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Any suggestions on how to properly balance my workout schedule out. For like the last 3 weeks or so - I've been doing a 4 day split - just want to see if anyone sees any holes.

Day 1: Chest/Triceps/Shoulders - Bench Press (Flat, Incline, Decline), Military Press, Flys, Pushdowns, Dips

Day 2: Back/Biceps - DB Curls, BB Curls, Hammer Curls, Rows, Lat Pulldowns, Pullups (this is the plan but I can't do even one by the time i finish my workout lol)

Day 3: Legs/Abs - Front Squats, Top-Half Stiff Leg Deadlifts, Weighted Lunges, Ab Rollers, Russian Twists

Day 4: REST - or Cardio - followed by 1 day of rest

Then I just repeat it.

A couple things you should know - I just got back into lifting after a pretty long hiatus. I also have had some lower back issues: I've been pretty shook to go heavy on squats and been too shook to even try normal deadlifts or cleans (which i REALLY want to do eventually). The top half deadlift seemed like a decent stop-gap solution. Along with front squats instead of back squats. At least until I'm confident in my back. That's why my Day 2 looks so lame since the original plan was to throw deads on that day but I haven't had the courage to do em yet.

Any thoughts?
ok so what type of almond milk you all recomend b/c i just went and bought some unsweetened vanilla almond milk (30 cals) and the stuff is terrible i mixed 16 oz w/ 2 scoops of giants ports cookies and cream and it made one of the best tasting proteins taste terrible did i buy the wrong kind i saw some that was 90 cals but i would rather just use skim milk than that?
glad i didnt buy unsweetened then :lol:

i bought it before but never mixed it with protein, thought unsweet would be good for mixing but guess not
Did anyone try the Twinlabs whey? I dont feel like opening a tub just for one serving lol but I`m itching.

Edit just tasted the Chocolate, the flavor isnt strong but has a hint of coconut, it gets the job done for the price
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Any suggestions on how to properly balance my workout schedule out. For like the last 3 weeks or so - I've been doing a 4 day split - just want to see if anyone sees any holes.

Day 1: Chest/Triceps/Shoulders - Bench Press (Flat, Incline, Decline), Military Press, Flys, Pushdowns, Dips

Day 2: Back/Biceps - DB Curls, BB Curls, Hammer Curls, Rows, Lat Pulldowns, Pullups (this is the plan but I can't do even one by the time i finish my workout lol)

Day 3: Legs/Abs - Front Squats, Top-Half Stiff Leg Deadlifts, Weighted Lunges, Ab Rollers, Russian Twists

Day 4: REST - or Cardio - followed by 1 day of rest

Then I just repeat it.

A couple things you should know - I just got back into lifting after a pretty long hiatus. I also have had some lower back issues: I've been pretty shook to go heavy on squats and been too shook to even try normal deadlifts or cleans (which i REALLY want to do eventually). The top half deadlift seemed like a decent stop-gap solution. Along with front squats instead of back squats. At least until I'm confident in my back. That's why my Day 2 looks so lame since the original plan was to throw deads on that day but I haven't had the courage to do em yet.

Any thoughts?
thats a good split, especially if your just getting back into it.

what are your reps/sets looking like? goals?

CLK works, I just wasnt consistent with it. I lost about 5lbs, gained strength at the same time. If my diet and cardio were on point and I didnt care about gaining strength, I probably could have lost 10-15lbs easy. I used Super HD with it too though.
You want to know whats really funny, I read it on an webmd forum link below...but only because i jokingly brought it up with the girl i was with right after. She is going for her masters to be a dietitian....we had been talking about working out and certain diets....she was the one who said it to me.

I was like....weird...that....kinda felt different...
her- like bad different
me - no i don't really know how to explain it.
Her - high protein diet can lead to erectile dysfunction and less enjoyable orgasms.
Me - you cereal
her - yep

see how quick shorty is to defer the blame elsewhere. lmao. you say it felt weird, sweetheart immediately goes for the jugular of your diet plan hahaha.

:lol: i hear ya :rofl:

But it was yambs of the highest order....and she is incredibly smart...i was batting above my average in all regards.

Eat nothing but protein....get big muscles...girls love muscles...get more girls...but less enjoyable sex.....dat struggle?
dont believe it at all

theres a bunch of things both of you guys couldve done to mess you up ONE TIME tho

CLK works, I just wasnt consistent with it. I lost about 5lbs, gained strength at the same time. If my diet and cardio were on point and I didnt care about gaining strength, I probably could have lost 10-15lbs easy. I used Super HD with it too though.

how long you use it for? Dude at GNC suggested not to take HD cause im taking c4 as my pre work out and sais taking both might put too much strain on the heart so he suggested CLK
thats a good split, especially if your just getting back into it.

what are your reps/sets looking like? goals?

