Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by lilpro4u

The thought of eating meat honestly disgust me i can be in the middle of eating a delicious steak, but once i think of what im actually consuming
.. i wouldn't mind being a vegetarian, because i love veggies, fruits etc.. but that shh has to get old quick.

I ran 4 miles last night around the neighborhood. probably gonna hit the elliptical tonite cause my shins are on fire still..

Question for those.. Most effective way to lose manboobs?? I've notice my stomach gone way down, but i still got 2 "bee stings" up top no h o m o
Its like i gain muscle but the fat is still there.

I heard dumbbell flies are the best work out and i have done those, but what else is out there? is the pectoral Machine, and cable flies more effective?? Should I be doing all those on one day?
Likewise here, sir. The only time in my life where they were gone was when I was running 2 hours a day. My team would run for a 30 min warm-upjog/+sprints. Then the rest of the time we'd do sprints and basically workouts to improve speed like deadman sprints, spider runs, wall-sits, etc... I wasnot even dieting properly too, I would easily consume about 1500 calories a sitting once I got home from the running. They weren't clean calories either,they would be white rice, steaks, fried stuff, anything that was available for dinner in massive amounts.

My plan right now is to do the HIIT (basically what I used to do) and then diet properly. We should see some good results from that.
Originally Posted by akf0dy7

if im tying to slim down, does it make sense for me to drink protien shakes? if so how many grams of protein should i aim for?
I don't see a need for it unless you are bodybuilding. Extra protein gets excreted, so it's like you're eating it just to eat it.Plus, protein generates an insulin response, which isn't ideal for those who are looking to cut body fat. If you eat a diet made of unprocessed, naturalfoods, you won't have a problem getting rid of a good deal of body fat, but to get into an athletic range will require extra work on your part.
If I'm trying to shed a few pounds of fat but still put on muscle I can still take a protein shake right after I lift, right?

Also, I was wondering when I do cardio right after I workout, I should wait till I'm done running to take the shake, right? I remember reading somewhere totake the shake within 30 minutes after I workout or lift, I'm unsure of which one though..
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by Gmills23

Getting your diet straight will motivate you to workout more.
Post your schedule and diet and dudes in here will def help you out.

Thanks to all for being willing to give some guidance.

My schedule is rough. I leave for work at 7:15 am and usually get home around 8:00pm. I'm pretty free on the weekends. I was thinking about joining a place that is open late so I could go when I get home from work but have to see if a place like that even exists.

My diet is horrible. Basically, I just eat whatever. Not ridiculous amounts of food, but I don't watch it at all.

Breakfast: Usually a toasted bagel with butter.

Lunch: Usually sushi. Been trying to do some salads but it gets old.

Dinner: Here is where I eat the most...usually italian or steak. After dinner is when I'm the worst. At like 10pm I'll be snacking on candy and pretzels or whatever else I find in the house.

Honestly, its a miracle I'm not 500lbs but I'm not looking or feeling good.
this is what kills a lot of people.

people aint tryna work out after a 10 -12hr day....even if you already in shape and your nutrition and energy levels are good.... well i know i dont anyway

if you just lookin to lose weight though you should go to they gym like 2-3 times a week at first... do a combination of weights and cardio (heigh intensity)maybe like 40-45 mins in the morning (depending which side of the day it hurts the least to free up the time lol) probably best to get some one to go over thediet with thing i would say though is dead the late night snacking. thats the stuff that usually sticks.
Wow....thanks to all of you for your guidance. I think the way to go is to join a gym and get a real trainer. I was looking at that Church Street BoxingGym downtown....that looks freaking serious. Any thoughts if that would be better than just a NYSC? I don't want to pay a trainer if they don'treally care and are just going through the motions. I want to get someone that is hardcore and is going to push me to get back in shape. I'm not sure itsworth heading all the way down to Wall Street for a NYSC though....

Defintely going to end the late night snacking as well.

I'm officially going to do this. I figure if I start with the working out....the food stuff can be the next step....
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Also, I'd be willing to pay a trainer but I'd need to find one willing to work on my schedule.
If there's a 24 Hr around you, go inquire there. I've seen a trainer come in at odd hours to train a dude before. I'm sure the ratewill be more than normal though.

