STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Bought some adidas powerlift, didn't want to go all out with Romaleos or Adipowers without giving myself an opportunity to get used to the style of shoe...should be in by Friday :pimp:

Footlocker with discount and free shipping :smokin
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hey lucky, i hate you.
thanks for nothing posting that popeyes has chicken waffle tenders. took an early lunch and demolished a 5 piece with a large red beans and rice. dipped the heck outta my pieces in that maple sauce and tried some dipped in some cinnamon maple syrup. prolly exceeded my calories for the day with just one meal :smh:

my man.... :smokin

That wendy's pretzel burger has been calling my name... but I'm avoiding it until september. I ate pizza this month :lol: :lol:
Ok I'm committing to bringing my own lunch to work to save money and a few pounds. I'm a complete noob to this and need some tips.

Just gonna stick to the basics for now, cooking a few Tupperwares of brown rice and chicken on an off day for the week. Any tips on how to store and heat it up properly? (ie placing a paper towel over it)

sounds like you got it down... for lunch I pack one (boneless, skinless) chicken breast, a piece of fruit of my choice, a kid's sized juice box, 100 cal pack of almonds. Protein bar for later as a snack. I cook my chicken breast "fresh" every morning on the foreman while I'm brushing my teeth.
Can anyone recommend some good bluetooth headphones/earphones for the gym? I'm using the powerbeats right now but on one of the ear pieces, the audio is cutting in and out.

I tried the jaybird bluebuds x but ended up returning them because they kept slipping out of my ear.
I never really ran before but I started last week since I'm going to Vegas in a couple of weeks and I actually enjoy it. Plus I could see some shedding already. Anything I should be aware of or look into here? I wanna keep this running thing going for the rest of my life--I legit feel better afterward. I already eat pretty well, just wondering if its bad to run every day or if I should alternate daily, etc run up hills today, flat plane tomorrow, etc

I've been doing interval training where I sprint for block jog half and then back at it.
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Wish I would've known beforehand what the discussion was before reading the last few pages...complete waste of time reading all that pointless bickering and drama.

Speaking of compounds, overhead press is definitely the most difficult to progress with IMO.  Slowly moving up, but it's a move so many people half *** just to say they hit a certain amount of weight.  Ego lifters always crack me up.
Yeah. I think part of it is that most gyms don't allow you to microload to the extent that's effective for the OHP. You'd really benefit from being able to bump up by 2.5 lbs instead of 5 lb increments but unless you bring your own 1.25ers you're out of luck.

I also think form plays a huge part in the press (at least for me). And the form isn't necessarily intuitive like it can be for other lifts.

Anyone have any suggestions for great fitness/diet books?
Kelly Starrett - How to Become a Supple Leopard. Mark Sissoon - the Primal Blueprint

Hell yea, you won't shake dem cakes for JT?

You need to stop being so close minded, he can rock your world

But anyways, any advice on maintaining symmetry? I really want to nip my issue in the bud, my left pec is smaller than my right as well as middle delt, lower back

Any guys been through it and corrected it? Whats the remedy?
NEver dealt with those issues myself, but most people suggest dumbbells. If you're barbell pressing you can get by favoring your dominant side, whereas dumbbells you just can't so your smaller pec will catch up.

Did legs. Did 5 sets of 5 at 275lbs after 2 or 3 warm up sets at lighter weight. The last 3 reps on my last set were rough :lol: legs were getting a little shaky.

I ran into the madcow 5x5 online and kind of want to try it

It looks crazy are squatting 3 times a week....and since that is my favorite exercise i might give it a go
I did Madcow for a little while - didn't progress all that much but that was a result of lack of nutrition and college distractions moreso than the program.

I was with you fam...til you brought up Wayne lol.

We all need them.  Especially when those nagging injuries start to rear their ugly heads.

Yeah, I'm doing Wendler's 5x5 right now, but I'm giving strong consideration to adding at least an extra day of squats in.  I made great progress with it last year, but I took a step back since I neglected my mobility work as well as the yoga I was doing to increase flexibility.  It's going back up now that I've started making stretching and foam rolling a priority, but def the one lift that I would like to send through the roof.

