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27. I have a bachelors degree in sport management/business management and a masters degree in exercise science. Good luck with a S&C job, theyre incredibly tough to get.

Thanks. I'm always gonna keep the idea of getting my DPT in the back of my head and apply a few places next year. Just the thought of 8-5 school days and 4 hours of studying every night scares me tho lol.
thats not too bad, beef steak prices are up at that price or more in my area.

if you had it before and it tastes good id go for it

Ya I should have qualified that statement more. I buy it pretty often - more often than I buy normal beef steaks. It's really not bad for what you're getting.
Hey guys,i'm about 5'9" & i used to weight 255 lbs, i've lost 35 lbs in 4 months,but ive been stuck on 220 lbs for almost 3 weeks now.
I don't eat any carbs & i only eat right,The only cheating i do is i might have a drink once a week,i work out 4 times a week, i do about an hr weight lifting,about 40 minutes on the punching bag,& about 25 mins on the stairmaster.
What am i doing wrong?And what can i do to lose the weight,i wanna get down to 200-190 lbs.
he numbers dont mean anything, sometimes they will stall while you are continuing to lose fat.

maybe you need to check your diet/macros
no carbs?! wow that's tough! what kinda fruits and vegetables are you eating?

Nah not tough at all for me,i don't even miss them, im eating a side of berries with eggs in the morning,grilled chicken with asparagus for lunch,& either steamed fish,baked chicken,or once in a blue steak,with a california mix of veggies for dinner.
This is whats weird to me this is the second time i'm losing weight,last time i went from 260 to 190 in about 7 months,i was working out less often & eating some carbs,but i wasnt lifting nearly as much weight,could it be the muscle i'm gaining?
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Hey guys,i'm about 5'9" & i used to weight 255 lbs, i've lost 35 lbs in 4 months,but ive been stuck on 220 lbs for almost 3 weeks now.
I don't eat any carbs & i only eat right,The only cheating i do is i might have a drink once a week,i work out 4 times a week, i do about an hr weight lifting,about 40 minutes on the punching bag,& about 25 mins on the stairmaster.
What am i doing wrong?And what can i do to lose the weight,i wanna get down to 200-190 lbs.

Looks like you got the framework down, but I can't say for sure without knowing how you're spending your time lifting. Also the extra hour of cardio tacked on at the end may be more effective if you move it to a different day.

ARe you counting calories? You may want to work that out if you're stuck
Hey guys,i'm about 5'9" & i used to weight 255 lbs, i've lost 35 lbs in 4 months,but ive been stuck on 220 lbs for almost 3 weeks now.
I don't eat any carbs & i only eat right,The only cheating i do is i might have a drink once a week,i work out 4 times a week, i do about an hr weight lifting,about 40 minutes on the punching bag,& about 25 mins on the stairmaster.
What am i doing wrong?And what can i do to lose the weight,i wanna get down to 200-190 lbs.
good job.. honestly cardio everyday.. what really helped me is the treadmill immediately right after i lift .. 45mins 15% incline 3.5 - 4mph.. it doesnt sound fast but that will get you to burn 700 calories every night you do it.. if you really want to go the extra take a fat burner also.. 
good job.. honestly cardio everyday.. what really helped me is the treadmill immediately right after i lift .. 45mins 15% incline 3.5 - 4mph.. it doesnt sound fast but that will get you to burn 700 calories every night you do it.. if you really want to go the extra take a fat burner also.. 
A good fast food option that is about as healthy as you can get is going to Panda Express and getting the Chicken Teriyaki. They just cut up like 1.5 grilled chicken breasts and now they have brown rice too so you can get some good complex carbs. I'm sure it's not the healthiest thing on earth, but to me it's a no-guilt meal with some good low-fat protein.
Just work up from a nap, took a sample packet of c4 (havent taken a preworkout in months) because I felt lazy getting out of the bed. I`m def awake now guess the caffeine kicked in fast, bout to hit up LA fitness in like 15 min and do Delts, Bis, and 15 min of HIIT. Its 5pm so hopefully place is dead. Moms gave me some African food but idk about eating that when I get home lol dont wanna spend any money but dont feel like cooking.
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1000 calories a day? Dude are you anorexic? I get the budget thing but you really need to eat some food
That's always the response I get. I mean clinically I guess you could say I'm anorexic because I eat once a day, but it's just what I'm used to. Growing up I hated school food so I didn't eat breakfast or lunch most of the time and then I'd get home and clean out the cabinets. That was for years. Now I can eat whenever I want but I don't get hungry until afternoon so i'll just have a sammich/cereal or other snack and then whatever for dinner.  Body doesn't look grossly skinny or anything, I just fluctuate between 165-180, which is low at 6'1". I don't turn away food, but I do sleep more than most people, which I think cuts down on times I would get hungry. I'm just energy efficient haha.
That's always the response I get. I mean clinically I guess you could say I'm anorexic because I eat once a day, but it's just what I'm used to. Growing up I hated school food so I didn't eat breakfast or lunch most of the time and then I'd get home and clean out the cabinets. That was for years. Now I can eat whenever I want but I don't get hungry until afternoon so i'll just have a sammich/cereal or other snack and then whatever for dinner.  Body doesn't look grossly skinny or anything, I just fluctuate between 165-180, which is low at 6'1". I don't turn away food, but I do sleep more than most people, which I think cuts down on times I would get hungry. I'm just energy efficient haha.
Sorry I wasn't trying to be rude or anything.

