STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

 Definitely not, but being 12% isn't impressive... no girl is gonna be like this dude has a sweet physique unless you're around 6-7%  
Really? Are you 6-7%? I dont see many dudes around my way that are that low year round... Your gonna have to have a good amount of mass to have that low of bf and actually look like you lift when wearing clothes. The only dudes I see that low are toothpicks that do some biceps and abs everyday.
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if your interested in training for athletic aesthetics(functional, aesthetic muscles) for natural lifters subscribe jonnie candito on youtube. dude is 21 yrs old 5'7 180 lbs benchs 340, squats and deadlifts over 500 lbs for multiple reps with PERFECT form. dude looks like Harry potter but is a absolute beast and knows his stuff. If your interested in looking lean, dense and muscular(like sprinters, football players, etc) WATCH!

He can also dunk at 5'7 which is pretty dope :smokin

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:lol: You'll get used to it, my dude.

Dropping the weight and going as deep as possible, will yield better results IMO.

Yea, doing that definitely added a decent amount of size to my legs. It makes you feel strong as Hell too, especially when you finish the last rep
Going to workout chest/tri with a long time friend of mine who helped me lose all the weight and get into weight lifting a couple years back.

Can't wait :smokin
Well finished up a 7 week intense lifting program and hit 285 fairly easy for a max after four working sets (old max was 275) so I'm thinkin 290 probably was there too. Also I do DB bench after regular bench and got up to 115s x3 on my final set of 3-5 on those after being stuck at 105s for a couple weeks.

If you're stuck, just keep pushin. Nothin like gettin DEEEZ GAINZ after a plateau haha. Sleep and eat right and keep pushin to the limits and you'll get there.
anybody else doing Paleo? Love the results, no need to calorie count, and have less of an urge to have cheat meals.
ICF definitely isnt the most funnest to watch but I still watch his videos because of the info from science and studies. Like whats the most optimal way of doing things and what's BS out there, etc. He says he's taking something because the PL competition he's gonna compete in everybody is un-natural. Its in the UK and its not illegal to possess steroids over there.. if i recall correctly lol

my new favorite snack now is greek yogurt+peanut butter. Can't believe i never done it sooner :smokin

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if your interested in training for athletic aesthetics(functional, aesthetic muscles) for natural lifters subscribe jonnie candito on youtube. dude is 21 yrs old 5'7 180 lbs benchs 340, squats and deadlifts over 500 lbs for multiple reps with PERFECT form. dude looks like Harry potter but is a absolute beast and knows his stuff. If your interested in looking lean, dense and muscular(like sprinters, football players, etc) WATCH!

He can also dunk at 5'7 which is pretty dope

hes not a real athlete
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