STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I think its good to use the dbs just to switch it up and you dont need a spot most of the time. But I don't get the same pump as I would with the bb. I agree with the incline, I like it way more then bb incline because of the stress it puts on the shoulders.

Do you ever do floor presses? I would love to do them, but I don't have the right rack to do them at my gym, Ive tried to do it with dbs but it not the same. I think it helps a lot with increasing your max.

Ive thrown some bands on there before to switch it up but Im not sure of their weight resistance. 
I've never floor pressed before;what are the benefits? I feel like you're cutting down your ROM a lot but I guess you are getting rid of some of the leg drive. I'm assuming your gym doesn't have a squat rack tower with adjustable pins? You could probably rig something. Put a loaded barbell on a few stacked plates or something. Not sure how worth the efoort it would be tho

Also titan, what are you even posting about? Why are pictures necessary to make a solid point? You must be new here dot jpeg
I've never floor pressed before;what are the benefits? I feel like you're cutting down your ROM a lot but I guess you are getting rid of some of the leg drive. I'm assuming your gym doesn't have a squat rack tower with adjustable pins? You could probably rig something. Put a loaded barbell on a few stacked plates or something. Not sure how worth the efoort it would be tho

Also titan, what are you even posting about? Why are pictures necessary to make a solid point? You must be new here dot jpeg
Floor presses can help increase regular BB bench because of the lack of ROM as you said, can load more weight.  It helps you work on the tougher part of the BB bench press which is at the midpoint to the finish.  Most people get stuck at the midpoint when using a heavy load and implementing some floor presses will help you work through the sticking point, ultimately increasing your bench.  
I've never floor pressed before;what are the benefits? I feel like you're cutting down your ROM a lot but I guess you are getting rid of some of the leg drive. I'm assuming your gym doesn't have a squat rack tower with adjustable pins? You could probably rig something. Put a loaded barbell on a few stacked plates or something. Not sure how worth the efoort it would be tho

Also titan, what are you even posting about? Why are pictures necessary to make a solid point? You must be new here dot jpeg
Along with what SuperJU said, it helps with the weakest part of the press, and helps you with the lockout. It puts all the load on the chest and takes out any leg drive like you said. My gym doesn't have that kind of rack and Ive tried to rig up something but it didn't work the way I wanted it too.

Go to about the 6 minute mark of this vid


I liked them, kept my legs warm in between sets def will be buying more from eastbay to wear on leg days.

Do you guys wrap your knees with a knee brace on leg day? I don't have knee issues but I go heavy (16plates, heavy in my eyes) on leg press and don't want to mess up my knees
You have to know how to train for strength in order to get your weight up. I promise if you do something as simple as a 5x5 and add weight each week it will go up. It has helped me in both squat and bench along with overall strength.

Just going in there and doing 3x10 isn't going to get you stronger if you do the same weight every time. Progressive overloading is the key for strength. But this is only if you want to train for strength not do bodybuilding style training. 

Thinking about starting a 5 x 5 because I've hit a wall with the pyramid. Time to switch it up.

So you do a warmup set, then 5 sets of 5 reps with the same weight?
Thinking about starting a 5 x 5 because I've hit a wall with the pyramid. Time to switch it up.

So you do a warmup set, then 5 sets of 5 reps with the same weight?
Yeah I do 1 or 2 warmup sets after warming up my rotator cuffs. Pick a weight that on the last set will feel heavier then the first set.

After awhile you can switch it up and add weight each set and by the 5th set you are going for a 5RM but I wouldn't do that if your just starting out.
Yeah I do 1 or 2 warmup sets after warming up my rotator cuffs. Pick a weight that on the last set will feel heavier then the first set.

After awhile you can switch it up and add weight each set and by the 5th set you are going for a 5RM but I wouldn't do that if your just starting out.

Say I fail on set #4 or set #5. Do I complete the remaining reps in a new set or just move on?

I ask because I lift alone with no spotter.
Say I fail on set #4 or set #5. Do I complete the remaining reps in a new set or just move on?

