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This. I think a lot of dudes turn to dumbbell presses because they aren't that good at the barbell version. I rarely see full ROM from dude's dumbbell benching. It's a little harder to force yaself to go all the way down, because there's no bar to touch to the chest. Still I need to get back into incline dumbbell benching - I always had fun with that lift.
I think its good to use the dbs just to switch it up and you dont need a spot most of the time. But I don't get the same pump as I would with the bb. I agree with the incline, I like it way more then bb incline because of the stress it puts on the shoulders.

Do you ever do floor presses? I would love to do them, but I don't have the right rack to do them at my gym, Ive tried to do it with dbs but it not the same. I think it helps a lot with increasing your max.

Ive thrown some bands on there before to switch it up but Im not sure of their weight resistance. 
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ive always wondered, whats considered good/respectable on dumbbell presses?

Flat barbell bench is the standard measurement of strength I would say. Like when someone asks what you bench, they aren't talking about dumbbells lol

But anything in the triple digits is impressive, I'm trying to get triples with my shoulder press.

meh, i dont care for bench... AT ALL. i cant move up and my form is decent/good

i rarely do it if ever. dumbbells>>>>>barbell IMO while cutting im moving up and i can feel it hitting every muscle in my chest

different strokes for different folks
What do you people think about wrist wraps... I see a lot of people using them

My brother uses them and I'm trying to get him off them... I think it helps more while lifting compared to not wearing any at all... So my logic is that you won't see what your true strength is while using wraps...

BTW folks... Letting your barbell/dumbell rest on your hands isn't part of having a proper form... A lot of people have the barbell/dumbell resting on their wrist which allows them to push out more weight
finally got back into the weight room a little bit after 3-4 weeks from getting burned and wisdom teeth taken out. Was able to squat 205 again but not 215. Bench went down 10 lbs too.
Simple question, if you're stalling out or plateauing, why WOULDN'T you add a small # like 2.5 on each side (5 lb total)? You know how many people jump up too high and either use ****** form on any given lift just to move it or flat out can't do it so they jump back down to what they're comfortable with? Food for thought...

5lbs is nothing on a deadlift. Bench? Yeah, 5lbs can feel like a lot, but DL? Cmon. If you cant progress putting on ATLEAST 10lbs (5 on each side) then you need to just get stronger over time.
ive always wondered, whats considered good/respectable on dumbbell presses?

Flat barbell bench is the standard measurement of strength I would say. Like when someone asks what you bench, they aren't talking about dumbbells lol

But anything in the triple digits is impressive, I'm trying to get triples with my shoulder press.

meh, i dont care for bench... AT ALL. i cant move up and my form is decent/good

i rarely do it if ever. dumbbells>>>>>barbell IMO while cutting im moving up and i can feel it hitting every muscle in my chest

different strokes for different folks

I agree with this. I like that I can go to complete fail on DB since i don't need a spotter. And i feel like it hits my chest better. I keep my form close to my arm pits and when i extend i really squeeze my chest together. Which is easier with DBs for me because i can push them closer to each other to really sqeeze my chest

Simple question, if you're stalling out or plateauing, why WOULDN'T you add a small # like 2.5 on each side (5 lb total)? You know how many people jump up too high and either use ****** form on any given lift just to move it or flat out can't do it so they jump back down to what they're comfortable with? Food for thought...

5lbs is nothing on a deadlift. Bench? Yeah, 5lbs can feel like a lot, but DL? Cmon. If you cant progress putting on ATLEAST 10lbs (5 on each side) then you need to just get stronger over time.

Its all mental though and if you need to add 5lbs total to get over a mental hurtle then just do it. Not to mention how do you "get stronger over time" if you don't add weight. I have never personally used 2.5lbs on deadlift to move up in weight...but if you are trying to max lift....add 2.5s....who cares.
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I agree with this. I like that I can go to complete fail on DB since i don't need a spotter. And i feel like it hits my chest better. I keep my form close to my arm pits and when i extend i really squeeze my chest together. Which is easier with DBs for me because i can push them closer to each other to really sqeeze my chest
Its all mental though and if you need to add 5lbs total to get over a mental hurtle then just do it. Not to mention how do you "get stronger over time" if you don't add weight. I have never personally used 2.5lbs on deadlift to move up in weight...but if you are trying to max lift....add 2.5s....who cares.
I'm sorry you said you can go to failure on DB press without a spotter?  If you don't need a spotter then it isn't failure.  At failure the weights would come crashing down onto your chest, or you would injury your arms when your chest gave out. 
I agree with this. I like that I can go to complete fail on DB since i don't need a spotter. And i feel like it hits my chest better. I keep my form close to my arm pits and when i extend i really squeeze my chest together. Which is easier with DBs for me because i can push them closer to each other to really sqeeze my chest

