STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I am feelin the same way about him.

He seemed real cool when strength project first started promoting him

All this hyphy mud nonsense is getting kind of annoying also.

I couldnt imagine how bad it tastes

I looked at his Instagram and it just seems he is trying to build his brand. Even talking about coming out with an actual hyphymud supplement. I'm like why would I buy that when I can just buy coke and coffee. I just hate how these roided cats will be like "I HATE SUPPS THEY ARE SCAMS JUST EAT MEAT AND VEGGIES ANS YOU WILL LOOK LIKE ME" smh
I looked at his Instagram and it just seems he is trying to build his brand. Even talking about coming out with an actual hyphymud supplement. I'm like why would I buy that when I can just buy coke and coffee. I just hate how these roided cats will be like "I HATE SUPPS THEY ARE SCAMS JUST EAT MEAT AND VEGGIES ANS YOU WILL LOOK LIKE ME" smh


i've peeped all his videos and he even talks all the time about rarely/never even using protein. im like :stoneface:
You didn't like them? I just re upped so I'm good.

Since I began taking them, I've had an unnecessary amount of energy. I already have anxiety, so that's no bueno. Going to explore other options.

Not sure if the correlation is direct, but disclaimers on the label about anxiety and depression have me shook.
Since I began taking them, I've had an unnecessary amount of energy. I already have anxiety, so that's no bueno. Going to explore other options.

Not sure if the correlation is direct, but disclaimers on the label about anxiety and depression have me shook.

Oh ok, idk from what I seen next best would be Animal Pal if you are looking for a Bodybuilder/athletes multi. Anything else you might as well get a generic brand.
That's perfectly fine. I would skip that 205 set though. Especially if you don't have an issue getting your 5 reps with 225 in. Train as close to that 3-5 rep max as possible while maintaining good form. Each session you can always add 2.5 pounders to each side if you feel like you can so more, but don't want to risk a big jump in weight.

For something more scientific that'll remove the guess work, look into starting strength. I think a couple of the people in this thread have a PDF of it, gotta dig for mines. You can always stick with thr principles for your compounds and do dumbbells and machines as assistance work if you don't want a pure strength training routine.

Lets be ones adding just 2.5 lbs on each side for deadlifts.

I go ham with deadlifts, probably 6-7 sets, no more than 6 reps though. Feels great then its on to squats.
All I've seen from Kali muscle is the hyphy mud ****. Is dude's whole gimmick that he puts on muscle on a prison diet or something? He's the perfect example of how saturated the YouTube/online bodybuilding/fitness celebrity market is. Only a few dudes out there have the physique and scientific knowledge to stand out based on that alone so everyone else goes for a gimmick or a niche personality. Not inherently bad but you got to learn to sift through all the misinformation.

Just finished mine, good ****

Does anybody else prefer sumos as opposed to conventional DL's?
i do both, not on the same day though

there was a discussion a couple pages back about hitting muscles groups 2x week and i wanted to try something different. so on legs days, ill do sumos one day, and regular dls a couple days later. idk if its cause of the sumos or because of the 2x week thing, but ive added 20lbs to dl max since the begginig of summer  
i been taking it off and on for coming up on 2 years and it's still the best to me and i've tried plenty of preworkouts. app nut uncut is also good. going to try pes enhanced next.

Wish it was the same for me. It was amazing the first few weeks but after that anytime I pick it up again I barely feel the effects.
Wish it was the same for me. It was amazing the first few weeks but after that anytime I pick it up again I barely feel the effects.

man Craze did Zero for me, only reason I even finished my tub is because I didnt want the money to go down the drain. All of the preworkouts I've taken just had me pumped as heck quick. The Fact that I could get good 60-90min workouts fasted just let me know that they are a waste of money imo. To dudes who need the caffeine It would prob be better just to cop some caffeine pills.
Worked out my bi's and tri's the other day and I'm still sore :x What do you guys use to recover faster if anything?

I wish I got sore more often.  Just my chest gets sore occasionally, and I push myself every workout I do.  Arms recover very fast after each session

I've found that when I stretch out my arms I'm good for a few minutes then I try and lift my arms and it starts to hurt again. I'll try the hot/cold method also which should be a lot better.
That's perfectly fine. I would skip that 205 set though. Especially if you don't have an issue getting your 5 reps with 225 in. Train as close to that 3-5 rep max as possible while maintaining good form. Each session you can always add 2.5 pounders to each side if you feel like you can so more, but don't want to risk a big jump in weight.

For something more scientific that'll remove the guess work, look into starting strength. I think a couple of the people in this thread have a PDF of it, gotta dig for mines. You can always stick with thr principles for your compounds and do dumbbells and machines as assistance work if you don't want a pure strength training routine.

Lets be ones adding just 2.5 lbs on each side for deadlifts.

I go ham with deadlifts, probably 6-7 sets, no more than 6 reps though. Feels great then its on to squats.
Simple question, if you're stalling out or plateauing, why WOULDN'T you add a small # like 2.5 on each side (5 lb total)? You know how many people jump up too high and either use ****** form on any given lift just to move it or flat out can't do it so they jump back down to what they're comfortable with? Food for thought...
ive always wondered, whats considered good/respectable on dumbbell presses?

Flat barbell bench is the standard measurement of strength I would say. Like when someone asks what you bench, they aren't talking about dumbbells lol

But anything in the triple digits is impressive, I'm trying to get triples with my shoulder press.
ive always wondered, whats considered good/respectable on dumbbell presses?

Most gyms I've lifted at have maxed out at 110s or 120s so if you can hit those up for a few reps, then you're strong. See below tho, I agree with BigBoss's statement

Simple question, if you're stalling out or plateauing, why WOULDN'T you add a small # like 2.5 on each side (5 lb total)? You know how many people jump up too high and either use ****** form on any given lift just to move it or flat out can't do it so they jump back down to what they're comfortable with? Food for thought...
for real tho. Too many people start stalling because they just arbitrarily bump up their lifts - not following any linear progression principles.

Those 2.5s are god sends. Hell I'd even use less than that if my gym had it and I'm stalling.
You can buy 1.25s and carry em in ya gym bag if you're so inclined brah.

Flat barbell bench is the standard measurement of strength I would say. Like when someone asks what you bench, they aren't talking about dumbbells lol

But anything in the triple digits is impressive, I'm trying to get triples with my shoulder press.
This. I think a lot of dudes turn to dumbbell presses because they aren't that good at the barbell version. I rarely see full ROM from dude's dumbbell benching. It's a little harder to force yaself to go all the way down, because there's no bar to touch to the chest. Still I need to get back into incline dumbbell benching - I always had fun with that lift.
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