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Yeah i'm not a big fan of supplements in general. I am a protein shake when needed...multi and fish oil person....thats it. So id never taken any type of pre work out before usually i just eat a piece of peanut butter toast and some coffee when i leave work and im good. So was just trying to feel it out.

even multi and fish oil are garbage.

ive havnt used em in a few years

only thing i do is bcaa pulse, layne norton protocol
AAS - What's the point?
To expand on the question and my reason for posting this:

My background - I've used AAS for a good few years now - injectables and orals and mainly the "traditional" anabolics at that. I started using them after age 30 when I felt I needed more of an edge and natural progression seems to have all but halted. Thats a good 5-6 years use. Some of which was continuous and some cycled.

For balance, although i'm natural now, i've not completely stopped cycling as I would admit I have somewhat of an addiction to it (it's bad for me but I still dont stop). However, given my change of heart on this matter, my use is greatly reduced and I will be at a complete stop in the next few years.

More and more recently i've been realising that AAS may just be a waste of time and actually a bad idea. I say this because it has become clear that no matter what you use, and how many cycles or time on, if you come off them you will get smaller and fatter. That's a fact. Steroids push you into an unnatural state of being and once you stop forcing your body to be something it isn't, it reverts back towards how it wants to be.

Now I admit, when you stop taking something you dont bounce back to how you were, you may be a bit bigger or (temporarily) a bit leaner but you even that will reduce over time without steroids. The more you have used and the more outside of your usual state you have gotten into, the worse the comedown from the gear. Take a look at Flex Wheeler now. So can start the cycle of addiction as you see yourself getting smaller and fatter.

So it comes down to this, if you use gear, you have to come off at some point (TRT excepted but I class that in a different league as it isn't taken at anabolic doses). When you come off, you lose what the gear gave you - although that process may take a number of years to happen as it is slow and gradual. If you are sitting there looking smugly at yourself thinking you havent lost what gear gave you, then give it time, it will happen eventually!

To make matters worse, all steroids when taken at anabolic doses cause damage to your health. The better they are at building muscle, the worse then tend to be on your body (look at tren, deca, M1T, oral tren etc).

So all you are doing is taking something which may shorten your life expectancy (those under 30 probably dont consider this an issue but believe me as you get older you appreciate your health and your own mortality!) for what is, really just a temporary gain. Is that worth it? Some may say yes, but for me, I've been leaning towards the "no".

from a another forum im on
Yeah i'm not a big fan of supplements in general. I am a protein shake when needed...multi and fish oil person....thats it. So id never taken any type of pre work out before usually i just eat a piece of peanut butter toast and some coffee when i leave work and im good. So was just trying to feel it out.

even multi and fish oil are garbage.

ive havnt used em in a few years

only thing i do is bcaa pulse, layne norton protocol

I hear you i feel like no matter what people take some one always says its garbage....Even if you say well it works for me....people hit you with the "placebo effect"...but fish oil has actually helped my skin health...less break outs since ive been taking it if that is the only plus i take it. I know i don't eat enough nutrients so a multi and fish oil just give me a little piece of mind.
for those who care or not...........this is my diet protocol. if youre a natty, give it a try. so easy. no longer do i do that 6-8 meals a day.

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for those who care or not...........this is my diet protocol. if youre a natty, give it a try. so easy. no longer do i do that 6-8 meals a day.

27 page power point? Come on Bro, ain't nobody got time for that. Cliff notes needed...
27 page power point? Come on Bro, ain't nobody got time for that. Cliff notes needed...

i clearly stated for those who care or not

its 27 pages but its not that much text/big font size

this is what distinguishes me from a person like yourself ive educated myself on many aspects regarding food/training.

i even know a lot about AAS even though im natural but i actually do respect dudes who pin but arent idiots like most.
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Man I could be wrong but ain't no way to know long term effects of organic and all that crap because all these studies are new and everything is just a guess. Anything that is literally gonna kill you in 10 years isn't gonna be sold point blank or even so we will see what happens in 10 years.