Its all mental though and if you need to add 5lbs total to get over a mental hurtle then just do it. Not to mention how do you "get stronger over time" if you don't add weight. I have never personally used 2.5lbs on deadlift to move up in weight...but if you are trying to max lift....add 2.5s....who cares.

I'm sorry you said you can go to failure on DB press without a spotter?  If you don't need a spotter then it isn't failure.  At failure the weights would come crashing down onto your chest, or you would injury your arms when your chest gave out. 

he means you can fail/not finish a rep and just toss the dumbbells on the ground. Can't do that with a barbell.
he means you can fail/not finish a rep and just toss the dumbbells on the ground. Can't do that with a barbell.
Hmmm, would personally prefer to have a spotter to help me just a little finish that last one.  If I don't think I can do one more then I would do a negative on my last one, but again if I had a spotter.  Free weights are always crowded at my gym, and by now I know the people who know what they are doing and just running there mouth.
Going on Vacation to Arkansas today until the 28th....worked my butt off for 16 months to lose 100lbs and today is the day where I get to show off my results to my old friends! Thankfully I have a buddy who is working out over there too so I'll still be able to get in some good workouts while on vaca. Lets go out there and get it guys!
meh, i dont care for bench... AT ALL. i cant move up and my form is decent/good

i rarely do it if ever. dumbbells>>>>>barbell IMO while cutting im moving up and i can feel it hitting every muscle in my chest

different strokes for different folks
You have to know how to train for strength in order to get your weight up. I promise if you do something as simple as a 5x5 and add weight each week it will go up. It has helped me in both squat and bench along with overall strength.

Just going in there and doing 3x10 isn't going to get you stronger if you do the same weight every time. Progressive overloading is the key for strength. But this is only if you want to train for strength not do bodybuilding style training. 
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You have to know how to train for strength in order to get your weight up. I promise if you do something as simple as a 5x5 and add weight each week it will go up. It has helped me in both squat and bench along with overall strength.

Just going in there and doing 3x10 isn't going to get you stronger if you do the same weight every time. Progressive overloading is the key for strength. But this is only if you want to train for strength not do bodybuilding style training. 

Don't know why I quoted you, I meant to quote.
Going on Vacation to Arkansas today until the 28th....worked my butt off for 16 months to lose 100lbs and today is the day where I get to show off my results to my old friends! Thankfully I have a buddy who is working out over there too so I'll still be able to get in some good workouts while on vaca. Lets go out there and get it guys!
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Worked out @ LA Fitness yesterday instead of my usual hardcore gym where its all dudes and i seen so many HBB's..i couldnt help but stare..will deff be goin more back there more often..
Worked out @ LA Fitness yesterday instead of my usual hardcore gym where its all dudes and i seen so many HBB's..i couldnt help but stare..will deff be goin more back there more often..

Yes I do love going to LA Fitness, so much motivation on a Monday night.  Accidentally go over your allotted cardio time.
I've always eaten pretty healthy and kept up with what I ate and for the last few weeks I started keeping up with my macros just didn't try to hit certain macro numbers or change what I ate but to see what a typical day is like.  Started counting them to hit specific numbers yesterday (1.4g of P for every lb, .45g of F for every pound and remaining cals going to carbs which comes out to 307g).  Eating at maintenance for the next 4-5 weeks to see if this is truly my maintenance then adjust.  Gonna see if I like this counting life or go back to how I was doing before which was basically just "clean" eating and carb cycling depending on how I felt or if I ate something I wasn't supposed to high in carbs.  Anybody carb cycle while counting macros? What do you adjust more to make up for it, F or P or do you keep it equal? 
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