STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Question for you guys that watch your diet that closely, are all your meals cooked by you? I just can't go back to that mindset where I monitor every little thing that goes into my body.

I don't watch mine nearly that closely :lol: I drink too much soda so sometimes I reach for unsweetened tea. Was just an observation since we were on the subject.
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About time I got back into this thread rather than just reading it.

Anyway, this was yesterdays workout:

2 position clean EMOM were at 85kg/188lb

30 cal for five rounds on the Airdyne is murder. Absolutely hate that thing!
F dat...Did you get them Muscle Ups? Bar or Ring
Question for you guys that watch your diet that closely, are all your meals cooked by you? I just can't go back to that mindset where I monitor every little thing that goes into my body.
Yes. Its annoying at times but im oretty conditioned to do it.
I think it also depends on how your background is weight wise. And because i was so big as a teenager/young adult. I still have that fear of reverting back. So even when im bulking i still put everything into account that i intake. I still have cheat meals.
But ither than those i cook everything myself
apple cider vinegar limeade flavor is where its at....

just did a group run with a bunch of warrant officers and a colonel.... was about 3 miles

pretty much was the pace runner lmao after a while I was running by myself I was scared to run to far mofo probably would kick me out of the army.
I don't watch mine nearly that closely
I drink too much soda so sometimes I reach for unsweetened tea. Was just an observation since we were on the subject.
Yeah I didn't mean to direct that at you.

I just look at like the person who eats fast food but orders a diet coke 
About time I got back into this thread rather than just reading it.

Anyway, this was yesterdays workout:

2 position clean EMOM were at 85kg/188lb

30 cal for five rounds on the Airdyne is murder. Absolutely hate that thing!
I'm not a fan of the airdyne either, but i try to use it as much as i can. A few competitions ago i had to do a 3 minute max calorie on the assault bike 
I make everything and track it. ONLY thing I don't track is sodium, if I use ABODO or something.

If I'm going to do something, I'm gonna do it right. NO time for error when cutting. THAT'S time wasted starvING yourself lmao


Only crossfitters that are jacked were jacked before they started crsossfit :lol:

I mean, you obviously have to have an actual lifting portion of your workout :lol: Not gonna get jacked just by doing these metcons...

I really hope folks aren't looking at these and thinking that's all they have to do...
I was wondering how sone of them were jacked in that Netflix doc.... [emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji]


Only crossfitters that are jacked were jacked before they started crsossfit :lol:

I mean, you obviously have to have an actual lifting portion of your workout :lol: Not gonna get jacked just by doing these metcons...

I really hope folks aren't looking at these and thinking that's all they have to do...
I was wondering how sone of them were jacked in that Netflix doc.... [emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji]

Gear helps, too. :lol:
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