Gonna meet up with my girl for lunch debating on going to a Mediterranean buffet or just getting a gyro to go.
I actually didn't get jumpy from it at all....but then again i only took half of one of those baby scoops.

and good point Timbo...I will have to do some research on what the cheap chicken does to health in the long term...but for right now i don't have the money to buy it. The chicken breast by me last week were buy one get one....i got 10 chicken breasts for $14....dont' even care what kind of animal was mixed in there....that is dirt cheap and will feed me for a while
ya I think it runs the risk of paralysis by over analysis. The fact of the matter is that choosing to cook your own chicken rather than purchasing ****** fastfood is gonna have vastly greater positive effects on health than worrying about organic-ness etc.. its impossible to live a life where you don't accumulate toxins whatsoever but there is something to be said for avoiding then as much as possible
If you run a cycle, then your not natural ever again in my opinion, that stuff has life long lasting effects.
from a another forum im on
AAS - What's the point?
To expand on the question and my reason for posting this:

My background - I've used AAS for a good few years now - injectables and orals and mainly the "traditional" anabolics at that. I started using them after age 30 when I felt I needed more of an edge and natural progression seems to have all but halted. Thats a good 5-6 years use. Some of which was continuous and some cycled.

For balance, although i'm natural now, i've not completely stopped cycling as I would admit I have somewhat of an addiction to it (it's bad for me but I still dont stop). However, given my change of heart on this matter, my use is greatly reduced and I will be at a complete stop in the next few years.

More and more recently i've been realising that AAS may just be a waste of time and actually a bad idea. I say this because it has become clear that no matter what you use, and how many cycles or time on, if you come off them you will get smaller and fatter. That's a fact. Steroids push you into an unnatural state of being and once you stop forcing your body to be something it isn't, it reverts back towards how it wants to be.

Now I admit, when you stop taking something you dont bounce back to how you were, you may be a bit bigger or (temporarily) a bit leaner but you even that will reduce over time without steroids. The more you have used and the more outside of your usual state you have gotten into, the worse the comedown from the gear. Take a look at Flex Wheeler now. So can start the cycle of addiction as you see yourself getting smaller and fatter.

So it comes down to this, if you use gear, you have to come off at some point (TRT excepted but I class that in a different league as it isn't taken at anabolic doses). When you come off, you lose what the gear gave you - although that process may take a number of years to happen as it is slow and gradual. If you are sitting there looking smugly at yourself thinking you havent lost what gear gave you, then give it time, it will happen eventually!

To make matters worse, all steroids when taken at anabolic doses cause damage to your health. The better they are at building muscle, the worse then tend to be on your body (look at tren, deca, M1T, oral tren etc).

So all you are doing is taking something which may shorten your life expectancy (those under 30 probably dont consider this an issue but believe me as you get older you appreciate your health and your own mortality!) for what is, really just a temporary gain. Is that worth it? Some may say yes, but for me, I've been leaning towards the "no".

Why even work out? you're just gonna lose your gains and get fat anyway :rolleyes
Sounds like this guy is pissed he couldnt keep his gains. Thought if he took aas he'd be set for life not needing to diet or train ever again :lol:
And what the hell is an "anabolic dose". 200mg is test may be anabolic for some while 500mg is needed for another.

Sumo deadlifts vs traditional deadlifts?
Front squats vs traditional squat?

I have 2 leg days a week and alternate between each. From what I've gathered traditional deadlifts gets more work to the core since your center of gravity is a little more forward. Front squats seem to make it easier to go lower just due to the alignment of the spine but then again the weight is significantly less.

Sumo deadlifts vs traditional deadlifts?
Front squats vs traditional squat?

I have 2 leg days a week and alternate between each. From what I've gathered traditional deadlifts gets more work to the core since your center of gravity is a little more forward. Front squats seem to make it easier to go lower just due to the alignment of the spine but then again the weight is significantly less.

I've found sumos activate the glutes and hamstrings more. Traditional focuses on the full posterior chain, but, at least from my perspective, with great form, the back receives the brunt of the exercise.

