STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Just for ***** and giggles I stopped doing cardio for 4 weeks (about 3 months ago), biggest mistake, my belly slowly creeped back, and I was like "oh ****... is this real life". Next day I was on that treadmill grinding it out. Now I'm doing some form of home cardio everyday and treadmill 3x a week.

man, my chest and arms are coming along, but I feel like I got a looooong way before I have a tight stomach


this was about an hour ago, dude chest back and an alternate leg workout since I only got 1 full leg day during the week, couldnt get in cardio since LA fitness closes early on friday.

I`m starting to think I might not ever need to truly bulk, if I get my gut to where I want it to be and from then on just eat like 1-200 cal over maintenance (to offset any extra calories extra burned from working out.) shouldnt I be able to see some growth muscle wise? or will I just see a very slow process of losing even more fat and end up leaner?

I've been counting calories and trying to lose weight.

I'm pretty strick with caloric intake however sometimes I eat bad food.

Yesterday I ate 2050 calories but consumed 62 grams of fat

My daily caloric needs for maintenance are about 3000 calories.

What would be the worst case scenario if I did this everyday but i got the proper protein.
Post your meal plan.

Your fat intake isn't anything all that bad, as long as they're good fats.  You have to find the macronutrient balance that works for you.  Some people respond to high protein/high fat nutrition better than others.
what teh helll are those you go on? please dont tell me you got tights on? :rofl:

anyways you look awesome minus the shorts
man, my chest and arms are coming along, but I feel like I got a looooong way before I have a tight stomach


this was about an hour ago, dude chest back and an alternate leg workout since I only got 1 full leg day during the week, couldnt get in cardio since LA fitness closes early on friday.

I`m starting to think I might not ever need to truly bulk, if I get my gut to where I want it to be and from then on just eat like 1-200 cal over maintenance (to offset any extra calories extra burned from working out.) shouldnt I be able to see some growth muscle wise? or will I just see a very slow process of losing even more fat and end up leaner?
Hopefully you can get your stomach to your desired shape, man. I still have a little stubborn loose piece under the belly. I don't think it'll ever go away.

:pimp: at that Rocky short shorts :lol:
Lucky no lie tights are comfortable, I wear them in the winter while running but for gym purposes man you need on some longer shorts over those imo.
tights (ie compression pants) during leg days are money! BUT damn, wear some MAN shorts! those shorts look like they fo 6th graders LOLLL
yea Luck, clothing wise, you're lookin straight out of ballet rehearsal lol. Pirouette's between sets n **** lol

defintely trimming though bro and yea, given your natural size, you probably wont have to bulk too seriously. just continue to lift heavy and consume plenty of protein, you'll pack on muscle.
how wide should my stance be when squatting atg? is it possible to have too wide of a stance? also, how much should the feet point out? thanks

edit: to clarify, i figured I should pick a stance/foot placement that I'm comfortable squatting in without any weight (bodyweight). After experimenting I found the most comfortable way and the only way I can remain balanced at the bottom (hamstrings on calves) is if I use a wide stance and my feet point out at like 30 degrees. Of course once I add weight balancing isn't a problem, but I was wondering if I should stick with what felt comfortable when doing it without weights.
You have an easier time squatting deeper with a wider stance? I was under the impression that a wider stance limited range of motion, does enable you to lift heavier. I'm gonna assume you need to do some mobility work regardless. Foam roll and do a proper warm-up. It will work wonders

NT Bretherens, Need some help. I've been on my bulking diet for about 2.5 weeks now and I haven't seen any weight put on me. Maybe 1-2lbs but it seems like my belly got bigger but my arms, chest, legs are still the same. I've been able to increase my weights by about 5-10lbs during certain exercises but nothing major. Not sure what seems to be the problem. Every morning I take a dump and I feel like I just lose all my calories.

Here's my diet. (Vegetarian btw)

Breakfast-3 eggwhites and spinach, 1-2 slices of whole wheat bread, broccoli.
Meal 2- 2nd half of the shake, nuts, peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Meal 3- Broocli, Brown rice, Sandwich (Wheat bread, 1 slice pepper jack cheese, spinach, tomatoes, olives, soy product, sriracha)
Meal 4- 1/2 shake (2 scoops mass gainer, 1 banana, 1/2 cup oats, 1 spoon peanut butter) before workout, other half after workout and yams or baked potatoes, brown rice, broccoli, nuts, fruits.
Meal 5- brown rice, sandwich, mixed veggies.

I know I need to get some potatoes and cottage cheese in there.

bulking and vegetarian dont even compute for me
Word. At the very least, it's highly inefficient.

Is an hour of treadmill running good enough cardio during a gym session?

Just went in, did 30 mins, did my session and finished out with 30 mins.
Pretty inefficient if you ask me. Do some sort of HIIT.

Yeah lookin big Audi, you still on the bike? Make sure you hit those legs buddy!

Wider stance I can go heavier with on squats. But if I go narrow I feel like I can go lower so it's whichever feels more comfortable in my opinion, just do them!