I'm 25% done reading Tony's book and I'm digging it so far. I'm sure you guys would think it's a good read too. It's filled with hisNFL stories, injuries, statistic studies, recipes, lifting routines. There's a part where he said that 88% of all NFL players who were studied were on theroad to having heart problem by the time they hit 50.
My AOR Ortho Core came today, it says take 6 capsules a day with meals. Is it safe to just take all 6 in the mourning with breakfast?
Same question for my Flax seed oil pills, only the serving size on those is 3
Originally Posted by miamin2

If I'm trying to shed a few pounds of fat but still put on muscle I can still take a protein shake right after I lift, right?

Also, I was wondering when I do cardio right after I workout, I should wait till I'm done running to take the shake, right? I remember reading somewhere to take the shake within 30 minutes after I workout or lift, I'm unsure of which one though..
If you wait until an hour after you lift, it won't hurt. Just try and get a good protein meal in after. It doesn't have to be a shake, itcould be an actual cooked meal, like your dinner or breakfast. But definitely don't take it before you run, it'll slow you down. You won't be ableto work as hard because your body will still be digesting.

One thing that I don't get is, why is everyone so intrigued by protein? Not attacking anyone, but I swear, supplement companies are brilliant with theirmarketing. They've managed to convince average Americans that protein is a magical nutrient that burns fat and automatically adds pounds and pounds ofmuscle.
Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by Gmills23

Getting your diet straight will motivate you to workout more.
Post your schedule and diet and dudes in here will def help you out.
Thanks to all for being willing to give some guidance.

My schedule is rough. I leave for work at 7:15 am and usually get home around 8:00pm. I'm pretty free on the weekends. I was thinking about joining a place that is open late so I could go when I get home from work but have to see if a place like that even exists.

My diet is horrible. Basically, I just eat whatever. Not ridiculous amounts of food, but I don't watch it at all.

Breakfast: Usually a toasted bagel with butter.

Lunch: Usually sushi. Been trying to do some salads but it gets old.

Dinner: Here is where I eat the most...usually italian or steak. After dinner is when I'm the worst. At like 10pm I'll be snacking on candy and pretzels or whatever else I find in the house.

Honestly, its a miracle I'm not 500lbs but I'm not looking or feeling good.
this is what kills a lot of people.

people aint tryna work out after a 10 -12hr day....even if you already in shape and your nutrition and energy levels are good.... well i know i dont anyway

if you just lookin to lose weight though you should go to they gym like 2-3 times a week at first... do a combination of weights and cardio (heigh intensity) maybe like 40-45 mins in the morning (depending which side of the day it hurts the least to free up the time lol) probably best to get some one to go over the diet with thing i would say though is dead the late night snacking. thats the stuff that usually sticks.
the best advice i can give to you starting out is to make sure you build a solid base of strength before going all in. bodyweight definitelyworks well for this. make sure you don't sacrifice your sleep, or you'll plateau quick... or worse, get injured. diet wise, you don't have to beincredibly strict to start. at the very least, cut out sodas (even diet) and sugary drinks and snacks. stop eating fries if you do. for dinner, if you eatat a restaurant, eat a little slower and try to save a third or a half of the food you get and take it home. that can be snacked on if you're hungrylater, or saved for breakfast or lunch the next day. if you're a night person, work out right after work. vice versa if you're a morning person. forthe first week or two, you can get in 20 minutes of bodyweight exercises everyday if you're motivated. that way, you won't have too much troublefinding time in your schedule, and the shorter, more frequent workouts will get your body primed for the heavy stuff after that.

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by lilpro4u

I ran 4 miles last night around the neighborhood. probably gonna hit the elliptical tonite cause my shins are on fire still..

Question for those.. Most effective way to lose manboobs?? I've notice my stomach gone way down, but i still got 2 "bee stings" up top no h o m o
Its like i gain muscle but the fat is still there.

I heard dumbbell flies are the best work out and i have done those, but what else is out there? is the pectoral Machine, and cable flies more effective?? Should I be doing all those on one day?
Likewise here, sir. The only time in my life where they were gone was when I was running 2 hours a day. My team would run for a 30 min warm-up jog/+sprints. Then the rest of the time we'd do sprints and basically workouts to improve speed like deadman sprints, spider runs, wall-sits, etc... I was not even dieting properly too, I would easily consume about 1500 calories a sitting once I got home from the running. They weren't clean calories either, they would be white rice, steaks, fried stuff, anything that was available for dinner in massive amounts.

