STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

NT Bretherens, Need some help. I've been on my bulking diet for about 2.5 weeks now and I haven't seen any weight put on me. Maybe 1-2lbs but it seems like my belly got bigger but my arms, chest, legs are still the same. I've been able to increase my weights by about 5-10lbs during certain exercises but nothing major. Not sure what seems to be the problem. Every morning I take a dump and I feel like I just lose all my calories.

Here's my diet. (Vegetarian btw)

Breakfast-3 eggwhites and spinach, 1-2 slices of whole wheat bread, broccoli.
Meal 2- 2nd half of the shake, nuts, peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Meal 3- Broocli, Brown rice, Sandwich (Wheat bread, 1 slice pepper jack cheese, spinach, tomatoes, olives, soy product, sriracha)
Meal 4- 1/2 shake (2 scoops mass gainer, 1 banana, 1/2 cup oats, 1 spoon peanut butter) before workout, other half after workout and yams or baked potatoes, brown rice, broccoli, nuts, fruits.
Meal 5- brown rice, sandwich, mixed veggies.

I know I need to get some potatoes and cottage cheese in there.

bulking and vegetarian dont even compute for me

i never bench

i use dumbbells

i know i can rep over 300 easy though if i had too

lucky you look great, you got sloppy as hell i didnt realize how big you were until i peeked in here ages ago

im proud for you. it feels great doesnt it. wish more out of shape ppl would take control like you did. madd respect yo. keep doin ya thing

my dad lives in GA next time im out there ill have to hit you up so we can get some reps in.

Thanks brah, I go to LA fitness so just let me know, lol I ain't throwing up no crazy weights though
how wide should my stance be when squatting atg? is it possible to have too wide of a stance? also, how much should the feet point out? thanks

edit: to clarify, i figured I should pick a stance/foot placement that I'm comfortable squatting in without any weight (bodyweight). After experimenting I found the most comfortable way and the only way I can remain balanced at the bottom (hamstrings on calves) is if I use a wide stance and my feet point out at like 30 degrees. Of course once I add weight balancing isn't a problem, but I was wondering if I should stick with what felt comfortable when doing it without weights.

It's a preference with stance. Most people are strongest with a wider stance(1.5x shoulder width). It allows you to activate the hips more(very powerful muscles when developed) and also allows you to control your stopping point with you adductors.
NT Bretherens, Need some help. I've been on my bulking diet for about 2.5 weeks now and I haven't seen any weight put on me. Maybe 1-2lbs but it seems like my belly got bigger but my arms, chest, legs are still the same. I've been able to increase my weights by about 5-10lbs during certain exercises but nothing major. Not sure what seems to be the problem. Every morning I take a dump and I feel like I just lose all my calories.

Here's my diet. (Vegetarian btw)

Breakfast-3 eggwhites and spinach, 1-2 slices of whole wheat bread, broccoli.
Meal 2- 2nd half of the shake, nuts, peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Meal 3- Broocli, Brown rice, Sandwich (Wheat bread, 1 slice pepper jack cheese, spinach, tomatoes, olives, soy product, sriracha)
Meal 4- 1/2 shake (2 scoops mass gainer, 1 banana, 1/2 cup oats, 1 spoon peanut butter) before workout, other half after workout and yams or baked potatoes, brown rice, broccoli, nuts, fruits.
Meal 5- brown rice, sandwich, mixed veggies.

I know I need to get some potatoes and cottage cheese in there.

if you are bulking why dont you eat the yolks, thats where most of the protein is at man, unless ofcourse you have high cholesterol.
how many grams of protein you getting, from what i see is probably not enough. I say add some whole fat milk in there
high protein and calories. you can also add eggs to meal 3 and 5 or beans.
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Started from 211, now im at 186.

i cleaned up my diet:
- Intermittent fasting (only ate from 3pm-9pm)
- only drank water
- limited calories (aimed for 1600cal/day)
- did my best to eliminate all "white" carbs
- i did have 1-2 cheat days a week, but didn't go completely overboard because i got used to not eating so much.

and i did cardio exercises 3-5 days/week on an empty stomach:
- biking on a fixed gear so i would always keep my legs in motion (10miles)
- HIIT jumprope (3min on and 1min off for a total of a 30min jumproping)

Took me 4 months but its just in time for my Hawaii vacation. Feelsgoodman.
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if you are bulking why dont you eat the yolks, thats where most of the protein is at man, unless ofcourse you have high cholesterol.
how many grams of protein you getting, from what i see is probably not enough. I say add some whole fat milk in there
high protein and calories. you can also add eggs to meal 3 and 5 or beans.

I started eating the yolks now. Just feel like everything I'm eating comes out the next morning.

^ Your protein intake is very low.

What is in the mass gainer?

It's serious mass gainer that's what it's called but it's got about 1100 calories when mixed with water and 1600 with milk. 56g of protein I think I gotta look at it again but yea my protein intake is very low.
Yeah lookin big Audi, you still on the bike? Make sure you hit those legs buddy!

Wider stance I can go heavier with on squats. But if I go narrow I feel like I can go lower so it's whichever feels more comfortable in my opinion, just do them!

How you get us confused Timbo? Lol
Yeah lookin big Audi, you still on the bike? Make sure you hit those legs buddy!

Wider stance I can go heavier with on squats. But if I go narrow I feel like I can go lower so it's whichever feels more comfortable in my opinion, just do them!