How you get us confused Timbo? Lol
Now I got the differences, but when I first got started on the thread, I got your posts confused. I think maybe because you all would do the "Murdered my legs today. INSERT YOUNG JEEZY ADLIB" posts that used to make me perturbed. I got over it though.

i def have legs, my waist is really small

i have big calves too my v taper is pretty prominent. i dont go crazy on legs just higher reps. i dont do a direct arm day, arms are very dominant. i believe if you do compounds youre good

i dont ever recall bein on the i talked about it before? im 28 years old now an honestly i just eat healthy and maintain.......i weight a lil over 200lbs i dont even care to be any bigger. just tweak body parts. im big and lean year round and dont fluctuate much. yes im natural.

i also dont drink alcohol at all.
How tall are you?

i was talkin to a buddy not long ago this

im 28 now an started gettin serious at the age of 17

i despise bodybuilding these days...........i really do.

simplyshredded is BS along with so many ppl in it.........all the forums are full of broscience an idiots running stuff wrecking their body. a lot of politics in bodybuilding. the whole NPC physique thing is a joke also.

at my local la fitness, you got ppl young to old running stuff its too a point where if youre in shape and got size or low bf its assumed youre on drugs now

im a big fan of layne norton an train DUP style
I always thought Layne Norton was a giant douche. But yeah I read a couple SS articles right back when Zyzz got his first interview, and that site reeked of broscience. That whole "aesthetics" lifestyle got a bunch of idiot teenagers doing idiot **** and then posting about it on the internet

I meant to say my 'boy', lol. I need to proof read before I hit submit. My homie told me to lift heavy and work your way down, is that correct?

Ohhhhh. so in a given workout - you'd start off with like 185, then do 165, then 145?

Lucky no lie tights are comfortable, I wear them in the winter while running but for gym purposes man you need on some longer shorts over those imo.
Nothing wrong with short shorts, but aren't those cut-off sweatpants? Judging by the amount of photos Lucky posts in this thread, dude thrives off attention. Dressing goofy at the gym is a surefire way of getting attention.
Cut off short sweatpants with tights under is goofy in my book. Do you not thrive off attention though? That post wasn't meant to be offensive brah.
Lucky i wore that same the 2rd grade bro
yea Luck, clothing wise, you're lookin straight out of ballet rehearsal lol. Pirouette's between sets n **** lol

defintely trimming though bro and yea, given your natural size, you probably wont have to bulk too seriously. just continue to lift heavy and consume plenty of protein, you'll pack on muscle.

I'm dyin over here word the **** up.

I don't know how a shirt that tight is even comfortable to wear sitting on the couch, much less trying to move around in.
Cut off short sweatpants with tights under is goofy in my book. Do you not thrive off attention though? That post wasn't meant to be offensive brah.

The pants were cut because the bottom if a leg tore, but enough about that. I thrive off gains. Do you and have a bless day.
Yes, cause people are mirin your compression v-neck and mid quad shorts.

You realize the ratio of the selfies you post in here are at like a 10:1 ratio compared to everyone else combined? lol

(Waits for Lucky's super defensive post about how he's gonna continue to do him).[/quote

Now why should I care how many pics others post? Individuals are too concerned in living within some imaginary standard that they feel anything outside of that is wrong. I rather post pics of myself then pics of non natty lifters and call that "motivation". While to you fitness gurus my post are annoying there are others who find my pics motivating and I get hit up everyday on here by folks, not even bragging but if me posting pics of my self through my journey serves as motivation to others and serves as a timeline where I can see how I thought about certain things and changed my views on things I'm gonna keep doing it. Dudes on here have had stuff to say about me since day one and I keep doing me and keeps long progress while everyone else hides behind Internet screen names. Lol the block button isn't hard to find, like I said if guys really have an issue they can handle it. But until then keep dissing and I'm gonna keep making gainz
I ***** with you and love seeing your progress, (cot damn you was an ol moon face fatty) you gotta admit you do too much with the dressing in the gym though. But really from way back Luck been doing too much with clothes period, so it's kinda irrelevant. NT gon stay clownin though, I think son knows that.
Do you guys work out solely in the gym or do other activities as well, ie biking? Been thinking about switching up the routine a bit. Went for a quick swim on Thursday and woke up feeling sore (the good kind) around the shoulders and back area :smile:
Do you guys work out solely in the gym or do other activities as well, ie biking? Been thinking about switching up the routine a bit. Went for a quick swim on Thursday and woke up feeling sore (the good kind) around the shoulders and back area :smile:

i bike it to the gym and back 4miles each way
I ***** with you and love seeing your progress, (cot damn you was an ol moon face fatty) you gotta admit you do too much with the dressing in the gym though. But really from way back Luck been doing too much with clothes period, so it's kinda irrelevant. NT gon stay clownin though, I think son knows that.

Like I said I do me, lol if I wanna workout inflip flops I will, and while dudes are focusing on what I had on, I'm focused on my workout which adds to my progress. Dudes nit pick more than women.
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