My plan right now is to do the HIIT (basically what I used to do) and then diet properly. We should see some good results from that.
i agree. doing a few more chest exercises (incline presses, dips, flies) to spread out the muscle distribution in your chest will help a littlebit, but things like HIIT will make a bigger difference, not just for your chest, but your abs, arms, legs, back, everywhere. keep it intense, not easy, andyou don't have to go for 2 hours, even 10-15 minutes of HIIT twice a week will definitely burn that fat quick.

and that shin burn... are you heavy on your heelstrike? if you try to have more of a neutral lean you can keep from having shin problems. shin splints canreally keep you out of the game. think "lean forward" slightly, take shorter strides, keep your knees bent a little and let your foot land more onthe ball of your foot. it's strange at first, but much more natural after a while.
Originally Posted by Gmills23

My AOR Ortho Core came today, it says take 6 capsules a day with meals. Is it safe to just take all 6 in the mourning with breakfast?
Same question for my Flax seed oil pills, only the serving size on those is 3
id spread them out.....take 1-2 at a time with meals. i don't think it's "unsafe" to do what you're doing but i doubt youare absorbing as much as you would be if taken throughout the day.

Originally Posted by Al Audi

edit: joe cam RIP when you do those 100hr ibanking hrs my man
im gonna be hittin the nearest golds during my lunch break or something.......drinking shakes all day and !**+ ...... whatever it takes
people are gonna think im weird as hell
Man, cooking fish makes the whole house smell something awful. I just bought some shark fillet and cooked a piece up, the air vent is still on at full speedand windows are open.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by akf0dy7

if im tying to slim down, does it make sense for me to drink protien shakes? if so how many grams of protein should i aim for?
I don't see a need for it unless you are bodybuilding. Extra protein gets excreted, so it's like you're eating it just to eat it. Plus, protein generates an insulin response, which isn't ideal for those who are looking to cut body fat. If you eat a diet made of unprocessed, natural foods, you won't have a problem getting rid of a good deal of body fat, but to get into an athletic range will require extra work on your part.

I think a slow digesting protein, such as casein, shake would be good as a snack. It would be digested slowly, preventing an insulin spike, and help keep himfuller longer. I recommend Syntha-6 by BSN. It tastes phenomenal and I get about 44g protein, 12 g fat, 20g carb, and 10 g fiber in 2 scoops with water.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Anyone ever heard of the Bar-Barians? They do some pretty amazing things with mostly bodyweight training. It's extremely challenging, but functional as well. I'm thinking about taking up a training style like this over weights. It seems a lot more fun and convenient.
That's dope. Those dudes are strong as @!%%.
Originally Posted by wj4

Man, cooking fish makes the whole house smell something awful. I just bought some shark fillet and cooked a piece up, the air vent is still on at full speed and windows are open.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Kind of an lol question.
Anyone also buy supps only during the fall/winter months? I don't like taking the chance that exposure to excess heat may damage certain ingredients within the supps.
They're too expensive to be flushing money down the drain like that.

i need a new workout.

someone post theirs please.....or at least a sample , like one day of it

i need to mix my stuff up

Ill post the entire thing.


incline DB's (4x6 or 5x5)
flat BB or DB
Weighted dips


DL/ Romanian DL (4x6 or 5x5)
One arm DB rows for heavy days / speed snatch with DB's for speed days
weighted wide grip pull ups (3 x 8+)
grip work in the form of Static Holds for time/ pinch plates
1 bicep exercise usually done for the negative movement --> during breaks do high rep ab exercise

Shoulders/ triceps

Push Presses/Jerks or Cleans ( varies sometime 5x5 , other times 2/3 x 7/8 )
rack lockouts (4x6 or 5x5) for heavy days/ high pulls for speed days
upright row (3x8-10)/ Front Plate Raise -- if rack lockout then upright row; if high pull then front plate raise
Side/Front dumbbell raise static holds

