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Cardio can be bad? :rofl: dat science of the bro for sure.

Tell that to NFL players then I guess. They're doing it all wrong according to that quote

Once words like "too much" are used the statement really isn't respectable IMO

They're training for different things though. To bodybuilders there is a thing as too much. You just want to trim the fat and maintain mass. To an athlete you need to do a lot of both weights and conditioning. Its not so much broscience as just statements being taken out of context.



There's also a different between steady state, and HIIT cardio. If you were to categorize NFL players, that's definitely Italy more HIIT based.
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Ok but what's "too much"? Too much of anything isn't good for you. The statement isn't saying anything. I could also say too much lifting will stunt your gains.
Y'all ever have them gym sessions where it seems like the stars align and everything just goes perfect? Set a 20 lb record on my sumo deadlift and everything else just went smoothe.

Also, are there any ppl who personal train in this thread? I'm interested in getting into the profession and was looking for some guidance.
Too much is relative. Has to be taken on a case by case basis in order to be accurate. Its more of just a blanket statement to describe pushing beyond what is beneficial for you, whatever that may be. Our thresholds are different, so too much for you may not be the same for me and vice versa, but guarantee when we both hit that wall, we feel it.
Y'all ever have them gym sessions where it seems like the stars align and everything just goes perfect? Set a 20 lb record on my sumo deadlift and everything else just went smoothe.

That feel
Too much is relative. Has to be taken on a case by case basis in order to be accurate. Its more of just a blanket statement to describe pushing beyond what is beneficial for you, whatever that may be. Our thresholds are different, so too much for you may not be the same for me and vice versa, but guarantee when we both hit that wall, we feel it.

Pretty much
Bringing the LOLZ at the gym: This guy is rocking a bane mask with a flat bill hat pulled down over his eyes doing quarter reps of incline DB while dancing around between sets...

All while wearing a Dallas Cowboys shirt.
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Does that train your neck? I want a thicker neck. How many reps and what weight should I start out at?
i dont know if this is a troll or not but i dont know what the hell that does
. definitely nothing for your neck

i played football in highschool and coaches who have us do neck exercises for a thicker neck to prevent neck, spine and brain injuries word to Takeo Spikes
what you wanna do is neck raises. they are a time based exercise like planks where you lay on the floor on your back and lift your head kinda like the motion right before you do a situp or crunch  for a certain amount of time. You can also lay on your stomach and do it like this to hit different angles

as your neck gets stronger to build a more muscular neck like my takeo your gonna eventually have to do weighted exercises like this where you perform reps

if you really bout that life you can cop some head gear like boxers do
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Pinched a nerve in my neck doing that exercise with a harness that Floyd is doing 

Could someone post a YT clip of what they perceive to be the perfect BB bench press form? I've been torn between touching my chest with the bar or not.
Do not do any damn direct neck work man, thats just asking for problems. Heavy *** deadlifts will get you a wide neck. So will taking the good stuff. A lot of it has to do with genetics. 

Word to Pete Rubish

Pinched a nerve in my neck doing that exercise with a harness that Floyd is doing 

Could someone post a YT clip of what they perceive to be the perfect BB bench press form? I've been torn between touching my chest with the bar or not.
It doesn't count if the bar doesn't touch your chest. I posted that POG video like 2 weeks ago. Search it on their YT channel. 
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lol at thicker necks. you can strengthen it, but it won't get much bigger. its like wrists and calves. genetics.

money does that neck exercise all the time with weight and he's frail as hell.
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we got one of those neck things at work. i use it to do weighted dips. was using it to do weighted pull-ups once and the chain pinched my ****. that was very, very painful.
lol at thicker necks. you can strengthen it, but it won't get much bigger. its like wrists and calves. genetics.

money does that neck exercise all the time with weight and he's frail as hell.

I don't think his intentions are to put mass on his neck.
hows this ratio for my lifts?

bench - 205 for 5
squat - 205 for 5
dl - 315 for 5

and im 5 10 and weigh about 150 last time i checked
hows this ratio for my lifts?

bench - 205 for 5
squat - 205 for 5
dl - 315 for 5

and im 5 10 and weigh about 150 last time i checked
Your bench should be noticeably less then the other 2 lifts unless your a bench specialist.

But I wouldn't worry about ratios bro, they're pointless. Just eat a lot and get strong. 
a couple dudes in my gym in the last 2 weeks just started using them

no idea about them tho :lol:
Supposedly improves grip strength, and such. I think Jim Stoppani said they can correct muscle imbalances as well in the biceps, back, and such.
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