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Floor presses can help increase regular BB bench because of the lack of ROM as you said, can load more weight.  It helps you work on the tougher part of the BB bench press which is at the midpoint to the finish.  Most people get stuck at the midpoint when using a heavy load and implementing some floor presses will help you work through the sticking point, ultimately increasing your bench.  

Along with what SuperJU said, it helps with the weakest part of the press, and helps you with the lockout. It puts all the load on the chest and takes out any leg drive like you said. My gym doesn't have that kind of rack and Ive tried to rig up something but it didn't work the way I wanted it too.

Go to about the 6 minute mark of this vid
Thanks guys. Makes a lot of sense. For me though, I feel like the main thing that limits me is time. Like I have no problem getting my bench up from week to week, so it's just a matter of getting my workout in, resting, and eating properly and being patient for the next week.


Anyone have inconsistencies with weighing themselfs ?

Inhae a digital scale at home and I weighed myself at the gym and it's almost a 10lb difference ?
Dude serious? The scales probably aren't calibrated to each other. No **** you're gonna get discrepancies.
What if you already have one, but want a lot of definition
Still no, unless you go against your S/N and "dry yourself out". Not healthy, depletes your body of water and could go into cardiac arrest

Is it possible to get a 6 pack in one week. 
Do a juice fast. It'll rid your body of excess toxins and you won't be eating any carbs so i could suck in that extra little flab...I don't know.
Now you know it alls are intriguing me. Thank you. 

Will I look like Superman 
Gonna rock the compression pants for leg day tomorrow. Come at me brah. And I like that my Lats are growing too

How long did this take you? what did you weigh in the first pic & what do you weigh now?
Also thanx for all the responses & tips guys,truly appreciate it
How long did this take you? what did you weigh in the first pic & what do you weigh now?
Also thanx for all the responses & tips guys,truly appreciate it

First pic I was like 308-310 I initially started at 320, I started counting calories July last yr and going to the weight room Aug 1 last year. I'm like 226-230 right now so I lost 90 or so lbs.

Just got done doing chest, thinking about going higher volume on chest

Yeah I wouldn't say a Smith is completely useless. I would just never bench or squat with one.

Exactly, theyre not useless at all. Personally, I love doing barbell curls with the smith machine. I can really get a good pump on my peak with a smith machine. Love that burn.
once you start lifting regularly with your cardio, you're gaining muscle AND losing fat.
i was under the impression that really obese people and noobs can do this but a true recomp is actually difficult.

Broscience? All I can say is that I'm neither of those things and I've done it. When you get to a certain point or physique then I'm sure you have to have a more honed in focus, but I don't know at what point that is. Again, I'm just going by experience.
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First pic I was like 308-310 I initially started at 320, I started counting calories July last yr and going to the weight room Aug 1 last year. I'm like 226-230 right now so I lost 90 or so lbs.

Just got done doing chest, thinking about going higher volume on chest


almost didnt recognize ya in this pic
are barbell lunges worth doing? i hear theyre a useless exercise

my leg day only incorporates leg presses, squats, and leg extensions

what else should i add in?
are barbell lunges worth doing? i hear theyre a useless exercise

my leg day only incorporates leg presses, squats, and leg extensions

what else should i add in?

My leg day is more a total body day. Squats, cleans, deadlifts, then lunges. Legs will be fried, but easily my most rewarding lift day.
Any formerly skinny guys on here with good calf building experience?

I have really narrow bone structure (can make my index finger and thumb meet around my wrist) so it's hard for me to look big. After a lot of work though, I've managed to add a lot of mass all over , but my calves seem impossible to grow :smh: It's not even that they're weak, my friend is a swole dude and I outperform him on calf workouts :smh: Not sure what I need to do to build this one weak spot...Looking like a drumstick with huge quads and glutes with skinny @#$ calves

People always hit me with the "you should work out your legs" when I'm wearing loose workout shorts that hide my quads :lol:
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By Deadlifts on leg day, you guys are referring to SLDL right?

I'm not. I'm talking about the real deal Holyfield my man.

If it works for you, by all means, my dude. :smokin

I personally look at Deadlifts as a back exercise. I rather throw in a few more sets of squats , rather than do traditional Deadlifts on leg day, but that's me.

It does. It's more of my heavy day, buy like I mentioned before...My leg day to me is considered more of my total body day. I just have so much intensity flowing that day because I got my mind right, that I'm able to go heavy on my squats, cleans and deadlifts. Great feeling after.
I try to do lunges every leg day or some variation of them....that or weighted step ups after i squat and do some SLDLs
I use the smith machine for seated barbell overhead press some times on shoulder days. Come at me bro's

As far as calves are concerned, they are hard for some people to grow it might have to do with genetics. But just work them more. Finish off some days with calves even if its not legs day, like 3 times a week.

I seem to get a lasting burn when i do negative sets, not too sure if this is good or bad. But when i do bi's i like to finish with inclined curls and i will lower the weights really slow to really feel the strain on my bicep, i noticed it helped with lateral and front raises on shoulder day as well. I have heard mixed opinions on how often to work negative sets in and if they will increase strength or muscle growth....but i like em
Went to workout with my buddy last night at his gym and it really makes me realize how much I take for granted working out at the LA Fitness I frequent. Still got in there and did damage though!
Chest/shoulders/tris today...currently around 262...was 292 March 1st

Ya how tall are you brah?
Broscience? All I can say is that I'm neither of those things and I've done it. When you get to a certain point or physique then I'm sure you have to have a more honed in focus, but I don't know at what point that is. Again, I'm just going by experience.
So the principle of conservation of mass is broscience yet your own personal experience isn't? Okay guy.

Any formerly skinny guys on here with good calf building experience?

I have really narrow bone structure (can make my index finger and thumb meet around my wrist) so it's hard for me to look big. After a lot of work though, I've managed to add a lot of mass all over , but my calves seem impossible to grow :smh: It's not even that they're weak, my friend is a swole dude and I outperform him on calf workouts :smh: Not sure what I need to do to build this one weak spot...Looking like a drumstick with huge quads and glutes with skinny @#$ calves

People always hit me with the "you should work out your legs" when I'm wearing loose workout shorts that hide my quads :lol:
well in the interim you could stop wearing baggy basketball shorts

My transformation from fat to fit. Abs are made in the kitchen not by doing 100's of situps a day.
how much do you weigh?
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