Lower body

Front squat/ Back Squat/ Overhead (4x6 or 5 x5)
Seated/ standing good mornings ( sometimes 4x6, other times 3x10+)
Bulgarian Squats/ Zercher squats (3x10+ for Bulgarians; usual 4x6 or 5x5 for Zerchers)
Side Bends + Ab Bridge
Grip Work -- farmers walk/pinch plates/ static holds
nah man i take em year round

thanks for the workout......looks good, im trying to do something more like that less like the typical bb'ing workout (leg day, arm day, chest, back, shoulders, etc.)....more full-body stuff to mix it up.

do you just go balls out or what? because some of those days look legit but like chest day i'd be like......"that's it?" at the end. i usually do 4 sets flat bb bench, 3 sets incline bb bench, 3 sets db flat, 3 sets db incline, maybe bb decline too but usually not. as well as flies and some cable stuff.

Na, I take (most) supps year round.

I just load up on them during the winter/fall months.

Chest day is more of a rest/chill day for me. I go all out on those 3 exercises but that's it for the most part.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

So I see this thread everyday or so and have been putting on the pounds the last few years and want to get back in shape.

I am 34, about 5'8", and right now probably weigh about 195 lbs. I have to wear a size 38 pants, which I've never done before in my life.

So I want to get back down to about 160. I've never worked out a day in my life and have NO idea how to eat "properly".

Can anyone help? Do I just join a gym and start going? Do I need a trainer? Very lost but want to get in gear.
myyyyyyyyyy dude, I commend you. Get the motivation and your preety much set.
Hey guy's great thread! After some tips/ advice. I'm either doing a hour and a half gym workout (45 min cardio, 45 min weights).
or an hour half of basketball six nights a week. I'm happy with how my body is toning and losing weight, but am looking
for some advice on a cheap diet plan available easily from the grocery store . Mainly just for an easily prepared lunch
and dinner that doesn't need to much prep time.I don't want to pack on to much muscle going more for the slim toned look.
Thanks in advance guys.
Originally Posted by dollabill87

Hey guy's great thread! After some tips/ advice. I'm either doing a hour and a half gym workout (45 min cardio, 45 min weights).
or an hour half of basketball six nights a week. I'm happy with how my body is toning and losing weight, but am looking
for some advice on a cheap diet plan available easily from the grocery store . Mainly just for an easily prepared lunch
and dinner that doesn't need to much prep time.I don't want to pack on to much muscle going more for the slim toned look.
Thanks in advance guys.
No such thing as cheap eating healthy. It's going to be costly. There's a reason why fast food places can do $1'reeating processed lard.

HOVKid wrote:
So I see this thread everyday or so and have been putting on the pounds the last few years and want to get back in shape.

I am 34, about 5'8", and right now probably weigh about 195 lbs. I have to wear a size 38 pants, which I've never done before in my life.

So I want to get back down to about 160. I've never worked out a day in my life and have NO idea how to eat "properly".

Can anyone help? Do I just join a gym and start going? Do I need a trainer? Very lost but want to get in gear.

That's good to hear you finally want to start living a healthy lifestyle.

Here is some general nutrition info that can get you started..Nutrition makes up 80% of how you look.. http is probably the best website when it comes to getting tips, motivation, diets, workout routines, etc..

I would suggest joining a gym..If it's a good gym, they will have a trainer that will get you started. ie, show you how the machines work, tips, etc.

I'd suggest to start with working out 3 times a week..
Some great info in here for people inquiring or just learning. If I may, I'd also add that what works for one person may not work for another, we'reall our own individual and our bodies will react individually.

Since I got back from Europe, my plan has essentially been 40-60 minutes of cardio, coupled with lifting high reps and sub-optimal weight...everyday throughthe week (I go out on the weekends and tend to be hungover). It's worked for me, I just have to keep working at it consistently. My goal was to burn fatand lean out more as I gained some weight while overseas the past year. I'm 6'2, around 195 or so...I've always been a 'bigger' kid if thatmakes sense...just naturally strong. I know a lot of you guys watch your weight numerically but I've never been a fan of that: like I said, I'mnaturally strong, and that number isn't necessarily indicative of a person's fitness level. The following, in general, has worked for me in the pastand over the last month, and I just wanted to share my routine with those trying to lose pounds or even those looking for a reasonably tough workout.

