Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

I like this workout, but where are the Triceps exercises?

Good point. I barely remember typing that out and sending it. Lol, that's cool that you saved that though man. I don't even know whereI'd throw the tricep stuff into that rotation or why I left it out in the first place. Damn, I must have been slipping that day, but I'd suggest onBack day to add some bench dips, then cable pressdowns, then parallel bar dips or close grip presses, then overhead tricep extensions in between or supersetwith some of the back exercise. I know it's not the normall "work you tri's on chest day and bi's on back day" thing, but it's agood way to bring your arms up if they lag behind the rest of your upper body, which was the case with me for a long time.
Kind of an lol question.
Anyone also buy supps only during the fall/winter months? I don't like taking the chance that exposure to excess heat may damage certain ingredients withinthe supps.
They're too expensive to be flushing money down the drain like that.

i need a new workout.

someone post theirs please.....or at least a sample , like one day of it

i need to mix my stuff up

Ill post the entire thing.


incline DB's (4x6 or 5x5)
flat BB or DB
Weighted dips


DL/ Romanian DL (4x6 or 5x5)
One arm DB rows for heavy days / speed snatch with DB's for speed days
weighted wide grip pull ups (3 x 8+)
grip work in the form of Static Holds for time/ pinch plates
1 bicep exercise usually done for the negative movement --> during breaks do high rep ab exercise

Shoulders/ triceps

Push Presses/Jerks or Cleans ( varies sometime 5x5 , other times 2/3 x 7/8 )
rack lockouts (4x6 or 5x5) for heavy days/ high pulls for speed days
upright row (3x8-10)/ Front Plate Raise -- if rack lockout then upright row; if high pull then front plate raise
Side/Front dumbbell raise static holds

Lower body

Front squat/ Back Squat/ Overhead (4x6 or 5 x5)
Seated/ standing good mornings ( sometimes 4x6, other times 3x10+)
Bulgarian Squats/ Zercher squats (3x10+ for Bulgarians; usual 4x6 or 5x5 for Zerchers)
Side Bends + Ab Bridge
Grip Work -- farmers walk/pinch plates/ static holds
got back...2 days in a row...just mostly cardio...and i tried a lil circuit training as well...has anyone here done circuit training before? if you have canyou post your routine and exercise? my goal by the way is to lose weight
couple of questions

i am trying to lose weight and i was wondering if taking creatine would be a good decision? i understand it makes you bloated and can add water weight, whichis the exact opposite of what i want so im just wondering if it would be a good idea to get some or not?


im also interested in taking a pre workout supp because to be honest i never feel like going to the gym.. all they do is make you have a nice pump and give youenergy right? i was thinking of either white flood or jack3d (they both have good reviews on, but im kind of nervous to take one so if someone couldrecommend me one thatd be good.
Heres what i'm doing right now:

1/2 hour stretching routines
Abs - a whole bunch of different ab excercise that I dont know the names for but its about 7 different excercises 20-25 reps each excercise back to back
Incline Dumbell Chest Press 3 sets - 12,10,8
Incline Dumbell Chest Flye 3 sets - 10,8,7
Dumbell side raises mixed with front raises 3 sets - 15,12,12
Standing Dumbell Bicep Curl - 3 sets 10,9,8
Hammer Curls 2 sets - 10,10

1 hour stretching routines
Couple Ab excercises about 60 reps
30 min running on treadmill
5 min cooldown/stretching
10-15 min heavy bag work

1/2 hour stretching routines
Abs - a whole bunch of different ab excercise that I dont know the names for but its about 7 different excercises 20-25 reps each excercise back to back
Dumbell rows 3 sets - 12,12,10
Deadlift - 3 sets - 10,10,10
Shoulder shrugs 3 sets - 15,12,12
Overhead Tricep extention 2 sets 12,10
Bench dips 3 sets - 25,21,20

5 min treadmill jog
1 hour stretching routines
1 hour heavy bag work
5 min cool down/stretching

My thing is that i'm at/near the ideal weight for my frame 5'8 153 lbs, and the most i'd want on my body is 160 maybe 165, so if I gain the rightkinda weight i'm good but I don't do too much weights or I think excercise too much because I'm in it to just be healthy not really get cut up oradd too much muscle. For Friday,Saturday,Sunday I relax but if i get ancy I do 3-point pushups and dips before I eat something to get my metabolism/heart rateup. You'll notice my routine is also devoid of legwork but I do lunges/jumping excercises sometimes between sets and on the heavy bag i do kicks that and Ihate legwork

To me it's more eating right and getting your mind right then working on the body. Meditation is also something I do on a regular basis.