If you're serious about putting on mass, you're gonna need to make significant changes to your lifestyle. Start eating breakfast even if you aren't "hungry". Start eating lunch. Add in snacks. It's not practical to jump up right to 3500 calories, but add 500 calories per day each week until you're above maintenance.
Worked out my bi's and tri's the other day and I'm still sore :x What do you guys use to recover faster if anything?
I wish I got sore more often.  Just my chest gets sore occasionally, and I push myself every workout I do.  Arms recover very fast after each session
Worked out my bi's and tri's the other day and I'm still sore :x What do you guys use to recover faster if anything?

Off day nutrition and sleep is most important. If you have the facility to do it, some form of ice/hot contrast generally promotes accelerated healing. Also stretching out areas that are tight can increase blood flow and once again promote better healing and relief.
Anyone else get weird involuntary muscle twitches? Did dead lifts yesterday (365lbs two sets, two reps felt good, gonna try to hit 375 next time...on that journey toward 405) but today i have some muscle twitches in my back....not painful or anything just weird flickers really. This happens to me sometimes after chest day too. My chest starts to twitch a bit. Is it normal? anyone else have this happen
That's always the response I get. I mean clinically I guess you could say I'm anorexic because I eat once a day, but it's just what I'm used to. Growing up I hated school food so I didn't eat breakfast or lunch most of the time and then I'd get home and clean out the cabinets. That was for years. Now I can eat whenever I want but I don't get hungry until afternoon so i'll just have a sammich/cereal or other snack and then whatever for dinner.  Body doesn't look grossly skinny or anything, I just fluctuate between 165-180, which is low at 6'1". I don't turn away food, but I do sleep more than most people, which I think cuts down on times I would get hungry. I'm just energy efficient haha.
DAMN you will have a hard road ahead of you, your going to need to get your caloric intake up dramatically.  Look to get 5/6 meals a day in your future, with GOOD calories.  I love people that go to McDonalds and get a Big Mac, yes your getting calories, bad ones.  Guy at my gym a few months ago, walks into the gym eating a roast beef sandwich from Arby's, same guy that talks 30 mins at the gym.  Then again nothing is easy in life.
Worked out my bi's and tri's the other day and I'm still sore
What do you guys use to recover faster if anything?
I take BLOX recovery, it takes good and gets me back up to speed faster.  I tried Animal Flex and it was god awful to drink.
I wish I got sore more often.  Just my chest gets sore occasionally, and I push myself every workout I do.  Arms recover very fast after each session
How often do you switch up your workout, change intensity, drop sets, negatives, half reps?  A thing that my workout partner always stresses to me is being sore doesn't correlate to a good workout.
How often do you switch up your workout, change intensity, drop sets, negatives, half reps?  A thing that my workout partner always stresses to me is being sore doesn't correlate to a good workout.
This. Just because you aren't sore doesn't mean you didn't get a good workout in, its a common misconception. I have a good mind muscle connection when it comes to training arms and I am never sore the next day(s) after training them. Now leg day is a different story 

Speaking of legs, YALL KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS??

Thats right its motha ***** leg day!! Lets get it 
27. I have a bachelors degree in sport management/business management and a masters degree in exercise science. Good luck with a S&C job, theyre incredibly tough to get.

Thanks. I'm always gonna keep the idea of getting my DPT in the back of my head and apply a few places next year. Just the thought of 8-5 school days and 4 hours of studying every night scares me tho lol.
Biggest thing that has stopped me from going back to school. That plus family, but it's time. Even if i have to do it a class at a time. Don't want to start approaching my 30's and regret delaying.

Out of town til Sat night. Hoping my hotel has a halfway decent gym. Just gimme a power tower and some dumbbells if anything.
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