Flat Bench, TH Deadlift, Military Press, F Squats = 5x5 with 1 warmup set

Incline, Decline, Flys, Pushdowns = 3x10

Dips = 3 sets to failure

DB, BB Curls = 3x10

Hammers = 2x10

Rows, Pulldowns = 1x12, 1x10, 1x8

Lunges = 3x10 (each leg)

Ab Rollers = Still trying to figure these out since I never did them before starting this but 3x8

Russian Twists = 2x30

Sorry if the formatting is weird.

Not entirely sure about my goals honestly lol. I've been eating clean and roughly at maintenance. Probably leaning towards a lean bulk but I really just want to get stronger (my core strength is embarrassing right now) and burn fat. Once I get stronger and lose some of my extra weight, I'll hopefully start setting some more athletic goals - increasing vert + running faster for basketball. I'm already seeing them noob gains dough :smokin burning fat and seeing muscles.

FWIW, I'm 5'7 - roughly 160 right now. Eventually want to get to 150. Not sure if I want to start strict cutting right now though.
been in the gym for about a month and a half now, been following this stronglifts 5x5 method, as of today, my deadlift is @210 and my squat is @ 200... my bench press is low since i just started over with a wide grip... maxed out @ 145 before I started over..... I only weigh 155 (on a good day) Its extremely hard for me to gain weight (because I dont eat enough obviously) I think my numbers are decent considering I have never really been in the gym. got a long way to go though.... I was supposed to start my gym crusade in october, procrastinated until March, now I love going....
ok so what type of almond milk you all recomend b/c i just went and bought some unsweetened vanilla almond milk (30 cals) and the stuff is terrible i mixed 16 oz w/ 2 scoops of giants ports cookies and cream and it made one of the best tasting proteins taste terrible did i buy the wrong kind i saw some that was 90 cals but i would rather just use skim milk than that?
I always buy unsweetened. Never had any issues. I use it for smoothies, in pancakes, and in cereal. To each his own. I also only buy vanilla protein powder so that may be another consideration.
Youd be really naive to think that "too much protein=sexual dysfunction". Theres soooo many other variables that can be a contributing factor. It's very unlikely that its the protein causing the dysfunction. Its likely from a lack of other nutrients/vitamins/minerals which are being eliminated in place of more protein.
For real. Dude read something on WebMD Forums and now is all worried. Do some scientific research and report back to us please - that's to the poster of the high protein low test thing. Not saying your fears aren't rationale; I just think it's frustrating when people post up speculation like that without even trying to uncover the science behind it.

It's been discussed other places as well its not like i found one link and was like YEP ITS TRUE!!!

Just trying to lead some discussion

I know its just the BB forum but i will find some research in a bit got to get through morning emails :lol:
Actual research article sourced

And i agree with you slickp i am not wigging out about it i just thought it was interesting and id never heard it sure my less enjoyable finish had more to do with my intoxication level then protein intake...but didn't even know it existed prior to that :lol:
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Used the nutribullet to make a little protein snack

1 scoop of  chocolate casein powder (it's impossible to mix this in a regular shake cup)

approx 8-10oz of milk

handful of frozen strawberries

Thick like soft serve ice cream 

I think I found my new go- to snack for those cravings.
how long you use it for? Dude at GNC suggested not to take HD cause im taking c4 as my pre work out and sais taking both might put too much strain on the heart so he suggested CLK
Probably a month consistently, then I started to slack.

Stop the C4 and use the Super HD instead, it has caffeine anyway.
I go through random times where I have a favorite body part, favorite exercise, etc. At the moment, my favorite exercise is the deadlift. I'm obsessed lol. I do it twice a week. the first time is back day, when I do the traditional form. I realllllly feel it in my lats and mid back and forearms the next day. I love it. the next time I do it, which is usually like 3-4 days late, I'll do them on leg day. Sumo form. Completely taking the back out of it, sumo cooks the hamstrings and glutes. Deadlifts are a hell of an exercise. I definitely like them more than squats, hands down. If you don't do them, you're holding yourself back from these gainzzzz
Reebok Crossfit Games on ESPN right now

fran is a joke
 You ever try it?
of course, if i wasnt able to use my momentum, the pull ups would be impossible, but the thrusters are easy as hell, and those pull ups are even easier, its like swinging on a swing, you use your back and upper body, but not enough to actually make the task difficult
I tried blending strictly greens for the very first time....never again. I went back and added a handful of strawberries to help mask the taste and smell.
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