Something i'm looking to add in, in the winter is some medicine ball excercises and one of those big inflatable excercise balls.
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

yeah i eat pistachios and almonds a lot. no peanuts cuz im allergic,

very good for you, and they taste good
Do you guys take whether they are roasted/unroasted into consideration? Where do you guys get your mixed nuts from

Im not so sure about the whole roasted/unroasted, mine are roasted. I think you're safe as long as their not 'salted.'

Another question are raisins a good snack food too? Im craving some raisins.

Today was leg day.. I was thoroughly impressed with my progess/lifts today. Im going to bump up my squat to 176 lol, prob amatuer to some of the bigger/experienced fellas here, but im only 135. 3x10 last rep of the last set ruins me.. its an amazing feeling. Diets on check, weathers good, except Leonardo is going to bench Ronaldinho tomorrow and he's not performing well - the only negative aspect of my day today.

I watched the Marquez v. Mayweather, Pacquiao v. Hatton 24/7's they get me riled up as #%*#.

Plyo's are a great exercise, I see them as a polish to your leg days, their like the finishing touches and give you that boom boom boom. Make sure when you land its a soft as possible, and that you are performing on a soft-surface with decent shoes. Stretch BEFORE and AFTER.
Forget Ortho-Core, a cup of my own piss at the end of a good workout and I'll be
Just thought of guys ever seen a fat or out of shape vegan or vegetarian?
Originally Posted by wj4

Just thought of guys ever seen a fat or out of shape vegan or vegetarian?
Nah, but when I went swimming today, the lifeguard looked like free willy. I have no idea how she is a life guard.

Yan Can Cook, in yoga class we usually just sit there legs crossed and close our eyes and focus on breathing in deeply and slowly. Instructor usually tells usto focus on the current moment and breathing and to let everything from the day go (work, school, etc).
Or I use my ipod and just close my eyes and focus on breathing. ehhhh. Don't sleep on yoga class, bunch of girls in tights, I don't see anything wrongwith that
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Kind of an lol question.
Anyone also buy supps only during the fall/winter months? I don't like taking the chance that exposure to excess heat may damage certain ingredients within the supps.
They're too expensive to be flushing money down the drain like that.

i need a new workout.

someone post theirs please.....or at least a sample , like one day of it

i need to mix my stuff up

Ill post the entire thing.


incline DB's (4x6 or 5x5)
flat BB or DB
Weighted dips


DL/ Romanian DL (4x6 or 5x5)
One arm DB rows for heavy days / speed snatch with DB's for speed days
weighted wide grip pull ups (3 x 8+)
grip work in the form of Static Holds for time/ pinch plates
1 bicep exercise usually done for the negative movement --> during breaks do high rep ab exercise

Shoulders/ triceps

Push Presses/Jerks or Cleans ( varies sometime 5x5 , other times 2/3 x 7/8 )
rack lockouts (4x6 or 5x5) for heavy days/ high pulls for speed days
upright row (3x8-10)/ Front Plate Raise -- if rack lockout then upright row; if high pull then front plate raise
Side/Front dumbbell raise static holds

Lower body

Front squat/ Back Squat/ Overhead (4x6 or 5 x5)
Seated/ standing good mornings ( sometimes 4x6, other times 3x10+)
Bulgarian Squats/ Zercher squats (3x10+ for Bulgarians; usual 4x6 or 5x5 for Zerchers)
Side Bends + Ab Bridge
Grip Work -- farmers walk/pinch plates/ static holds

nah man i take em year round

thanks for the workout......looks good, im trying to do something more like that less like the typical bb'ing workout (leg day, arm day, chest, back,shoulders, etc.)....more full-body stuff to mix it up.

do you just go balls out or what? because some of those days look legit but like chest day i'd be like......"that's it?" at the end. iusually do 4 sets flat bb bench, 3 sets incline bb bench, 3 sets db flat, 3 sets db incline, maybe bb decline too but usually not. as well as flies and somecable stuff.
yeah man if i didn't care about size id be vegetarian/vegan in a heartbeat i many good things in vegetables/fruits/etc., way way way lesscarcinogens and other bad stuff, it's so much better

( i know, i know ...... you can get big on a vegan diet, blah blah, it's extremely difficult especially for most people, probably more so for me as I hatesoy products....and love to eat meat)
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH
nah man i take em year round

thanks for the workout......looks good, im trying to do something more like that less like the typical bb'ing workout (leg day, arm day, chest, back,shoulders, etc.)....more full-body stuff to mix it up.

do you just go balls out or what? because some of those days look legit but like chest day i'd be like......"that's it?" at the end. iusually do 4 sets flat bb bench, 3 sets incline bb bench, 3 sets db flat, 3 sets db incline, maybe bb decline too but usually not. as well as flies and somecable stuff.