My goal: Lean-out, drop the extra pounds I gained overseas (I did build a bit of a stomach and love handles) while maintaining muscle strength

My workout rationale: I gain weight easily and also bulk-up easily, so cardio everyday for me is a necessity to stay lean, even if it's just jumping ropeafter a lift. I don't want to bulk-up and I do so easily, so sticking to low-weight high-rep has been good for me. It's often noted that anything morethan 20 minutes of cardio is a fat-burning zone, which is why I choose to do between 40-60 minutes everyday. Also, some random days I'll strictly docardio: 80 minutes + jump rope or 65-70 minutes + jump rope. Other than that it's been pretty standard with my lifting, just a lot of reps and mixing upspecific exercises to keep my muscles from getting complacent.

My diet: A work-in-progress, but much better. Tons of water throughout the day, occasionally Starbucks for breakfast but that's it, and occasionally DietCoke with my lunch (or if I drink water at lunch, I'll sometimes take a green tea pill which I got from Vitamin Shoppe and have been great). I try hard notto eat red meats and stick to lean meats, but occasionally I'll go for a burger. If I'm snacking, Fisher's makes a great nut + fruit blend calledtheir Energy Blend which is awesome, decently healthy and blows potato chips out of the water. For those just getting into dieting, I highly recommend a trailmix or the aforementioned Fisher's blends for a healthy snack.

This stuff has worked for me, so long as I hit the gym, eat decently (water + no sweets) and get a good night's rest. Feel free to critique what I'mdoing or drop any tips, even questions if you guys would like more specifics to my workout. I hardly came in here to flaunt a plan that's worked for me,just to help out anybody I can...enjoy NT.
Alright so Ive been reading this thread for awhile. The nike Free's are dope for running, Im in the army and stationed in colorado (altitude in carson islike 6400ft) and we would run like 6 miles every 3 days and once in awhile brigade runs would be closer to 8-9. I loved them even if we had to run hills.

Anyways, so Im in afghanistan and my diet and #%$# obviously sucks... we get hot meals maybe once a day and the gym is rediculously !*+#@@. I lost a lot ofmuscle when I first got here, went from like 170 to 158.. now Im back to 165, I got a bunch of peanut butter sent here and i just eat it with my fingers, andthe MRE's out here have this sweet sue's chicken breast which is pretty decent if you add hotsauce. No excuses for any of you that are "tootired" or "too lazy" because we dont even have toilets, and can only go to the "gym" at night because its been shot a bunch of timesand its not a hard structure.. we actually cant do anything during the day really.

My question is.. theres no real way to do cardio out here, treadmills and whatnot, and Im not going to the LZ and doing sprints because that $%%*% been hitwith RPGs so many damn times, what can I do as a cardio day? I want to get my bottom two abs poppin out. I can feel them and when I lay down they show good, Ijust need to shed a little I guess.

Also can you tell me some sick lower ab workouts and good oblique work too? We have free weights so Ill lay down and put a 15lb dumbbell between my feet and doleg raises and raise to each side also, also put the pulley on the lowest and stick my feet the single hand attachments and do reverse curls.. and obviouslyhanging leg raises.. I dont really have anything for oblique work though. Ive heard people say dont work out your obliques unless you want that "lovehandle" look where its actually a muscle.

This is enough questions for now, please dont send links either just tell me because the internet here is MAD slow and I cant open up more than one window at atime without it getting rediculously slow.

To help you help me.. we got freeweights, and the cable machine (two ends) that you do tricep pulldowns with. And a dip machine but I only use it to jerry riga squat rack
My question is.. theres no real way to do cardio out here, treadmills and whatnot, and Im not going to the LZ and doing sprints because that $%%*% been hit with RPGs so many damn times, what can I do as a cardio day? I want to get my bottom two abs poppin out. I can feel them and when I lay down they show good, I just need to shed a little I guess.
For can try burpies, plyometric, or make up a drill of your something like squat down and jump as high as you can 3 times,get on the floor and roll a couple of feet, get back up and do another 3 squat jumps, and roll back to where you started and repeat.
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