tahoe in September, but then I found out it's a 10+ mile course :x

I would literally die because my cardio game is non-existent

I use orange triad. I like it I guess. Idk. I dont notice anything, but I use it everyday anyways lol. Along with fish oil.

I went from ON to OT, I feel the same but my piss isn't neon right after I take it due to the better quality B vitamin that I'm actually absorbing instead of pissing out.

Better quality B vitamin? Explain. B is a water-soluble vitamin, so if you're fully saturated the excess get pissed out.

Is Kirkland (Costco) vitamins good enough? I just bought another bottle of ON vitamins. I take only 2 tablets a day as opposed to the 3 just to make it last longer. 

Gyms been paying off, down to 194 and thats with a pretty "bad" diet. If I get it in check, ill be down to 185, or a solid 180 in no time. Trying to get in good enough shape to have a nice back to get tatted up. I want a full back piece and woudnt want my artist having a flabby back to work with.

I'm taking ON opti-men too, but only taking 1 pill a day - half after breakfast, half after dinner. I figure I don't really need 2000% of whatever a day.
Vitamins are one of those things that I personally don't think you should skimp on. Vitamin quality varies greatly from brand to brand and paying more really is worth it IMO. If you're peeing neon, it means you're saturated which means the vitamins are being highly absorbed and doing their job so every day when youre taking more, there's lots of excess going through your UT. You might think that means you don't need that much, and while this is true, being in excess (short of potency) is better than defficiency.

Its also important to note that just because a label says something might have 500% of your daily value of Vitamin whatever, it may not be fully absorbed due to what it's mixed with and again quality, so comparing one label to another isn't necessarily a foolproof method. Also, many cheap vitamins have additives and things in them that aren't good for you. Don't skimp on vitamins if you can afford a better brand. There's nothing worse than getting sick and losing gains/not bein able to workout or not making the most of your workouts and recovery.
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I just started taking OT... Like Lucky said for some reason my pee isnt as yellow as it was when I took other multis

Dont know what the reasoning is behind that... I m only taking 3 a day for now, after a few weeks ill bump it up to the 6 it recommends
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