STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

He is/was VERY insignificant, bust of a player. I can barely find links proving his existence anymore much less any articles about him. Some profiles show him at 225 some say 245 so there's that. You can google images him and look at older pics


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"Brandon Marshall"

I think it is likely considering the support they get from aforementioned nutritionists, trainers, etc. to get their video game dimensions.
Would be nice....
Link me to proof that dude put on that much pure muscle in that time frame. Naturally. With accurate BF #s to prove it.

Not even going to bother with the RG3 thing, no offense. Putting on mass and putting on pure muscle shouldn't be confused. C'mon people.


Mass =\= muscle.
Bodyfat going down but lean muscle increasing. I need somebody to set me on a straight path for that.

I am confused haven't been keeping up with thread like normal.  Is that not what you want?

Yeah I was speaking on the post above from Brandon Marshall's instagram that shows his bodyfat decreasing and his weight going up at a nice steady rate. Just saying i'd love someone to walk me through that process. So far i've only stuck to either cutting fat or building muscle, never at the same time.
The thing that shocks me about the vick thing is just that he is 32 years how you gonna add 9 lbs of muscle now. As if you haven't been working out and weren't in great shape before hand. Just seems really really hard to do especially with the amount of calories they burn (I'm thinking he did speed and agility work as well as lifted heavy so he must have been eating a ton all day)

I would think 4-5 lbs would be possible given coming from college to pros and not really hitting the weights that hard until you get to the pros or something. But as a professional athlete you start in great shape i thought? so to add that much muscle in half a year just seems wild.

But looking at the Brandon Marshall picture.....Basically in 3 months 4/22/13 - 7/24/13 he gained 9 lbs of lean does that mean it is possible...and apparently achievable in only 3 months :lol: ?
It's a pretty humbling lift, just because it takes a lot of work to even reach 135
super humbling for me. i pressed 1 plate for 4 reps before i started cutting hard and also got some rotator cuff pain flaring up. hopefully i'm able to rehab it and get back to barbell bench and OHP in a few months.

Bodyfat going down but lean muscle increasing. I need somebody to set me on a straight path for that.
i dunno man. you'll get differing opinions in here but i've always been under the impression that recomping is difficult and takes time. most people choose those as separate goals to work towards. if you're serious, i'd say to eat a high protein diet at a little over maintenance and work a solid hypertrophy routine.
It's a pretty humbling lift, just because it takes a lot of work to even reach 135
super humbling for me. i pressed 1 plate for 4 reps before i started cutting hard and also got some rotator cuff pain flaring up. hopefully i'm able to rehab it and get back to barbell bench and OHP in a few months.

Bodyfat going down but lean muscle increasing. I need somebody to set me on a straight path for that.
i dunno man. you'll get differing opinions in here but i've always been under the impression that recomping is difficult and takes time. most people choose those as separate goals to work towards. if you're serious, i'd say to eat a high protein diet at a little over maintenance and work a solid hypertrophy routine.

Man I think I'll just stick to the separate goals, keep the endgame in sight.
for me, cutting bodyfat has been so much more difficult. i wish i leaned out to a respectable level from the beginning. maybe you wanna do that first. i could be wrong though. there might be a way to easily do both (without anabolics). i can only tell you what has worked for me.
for me, cutting bodyfat has been so much more difficult. i wish i leaned out to a respectable level from the beginning. maybe you wanna do that first. i could be wrong though. there might be a way to easily do both (without anabolics). i can only tell you what has worked for me.
Yeah getting lean then trying to put on mass is ideal, although many former fatties can cut and "turn" their fat into muscle.
One of the girls from my class doing an OverHead Squat, impressive form.

What weight is that plate?
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