I ask because I lift alone with no spotter.
This is what I do and have seen results. The first time you do it pick a weight you know you can do 5x5 but isn't too heavy where you cant finish. Then the next week do 4 sets of that weight and on the last set add 5 or 10lbs and knock out 5 reps with it. Then over time that weight you did on the 5th set will be the weight you start off with.

That make sense? Once you get the hang of it its really easy, just don't start out too heavy where you can complete the whole 5x5.

I feel you on the no spotter, I wish I had someone dedicated like the guys in here to lift with because that helps you push yourself past failure with each workout. 
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Yeah I do 1 or 2 warmup sets after warming up my rotator cuffs. Pick a weight that on the last set will feel heavier then the first set.

After awhile you can switch it up and add weight each set and by the 5th set you are going for a 5RM but I wouldn't do that if your just starting out.

Say I fail on set #4 or set #5. Do I complete the remaining reps in a new set or just move on?

I ask because I lift alone with no spotter.

You can, but I usually stick with a set amount of sets. If I'm going 5 and I start failing on the 3rd rep of my 4th then I probably only just do 2 reps on my 5th set. Mostly I'm able to get more and more weight up as the weeks progress so usually on the 5th set I'm failing on a weight that's higher than the weight I was doing on the 5th set a week or two ago. I just takes more time it seems, but the gains still come.
you guys think CT is natural? lol. he talks a good game but...

I think he might have been roided back in the day because everyone was. Being that he was fat and huge when he loss the fat he had all that muscle under. I'm sure he doesn't take anything now though.

If there a diff between pancake and waffle batter? I'm gonna cop a waffle iron when I get off work in a few
I feel you on the no spotter, I wish I had someone dedicated like the guys in here to lift with because that helps you push yourself past failure with each workout. 

You guys don't have smith machines at your gyms? Got like 3-4 at my la fitness, best invention ever
I feel you on the no spotter, I wish I had someone dedicated like the guys in here to lift with because that helps you push yourself past failure with each workout. 

You guys don't have smith machines at your gyms? Got like 3-4 at my la fitness, best invention ever

I'm sure there is, but there's a reason free weights > ....Smith machines are convenient, but if you're more experienced or looking for real gains then the smith machines won't get you where you want to go.
Really? Pics show strength?...

Try again troll
Thanks for quoting my post it really shows how stupid you are. Where did I mention anything about strength I said he could be inspiration. Loosing a 100 lbs is kind of a big deal, especially in a stay/get back into shape thread.

Nice fail attempt at calling me out, next time read what people post.
I'm sure there is, but there's a reason free weights > ....Smith machines are convenient, but if you're more experienced or looking for real gains then the smith machines won't get you where you want to go.
This. I won't use the smith machine for any compound movement. If the rack is taken up I just ask if i can join in or how many sets they have left.
would floor pressing on the smith machine give me the same benefits??
really need to get my bench #'s up
I would say no because once you would switch from smith to regular you would be humbled very quickly lol It wouldn't help you with having to balance/control the weight.
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Thanks for quoting my post it really shows how stupid you are. Where did I mention anything about strength I said he could be inspiration. Loosing a 100 lbs is kind of a big deal, especially in a stay/get back into shape thread.

Nice fail attempt at calling me out, next time read what people post.
What are you talking about fam??

Where did I say I lost 100lbs? 

I read exactly what you post, which sounded like I needed to provide a picture to back up my advice on how the 5x5 routine has helped me. Thats why I said a picture wont show strength...

Got a new gig @ AT&T

Orientation Friday, begin training Monday. They said it'll be done in Anaheim/Tustin, they offered to put me up in a room or pay me mileage.

Decisions, Decisions.

Traffic, accessibility to meals ($$) and gas spent along with traffic have me thinking of staying out there for however long i'll be down there. Gym access isn't an issue considering there's a few LAF's in that area...23 miles each way with approximately 1hr on the way back at the end of the day, plus dealing with traffic if I decide to tough it out by staying home :x:x
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