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Why not both?

I'm a proponent for compound exercises, but I see nothing wrong with having iso involved.

*kanye shrug*

And Durden with you speaking on insecurities, essentially what makes someone who lifts for the purpose of lookin good vain and insecure? Look at what site you are on. That is like saying people only dress in what they consider to be nice because they have deep down insecurities. In a sense I would assume you believe bodybuilders as a whole are just a group of insecure humans, since nobody lifts and competes to brag about bench, they compete to see who has the "best" body. With your logic someone who lifts to get stronger only could be considered insecure, since they are clearly trying to make up for the lack of something else.

Im not saying everyone who does it is insecure. It's a sliding scale and not everyone fits into the same general bubble... I get that. Its VERY easy to get caught up in the vanity of exercise and thats when the insecurities start to come to light. Theres a difference between exercising to look good, feel good, etc and exercising to be "absolutely shredded". The latter is much more vain and is likely due to some sort of insecurity.

That analogy between exercise and fashion doesnt work. Dressing well has nothing to do with insecurities. Dressing in a certain way to stand out does, but thats a totally different situation.

I think youre not understanding what I mean by insecurity. It doesnt always have a negative connotation. Theres a very big difference between being insecure about something and wanting to fix it and being insecure about something and it manifesting into an obsession. Everyone goes through some form of the former. Not everyone goes through the latter... except its very prominent in the exercise community. Thats where the vanity comes into play.
Bodybuilding isn't a sport, I guess :rolleyes.

Yes, training biceps, and such isn't so important if you're doing it for a sport like football, baseball, etc.

I eventually want to compete in a physique show, so I shouldn't do shrugs, bicep curls, and the likes because it isn't functional?


Im not sure if youre referring to what I said, but I see nothing wrong with anything you just said.

My point is that as an individual, everyone should understand why they exercise. Once that purpose is defined, then the workouts should be tailored to what that goal is. From my experience, theres a disconnect between plan and action.

If your goal is to compete in bodybuilding/physique, then workouts should be structured in a way that accommodates those goals.

If your goal is to lose weight, get in better shape, feel better, then the workouts will be structured differently.

If you compete in any sport, recreationally or not, then the workout will be tailored in a way that helps that sport.

Thats what im trying to get across. Trying to lose some bodyfat %? Dont do shrugs. Need to put on some size because you play in the post? Dont have an arm day. Want to hit a baseball farther? Ignore calf raises. Have a purpose and make the action follow the purpose.
Bodybuilding isn't a sport, I guess :rolleyes.

Yes, training biceps, and such isn't so important if you're doing it for a sport like football, baseball, etc.

I eventually want to compete in a physique show, so I shouldn't do shrugs, bicep curls, and the likes because it isn't functional?


Im not sure if youre referring to what I said, but I see nothing wrong with anything you just said.

My point is that as an individual, everyone should understand why they exercise. Once that purpose is defined, then the workouts should be tailored to what that goal is. From my experience, theres a disconnect between plan and action.

If your goal is to compete in bodybuilding/physique, then workouts should be structured in a way that accommodates those goals.

If your goal is to lose weight, get in better shape, feel better, then the workouts will be structured differently.

If you compete in any sport, recreationally or not, then the workout will be tailored in a way that helps that sport.

Thats what im trying to get across. Trying to lose some bodyfat %? Dont do shrugs. Need to put on some size because you play in the post? Dont have an arm day. Want to hit a baseball farther? Ignore calf raises. Have a purpose and make the action follow the purpose.

I took what you said as those exercises as pointless. I do agree with what you said about tailoring a plan around your goals.

I only want to compete in bodybuilding, so isolation is just as important as compound movements for me.


I realized today how real my leg days are. Hit em Monday, and today is the first day I can walk normal. Quads are still sore however.
Yo this dude lucky luchiano transformed 
def transformation. good stuff.

on a tangent though...

imagine if people spent more time shaping their character and integrity?
this might be a shot in the dark, but are wireless headphones compatible with this?


1st generation Shuffle
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Who squats the deepest on squats?

I literally squat until it's impossible to squat any lower. Anyone with me??

Yup, I switched to deep squats a few months ago (not so deep where I feel like my back is gonna snap though). First time I did it though, I underestimated how much harder it would be. I pretty much embarrassed myself in front of some fine @#% girls that regularly go there when I couldnt get back up from my first rep :lol: had to crawl out from under the safety racks and pretend like the bar slipped :lol:
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