I think you can put up a lot more weight with traditional back squats. And if you don't have that wrist/hand flexibility, heavy front squats are a *****
I've found sumos activate the glutes and hamstrings more. Traditional focuses on the full posterior chain, but, at least from my perspective, with great form, the back receives the brunt of the exercise.

I think you can put up a lot more weight with traditional back squats. And if you don't have that wrist/hand flexibility, heavy front squats are a *****

Agreed about traditional deadlifts engaging the posterior chain, core and the lower back a bit more. Sumo's seem to focus on the legs a bit more especially at lockout. For front squats, I place the weights at the clavicle region and kind of fold my arms with elbows up to maintain the weight at that area to avoid it sliding anywhere.

Just asking to see what peoples opinions on with alternating them each leg day if I'm working legs two times a week.
I always kind of wondered about front squats. I've heard they are better for balance vs traditional back squats.
I have done them just messing around with light weight, but not too sure how it would benefit me to work them in vs back squats.
Agreed about traditional deadlifts engaging the posterior chain, core and the lower back a bit more. Sumo's seem to focus on the legs a bit more especially at lockout. For front squats, I place the weights at the clavicle region and kind of fold my arms with elbows up to maintain the weight at that area to avoid it sliding anywhere.

Just asking to see what peoples opinions on with alternating them each leg day if I'm working legs two times a week.
I wouldn't fully replace the back squat with the front squat but fronts certainly are beneficial as a supplementary exercise.

:smh: White people.


Wait is it a common thing in the black community to remove fat from chicken?
Agreed about traditional deadlifts engaging the posterior chain, core and the lower back a bit more. Sumo's seem to focus on the legs a bit more especially at lockout. For front squats, I place the weights at the clavicle region and kind of fold my arms with elbows up to maintain the weight at that area to avoid it sliding anywhere.

Just asking to see what peoples opinions on with alternating them each leg day if I'm working legs two times a week.

I see no problem w/ your routine....

RDLs also hit the hammies a little more than the traditional DL.
And what the hell is an "anabolic dose". 200mg is test may be anabolic for some while 500mg is needed for another.
my friend has been on 200 q7 days for almost a year now for his TRT regimen. he lifts 5 days a week. eats almost whatever he wants. still has dropped enough fat to show great ab definition. he's not getting hyooooge :lol: his workout routine is not for hypertrophy though. he loves it. he's 45 years old.
Had a lil peanut butter left in the jar, put some cereal and milk straight in it and went to town 
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i freaking love rice cakes yo lol. i get the lightly salted whole grain joints from quaker. 35 cals each, 15 mg of sodium. one of my go to snacks between meals. i eat it plain. try them if you haven't. makes you imagination go wild. Every time I eat one, its something different. sometimes its cheesecake, other times it chocolate pie, right now its a banana split with extra syrup. lmaoo i'm lowkey turning into tom hanks in castaway with my imagery hahahaha Wilsonnnnnnnn!!!!!


Whenever i do planks, i seem to feel more strain on my shoulders than abs, cant tell if im doing it wrong
How far are you off the ground while planking? Plank low and engage the core.


bruh.. all that fat? By the time you take off the fat and clean it properly it damn near ain't no meat left! #boybye
you're a fool.
Why are you removing all the fat though?

:smh: White people.


I used to think it was just a West Indian thing. Was shocked to find out folks not from the islands did it too.
my friend has been on 200 q7 days for almost
Man I'm def hopping on dat dere TRT in my 40s. Monitored dosage of course to keep me normal.
a year now for his TRT regimen. he lifts 5 days a week. eats almost whatever he wants. still has dropped enough fat to show great ab definition. he's not getting hyooooge :lol: his workout routine is not for hypertrophy though. he loves it. he's 45 years old.
I dont even worry about getting old. Hgh and trt for life. **** that getting weak, lowered sex drive, low energy old man ish. Im gonna be rejuvenating my cells when im old via gh. And with the pace stem cell research is going, there will be even better "foumtain of youth" options
The only downside I am aware of about roids is once you stop, your body struggles to make its own testosterone. I have a friend who has to go to a doctor every month for hormone therapy after stopping his roid habit . I assume lower T means no erections among other things, but he never disclosed that info to me
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