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I used to eat brown rice and whole wheat pasta everyday. Can't do it anymore. That stuff sucks.

I use whole wheat angel hair pasta it's good but only brown rice I can eat is from chipotle or Panda Express and that stuff is "worse" health wise than me just cooking my own white rice
Sometimes i'll make fried brown rice. Just a little bit of oil with a bunch of vegetables, egg, chicken, onions and garlic. Put some siracha on top and it's a decent lunch.
Made a personal best for my squats this morning.  Hit (2) sets of 275lb x 7 after my warm up sets.  I went parallel, no ATG.
Eating healthy foods isn't even the problem for me, it's the portions. 6 oz of chicken? That's nothing

Then eat more than 6oz bro. Eat more chicken and lower the portions or the other stuff. Or eat more chicken and change the ingredients used for flavor. I typically eat 8-12oz of chicken when i feast. Or 16+oz steaks. Amount wise, I think there's a lot more leeway, it's all in the ingredients and the type of foods that you decide to OD on. Like don't spazz on fried chicken wings, but go ham on rotisserie turkey.
Got the 45s up for 3x8 on DB Shoulder Press. Tried to do my strength sets with 55s, and couldn't get 1 rep. Even the 50s were difficult to move for strength sets.

Wrist feeling better, as well as my tailbone. 3 sets of 2 ibuprofen a day with 2 glucosamine/chondroitin is helping.

I rolled on a 12 lb medicine ball today for my hip flexors :x :x :x :x :x. I wanted to cry.
Cardio day at crossfit this morning. 

1500m row

800m run

400m lunges with 75# sandbag

800m run
I used to eat brown rice and whole wheat pasta everyday. Can't do it anymore. That stuff sucks.

It really does. I was on that eat for sustenance tip for a while doing strength training. Pass, I love food.

I do gloves, used to do the no glove life too. The muscles tell the story, don't need the blisters to. I shake too many hands nowadays.
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If you know how to cook it, its very good, and filling.

Not only is it collecting dust, but also moths.

Itsgood but I stopped due to it being almost identical to its white brethren nutrition-wise
Brown rice taste the same to me as White rice. 
What's a good goal for HIIT? In terms of splits and total time. Also HIIT is definitely better than straight up sprints with breaks in between right? I need to get back in basketball shape smh
I'm definitely gonna start doing that in the morning. Seems like an awesome way to start the day at 6 am. Havent done burpees in awhile. Wouldn't running be more beneficial for basketball though? Or should I just play basketball a couple times a week?
Jewbacca: First time doing it left me sore for a day or two.

First four to five sets you can hit 30+ burpees with ease, but I gas worse than Jose Aldo the remaining five sets.

mgrand: Both. I love to switch up my cardio routine. Basketball, soccer, tennis, cycling, treadmill, road run, burpees, etc. Keeps things fresh and challenging.
burned maaaad calories at the concert last night. felt tight as hell when it was over. straight cardio for 2.5 hours lol. was pretty great. soooo many beautiful women came out for JT too. It was like a fashion show
4oz of frozen chicken breast from Wal mart is 110 calories that's 27.5 calories per oz.

Breast meat is between 42-47 calories per ounce depending on what you're looking at. I'd like to know what Walmart is doing to their chicken to drop ~20 calories per ounce.
What's a good goal for HIIT? In terms of splits and total time. Also HIIT is definitely better than straight up sprints with breaks in between right? I need to get back in basketball shape smh

You could also try some 100 yard sprints. Sprint a 100, walk/jog back, and take off again...repeat that for 10 100's.
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