Working late all week...was looking forward to getting on the field and running some hills for the first time in a while, but that probably won't happen today.  Will probably get some light cardio and stretching in later and force in some squats tomorrow.
By 5x5 you mean 5-3-1 right?

Time to put in work!

Those are handsome shoes brah. MAke sure you post them in the Pickups thread brah. PRetend they're some new exclusive hypebeast Nikes!

All this food talk. Bout to roll to Chipotle and get me some double steak and guac bowl. 
Good luck on your phytoestrogen goals in 2013.

Ok I'm committing to bringing my own lunch to work to save money and a few pounds. I'm a complete noob to this and need some tips.

Just gonna stick to the basics for now, cooking a few Tupperwares of brown rice and chicken on an off day for the week. Any tips on how to store and heat it up properly? (ie placing a paper towel over it)
I use pyrex dishes rather than tupperware:
Something like this. Lasts longer. Safer in the dishwasher/microwave. Definitely worth the investment.

Latest news on iLLest:
Oops yea, 5-3-1. Not looking back either. Can't see myself dedicating a day to arms anytime soon or doing much iso work beyond my staples. Much more in tune with my goals. Doing mostly calisthenics for assistance work which has always been right up my alley. May get access to a prowler soon too so that'll push my training to the next level.
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Can anyone recommend some good bluetooth headphones/earphones for the gym? I'm using the powerbeats right now but on one of the ear pieces, the audio is cutting in and out.

I tried the jaybird bluebuds x but ended up returning them because they kept slipping out of my ear.

I got some Powerbeats love em. But I have some LG Tone that are legit if you want Bluetooth, and I currently use the Sony Walkman sweatproof joints, its an actual mp3/headphone fusion
sounds like you got it down... for lunch I pack one (boneless, skinless) chicken breast, a piece of fruit of my choice, a kid's sized juice box, 100 cal pack of almonds. Protein bar for later as a snack. I cook my chicken breast "fresh" every morning on the foreman while I'm brushing my teeth.

Only way to do it. If you cook all your chicken on like a sunday..they'll taste like butt when you re-heat. I'm not sure if I'm the only one..but reheated chicken breast via microwave has a VERY strong poultry flavor..almost tastes like its raw. Best thing to do is cook is in the morning on the foreman. Been doing that since last week and no complaints on the taste!

Just started Rippetoe's Starting Strength today. Been "going to the gym" over the past year without a solid routine and did not see much progression. Going to stick to this program for at least 6 months and see if I notice any gains.

If anyone is interested, here are my numbers for my 1RM before starting...nothing really impressive at all. I'm 5'7 weighing 162 as of today.

Bench Press - 215
Deadlift - 275
Squat - 135 (Just started 2 weeks ago :smh:)

SS numbers as of today:

Squats - 70 3x5
Bench Press - 130 3x5
Deadlift - 145 - 3x5

Didn't want to start too high and end up failing in a month or two. Aiming to have a steady increase for at least 3 months before having to reset.


what is whataburger?

from NJ for reference.

I aint eem have that pretzel crap. I had da spicey chicken sanwich and two double stacks. 

gods of aesthetics forgive me.
Only way to do it. If you cook all your chicken on like a sunday..they'll taste like butt when you re-heat. I'm not sure if I'm the only one..but reheated chicken breast via microwave has a VERY strong poultry flavor..almost tastes like its raw. Best thing to do is cook is in the morning on the foreman. Been doing that since last week and no complaints on the taste!
i completely agree. reheated chicken tastes like doodoo. but how does cooking that morning prevent reheating? dont end up eating that chicken til later on in the day right? in my case i would keep it in my offices fridge. 
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I used to eat brown rice and whole wheat pasta everyday. Can't do it anymore. That stuff sucks.
Man idk how y'all eat brown rice stuff is terrible. I got like 2 bags of it that are collecting dust

If you know how to cook it, its very good, and filling.

Not only is it collecting dust, but also moths.

Itsgood but I stopped due to it being almost identical to its white brethren nutrition-wise
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