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for me, cutting bodyfat has been so much more difficult. i wish i leaned out to a respectable level from the beginning. maybe you wanna do that first. i could be wrong though. there might be a way to easily do both (without anabolics). i can only tell you what has worked for me.
Yeah getting lean then trying to put on mass is ideal, although many former fatties can cut and "turn" their fat into muscle.

One of the girls from my class doing an OverHead Squat, impressive form.

What weight is that plate?

Yeah I'll just keep leaning out. Just tough when your workout partner is bulking and you're cutting, he's getting big and you're getting small. He had low bodyfat to begin with too.

She had on I believe 2 10lbs on each I think that's 85lbs total there...for an OHS and good form, that's pretty cool.
Yeah I was speaking on the post above from Brandon Marshall's instagram that shows his bodyfat decreasing and his weight going up at a nice steady rate. Just saying i'd love someone to walk me through that process. So far i've only stuck to either cutting fat or building muscle, never at the same time.

IMO its only possible with Intermittent Fasting.

Due to the timing I think you can really manipulate growth one day and burn fat the next
when i STOP taking creatine, my strength hits plateaus and recovery time gets significantly longer. it's weird. that's why i'm anti-creatine. u gotta keep taking it to continue moving forward....
when i STOP taking creatine, my strength hits plateaus and recovery time gets significantly longer. it's weird. that's why i'm anti-creatine. u gotta keep taking it to continue moving forward....

Do you tell your body to stop naturally producing it also?

no shots
when i STOP taking creatine, my strength hits plateaus and recovery time gets significantly longer. it's weird. that's why i'm anti-creatine. u gotta keep taking it to continue moving forward....

Do you still plateau if you switch up your sets/reps to stimulate the muscle?

I've found changing it up can catch your muscles by surprise and instead of them being used to the same routine they are stimulated by the change up/confusion

There was a Bodybuilder I knew in HS and he literally told me he would do a specific muscle group day, 2 days in a row to get that effect :lol: I don't know how well it worked or if that's actually proven but it kind of sounds intriguing.
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They did 50

I was just taking pics, ripped my hand the other day pretty bad, won't even try to grip the bar today..
I can't do pull ups right now because of my shoulder, but before i got injured, i do this for high rep pullups...

Do you still plateau if you switch up your sets/reps to stimulate the muscle?

I've found changing it up can catch your muscles by surprise and instead of them being used to the same routine they are stimulated by the change up/confusion

There was a Bodybuilder I knew in HS and he literally told me he would do a specific muscle group day, 2 days in a row to get that effect :lol: I don't know how well it worked or if that's actually proven but it kind of sounds intriguing.

interesting. my muscles are always extremely sore the next day though. i dont know how he could do that.
i always get a chuckle out of guys loading the bar and their "OHP" ROM is barely even down to their nose.

I've always been led to believe that going past the nose puts unecessary pressure on the shoulders and at risk for injury. I've always done bottom of my nose/upper lip area. :shrugs
when i STOP taking creatine, my strength hits plateaus and recovery time gets significantly longer. it's weird. that's why i'm anti-creatine. u gotta keep taking it to continue moving forward....

One way creatine i think can be very useful is on a cut. Lower calories= strength loss, so therefore creatine helps stall or slow the strength loss. As you get off your cut then up your calories as you also get off creatine.
when I do OHP/Military press I always bring the bar to my neck/chest.

And I`m always gonna take creatine as long as I lift weights.
when i STOP taking creatine, my strength hits plateaus and recovery time gets significantly longer. it's weird. that's why i'm anti-creatine. u gotta keep taking it to continue moving forward....

its all mental, it shouldnt cause that much issue after getting off
when i STOP taking creatine, my strength hits plateaus and recovery time gets significantly longer. it's weird. that's why i'm anti-creatine. u gotta keep taking it to continue moving forward....

One way creatine i think can be very useful is on a cut. Lower calories= strength loss, so therefore creatine helps stall or slow the strength loss. As you get off your cut then up your calories as you also get off creatine.

you shouldnt have to get off creatine, you should take it all the time/ its great during a cut and even when your bulking.

:lol: This is funny as hell and motivational at the same damn time.

I'm about to hit the weights in a few minutes. Ya'll fellas keep working. :pimp:
Re-aggravated my right shoulder today. I noticed it's from hanging leg raises and pull ups so I'm going to try to avoiding those for awhile. Has anyone else had this issue before?
One way creatine i think can be very useful is on a cut. Lower calories= strength loss, so therefore creatine helps stall or slow the strength loss. As you get off your cut then up your calories as you also get off creatine.
I disagree with the lower calories equals strength loss, now maybe if you do something dumb and go under 1500 but I am cutting at 18-2k and Im making strength gains. I stopped taking creatine because I retained too much water and didnt like it. The only lift that dropped once I was off it was my bench.

Creatine is the most confused/questioned/uninformed topic discussed in this thread lol

Heated after i tried to get a quick squat session in tonight, IF YOU CURL IN THE SQUAT RACK GO **** YOURSELF, STRAIGHT LIKE THAT 
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Lol, I'm too ignant for my own good I guess. Normally laid back, but I always have to say something if I wanna squat and someone is doing that ish.
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Part of me wants to run the one Jerry Rice ran and part of me is shook after hearing stories of athletes attempting to run it.
Anybody here do hill sprints?  It's become my favorite form of cardio.  

id love to do them, no hills around here. my friend who plays soccer said its awesome and his team did some other stuff that kills your legs and core
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