I hate crossfit with a passion, but try looking into some of their WOD's (workout of the day).
Originally Posted by IMPORTKING

Originally Posted by Yan Can Cook

how do you meditate?
marijuana after workouts.

I thought I was the only one

Back in the Summer when I was out of school I used to smoke an L after my work outs. Nothing like it, the high of working out with the high of the MJ =

I stopped that though cause school started back up and I can't toke during the week cause I feel like I get kinda cloudy. I read this months issue ofMuscle and Fitness and they said marijuana affects testosterone levels. I don;t know how much it affects it but it can't be that much.

Thursday or Friday work outs are finished with that Cali kush
vancity- will do.....ive always heard people talk trash about crossfit, so i never really looked into them.....isnt it more in-season athletic fitness typestuff? or is it more serious strength-building stuff?

also i really need to try those grip things wawa posted ,my grip strength has always been a hassle, doing shrugs and dl's is a pain when i go heavy. hell,if i'm tired doing pullups and chinups can be bad in terms of grip

as for smoking weed + test levels.......can someone get to the bottom of that please?
i didn't smoke today or yesterday, i'm probably gonna stopsoon for a while, i always smoke in phases anyway, like every day for a couple months then i get bored with it and stop......but i will consider cutting backor stopping all together if it's really that serious
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Heres what i'm doing right now:

1/2 hour stretching routines
Abs - a whole bunch of different ab excercise that I dont know the names for but its about 7 different excercises 20-25 reps each excercise back to back
Incline Dumbell Chest Press 3 sets - 12,10,8
Incline Dumbell Chest Flye 3 sets - 10,8,7
Dumbell side raises mixed with front raises 3 sets - 15,12,12
Standing Dumbell Bicep Curl - 3 sets 10,9,8
Hammer Curls 2 sets - 10,10

1 hour stretching routines
Couple Ab excercises about 60 reps
30 min running on treadmill
5 min cooldown/stretching
10-15 min heavy bag work

1/2 hour stretching routines
Abs - a whole bunch of different ab excercise that I dont know the names for but its about 7 different excercises 20-25 reps each excercise back to back
Dumbell rows 3 sets - 12,12,10
Deadlift - 3 sets - 10,10,10
Shoulder shrugs 3 sets - 15,12,12
Overhead Tricep extention 2 sets 12,10
Bench dips 3 sets - 25,21,20

5 min treadmill jog
1 hour stretching routines
1 hour heavy bag work
5 min cool down/stretching

My thing is that i'm at/near the ideal weight for my frame 5'8 153 lbs, and the most i'd want on my body is 160 maybe 165, so if I gain the right kinda weight i'm good but I don't do too much weights or I think excercise too much because I'm in it to just be healthy not really get cut up or add too much muscle. For Friday,Saturday,Sunday I relax but if i get ancy I do 3-point pushups and dips before I eat something to get my metabolism/heart rate up. You'll notice my routine is also devoid of legwork but I do lunges/jumping excercises sometimes between sets and on the heavy bag i do kicks that and I hate legwork

To me it's more eating right and getting your mind right then working on the body. Meditation is also something I do on a regular basis.

Something i'm looking to add in, in the winter is some medicine ball excercises and one of those big inflatable excercise balls.
i don't see why you're avoiding the leg work if you're concerned about health, but at least you do deadlifts. it seems likeyou've got too much going in the ab dept on consecutive days. i think you'd be better off swtiching wed and fri to spread out your rest days. 4 dayson, 3 day off is a weird way to go about it.

Originally Posted by wj4

Just thought of guys ever seen a fat or out of shape vegan or vegetarian?
actually, yes, my old roommate (and his gf to some extent). and it's not like this guy was sitting at a desk all day. he's a legitimategym rat. i think he was obsessed with the gym a few times. he had quite a big belly a few times in the years i've known him, but most of his fat wasconcentrated in his gut. i think he was actually in better shape when he wasn't in a vegan stage.
did a weigh-in for the first time in 2 months of healthier eating. cut 20 pounds of fat. very happy, and am going to keep at it until i die from here on out.owe a lot to the thread here, very motivating.
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