STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Now that I think about it, all I drink is water, coffee, and, wine, scotch, bourbon... Sometimes a sweet tea every now n then but never crave soda or juice
mountain dew red code. . . . . . . 
Never get a kick for soda except occasionally when I'm eating out.

Fountain soda always tastes better than canned or bottled soda.
Now that I think about it, all I drink is water, coffee, and, wine, scotch, bourbon... Sometimes a sweet tea every now n then but never crave soda or juice

Trust me I use the bathroom everyday.

Team water and Herbal Tea(Ginger & Chamomile)
I took out cash, 300$ cash from the atm before i went to the gym and i guess headed to the br before my workout, my wallet fell. So as im walking out dude who worked there said "hey your wallet is here" and im like oh **** bet but no cash.
They have no camera in here and this is a golds gym..smh **** shady *** ppl yo.

cash was for someone who i owed money too...smh.

They definitely got cameras in Golds gym..
Did my first day of T-25 today (cardio) and got damn it wasn't easy. Felt like I was gonna die by the 18 minute mark (chronic asthmatic) had to do a lot of the modified versions of the exercises but I pulled through to the end. My thighs and calves are on fire right now but I'm looking forward to the new challenge tomorrow. Wish me luck fellas
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Did my first day of T-25 today (cardio) and got damn it wasn't easy. Felt like I was gonna die by the 18 minute mark (chronic asthmatic) had to do a lot of the modified versions of the exercises but I pulled through to the end. My thighs and calves are on fire right now but I'm looking forward to the new challenge tomorrow. Wish me luck fellas
Keep grinding.
Went from pr's yesterday to puking today. :pimp:

Thugged it out anyways and finished my workout and got tacos.
It is nearly impossible to go into a convenience store and buy a drink other than water without sugar or artificial ingredients. I stopped for a tea last night and couldn't even get a damn unsweetened tea, it's sad.
About time I got back into this thread rather than just reading it.

Anyway, this was yesterdays workout:


2 position clean EMOM were at 85kg/188lb

30 cal for five rounds on the Airdyne is murder. Absolutely hate that thing! :x
It is nearly impossible to go into a convenience store and buy a drink other than water without sugar or artificial ingredients. I stopped for a tea last night and couldn't even get a damn unsweetened tea, it's sad.
Question for you guys that watch your diet that closely, are all your meals cooked by you? I just can't go back to that mindset where I monitor every little thing that goes into my body.
Question for you guys that watch your diet that closely, are all your meals cooked by you? I just can't go back to that mindset where I monitor every little thing that goes into my body.

Even when I'm going to cut I'm not going to get that anal about food, it's just annoying and I love to eat.

Luckily I'm young with a good metabolism so I can still get lean by just carb cycling.

I have been thinking of doing those meal prep services or hire a chef.  

I'm tired of meal prepping.  I think, I'll come out cheaper just hiring someone.
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