How you get us confused Timbo? Lol

i def have legs, my waist is really small

i have big calves too my v taper is pretty prominent. i dont go crazy on legs just higher reps. i dont do a direct arm day, arms are very dominant. i believe if you do compounds youre good

i dont ever recall bein on the i talked about it before? im 28 years old now an honestly i just eat healthy and maintain.......i weight a lil over 200lbs i dont even care to be any bigger. just tweak body parts. im big and lean year round and dont fluctuate much. yes im natural.

i also dont drink alcohol at all.
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i def have legs, my waist is really small

i have big calves too my v taper is pretty prominent. i dont go crazy on legs just higher reps. i dont do a direct arm day, arms are very dominant. i believe if you do compounds youre good

i dont ever recall bein on the i talked about it before? im 28 years old now an honestly i just eat healthy and maintain.......i weight a lil over 200lbs i dont even care to be any bigger. just tweak body parts. im big and lean year round and dont fluctuate much. yes im natural.

i also dont drink alcohol at all.

Yeah you said something to Stunna before about him not being natural after he posted pics of him on stage and said something along the lines of PM you to talk more about them, I don't remember exactly, wasn't taking shots.
Yeah you said something to Stunna before about him not being natural after he posted pics of him on stage and said something along the lines of PM you to talk more about them, I don't remember exactly, wasn't taking shots.

i was talkin to a buddy not long ago this

im 28 now an started gettin serious at the age of 17

i despise bodybuilding these days...........i really do.

simplyshredded is BS along with so many ppl in it.........all the forums are full of broscience an idiots running stuff wrecking their body. a lot of politics in bodybuilding. the whole NPC physique thing is a joke also.

at my local la fitness, you got ppl young to old running stuff its too a point where if youre in shape and got size or low bf its assumed youre on drugs now

im a big fan of layne norton an train DUP style

i never bench

i use dumbbells

i know i can rep over 300 easy though if i had too

lucky you look great, you got sloppy as hell i didnt realize how big you were until i peeked in here ages ago

im proud for you. it feels great doesnt it. wish more out of shape ppl would take control like you did. madd respect yo. keep doin ya thing

my dad lives in GA next time im out there ill have to hit you up so we can get some reps in.

I thought you had said you were cycling too at one point. You and dropten. If you arent and haven't thats great and youve definitely got some awesome size. The clothes makes your shape look a little awkward tho. Black pants make your legs look miniature lol
at my local la fitness, you got ppl young to old running stuff its too a point where if youre in shape and got size or low bf its assumed youre on drugs now

im a big fan of layne norton an train DUP style
I thought you had said you were cycling too at one point. You and dropten. If you arent and haven't thats great and youve definitely got some awesome size. The clothes makes your shape look a little awkward tho. Black pants make your legs look miniature lol
He did say that and accused stunna of taking. That angle makes his torso look about 5 feet long, he must be saggin or something lol Good size guns tho no romo.
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I'm same height as dude but he has me by 20lbs. If you seen me in person ppl always think I weigh a lot more, they can't believe it. I'm not naive an been around and seen and know too much. 220lbs and dude is my same height. I'll tell you what if I weighed same as him I'd look a lot a better way. What show did he do again? I'll let you know if it was natural or not an find out if it was tested. You always believe everyone on simplyshredded just takes whey protein also huh?
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I'm same height as dude but he has me by 20lbs. If you seen me in person ppl always think I weigh a lot more, they can't believe it. I'm not naive an been around and seen and know too much. 220lbs and dude is my same height. I'll tell you what if I weighed same as him I'd look a lot a better way. What show did he do again? I'll let you know if it was natural or not an find out if it was tested. You always believe everyone on simplyshredded just takes whey protein also huh?
lol I have no idea what simply shredded is and why you keep talking about it. I am aware of what shows test and which ones don't, but it doesn't matter either way from what I've heard. I really don't care if your natural or not but I know you have talked about running a cycle before. It still takes hard work to get what you have, no doubting that brother.
lol I have no idea what simply shredded is and why you keep talking about it. I am aware of what shows test and which ones don't, but it doesn't matter either way from what I've heard. I really don't care if your natural or not but I know you have talked about running a cycle before. It still takes hard work to get what you have, no doubting that brother.

dude dont mind me, i shouldnt even have posted my pic an i shouldve just kept my mouth shut.

i dont wanna go on a rant right now an mess up the flow of the thread
When building chest, do you guys start from the heaviest to the lowest, or lowest to the heaviest? I was doing lowest to the heaviest for awhile, than my bod told me start from heaviest to lowest (pyramid 12 - 10 - 8 - 6). Hmmm, whats the proper way?!
Your body "told you" to switch up your routine? Based on your post, I'm guessing you'd benefit most from a simple linear progression like Starting Strength.
I meant to say my 'boy', lol. I need to proof read before I hit submit. My homie told me to lift heavy and work your way down, is that correct?
Sometimes I just want to stop doing cardio forever
Just for ***** and giggles I stopped doing cardio for 4 weeks (about 3 months ago), biggest mistake, my belly slowly creeped back, and I was like "oh ****... is this real life". Next day I was on that treadmill grinding it out. Now I'm doing some form of home cardio everyday and treadmill 3x a week.

I've been counting calories and trying to lose weight.

I'm pretty strick with caloric intake however sometimes I eat bad food.

Yesterday I ate 2050 calories but consumed 62 grams of fat

My daily caloric needs for maintenance are about 3000 calories.

What would be the worst case scenario if I did this everyday but i got the proper protein.

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