Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

It's a hassle on your body, brain, self-image and if the person is trying to look good for the opposite sex then it certainly isnt worth it.
Can you explain why it's a hassle on your self image? If a dude is really fired up, shouldn't be a problem though, right?

I do agree with the 2nd part. I always shake my head at guys who wanna get rip simply for the eye candy to the ladies. That's just an incentive, yougotta do it for yourself and no one else.

PS anyone on here take hemp protein as oppose to whey protein?
Originally Posted by Durden7

wj4 wrote:
Van-I pretty much agree with you. As long as the good outweighs the bad, it's all good (no pun intended). It's just like fatty folks who go hard at the gym once or twice or eat healthy for a week...not really going to do a change because it's so short term.

The thing is that I got so accustomed to eating like this, it became 'regular' eating habits for me. I no longer enjoy things like chocolate chip cookies, bbq wings with ranch sauce, chili cheese fries, etc. (Just naming things I loved to eat).
...but you compared Yogurt to these items? That doesnt make sense to me.

and I also don't think anyone here realizes what a PITA it is to maintain a body fat percentage of under 8% (I've never been there, but most of the people that I know who are say it's almost not even worth the effort).

Yeah, anytime I hear someone say they want to be around 8% bodyfat I shake my head. It's TOUGH to get it that low, and if its not for a competition then it's really not worth it. It's a hassle on your body, brain, self-image and if the person is trying to look good for the opposite sex then it certainly isnt worth it.

8% at a comp is awful though. 8% is definitely do-able, but like anything else it takes a lot of dedication and it probably isn't worth it tomost.
Haha I'd love to see the look on the judges face if you showed up to a competition at 8%. Those dudes are usually around 3 or 3.5%. I was saying thatwalking around day-to-day at 8% is a struggle for most people. Sure, if you're 100% committed, it's definitely doable, but for guys like me who love toeat steak and potatoes and drink hard on the weekends, it's a pipe-dream.
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Haha I'd love to see the look on the judges face if you showed up to a competition at 8%. Those dudes are usually around 3 or 3.5%. I was saying that walking around day-to-day at 8% is a struggle for most people. Sure, if you're 100% committed, it's definitely doable, but for guys like me who love to eat steak and potatoes and drink hard on the weekends, it's a pipe-dream.
Where are you at right now, man? It seems like you're a dedicated lifter so I'm just wondering.

I mean, Al Audi posted up his pix and he said he was going crazy at BBQ's during the summer and son looked like an extra on 300 or something.
Originally Posted by wj4

It's a hassle on your body, brain, self-image and if the person is trying to look good for the opposite sex then it certainly isnt worth it.
Can you explain why it's a hassle on your self image? If a dude is really fired up, shouldn't be a problem though, right?

I do agree with the 2nd part. I always shake my head at guys who wanna get rip simply for the eye candy to the ladies. That's just an incentive, you gotta do it for yourself and no one else.

PS anyone on here take hemp protein as oppose to whey protein?

Yes! Hemp is great for protein and fats. I remember reading some guy who did an experiment with his body. He worked out consistently for 3 months,while using whey protein as his protein supplement. He let himself deteriorate for 3 months. Then, he worked out consistently for 3 months, while using hempprotein as his protein supplement and let himself deteriorate for 3 months. He compared the two and he maintained the most size and strength from the hempprotein. He said that his strength didn't drop too much with the hemp, but with whey it did.
Raw, so enzymes are intact
Processed very little
Complete protein


The only con, if you want to call it that, about hemp is that the taste isn't amazing. I found that if I blended the hemp with a banana, it eliminated thehemp taste. I don't recommend trying hemp by itself, especially not your first time.
The thing with whey is that it's usually sweetened with artificial sweeteners, so while it may be advertised as a health food, it's really not.
Check this article out: http://www.weightgain4you...rticles/Hemp-Protein.php
I'm 180 @ ~ 13ish? I store ALL my fat in my belly and lower back. I should note that I don't do any cardio right now. I feel like my workouts are morethan enough, seeing as I'm completely drenched and dripping sweat by the end of it (thank you caffeine + ephedrine).

I just don't care anymore. Last year this time I was on a bulk and it was such a mental struggle to eat 6 times a day and try to consume 4,000lbs. I'mat the point where I'm not trying to manipulate my body anymore. My body wants to stay around 175 - 185lbs and it's up to me to be as lean as possiblein that range. Trying to get up to 200 (which was my original goal) requires way more effort than I'm willing to put in, and to be quite honest, what'sthe point? It's not like I'm an athlete or anything. Sure it's nice filling out the sleeves of your t-shirt, but at what cost?
My body wants to stay around 175 - 185lbs and it's up to me to be as lean as possible in that range.
I hear that. My friend worked so hard to get to 220 lbs. He was eating crazy through out the day, he said around 4-5k cals a day. He stoppedfor ~2 months and got down to around 180, by stopped I mean he still goes to the gym, just not as hard as before. He also doesn't care much anymore thathe's down to a 'lowly 180' as he said.

Dang, 13%...really? I'm a little less than you, but I still got some giggly around the obliques and abs. I attribute that to me not lifting weight untilonly about 7 months ago or so, just straight cardio before that pratically.

neal-I'm asking because Trader Joe's sell hemp protein and whey protein...the prices are almost identical too.
It all depends on what you want and how much you want it.

You can get 8% if you want to, for whatever reasons you want. However from experience its going to alter your lifestyle - this is what some of the fellas aresaying earlier, but if you can make it work then fine.

You can get tired of boring things, such as calulating ratios and eating the same foods, but if your happy with your results, then why not continue? if you canmake it work the fine.

For some, they're trying to change as a person, both physically and mentally and thats what keeps them going.
I say try it out. Usually each container only has about 2 weeks worth of servings in them, so it's not a life-long obligation. On Amazon, you can pick upsome from Ruth's brand. It's great stuff, and the price is definitely the lowest there.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Vancity74

Haha I'd love to see the look on the judges face if you showed up to a competition at 8%. Those dudes are usually around 3 or 3.5%. I was saying that walking around day-to-day at 8% is a struggle for most people. Sure, if you're 100% committed, it's definitely doable, but for guys like me who love to eat steak and potatoes and drink hard on the weekends, it's a pipe-dream.
Where are you at right now, man? It seems like you're a dedicated lifter so I'm just wondering.

I mean, Al Audi posted up his pix and he said he was going crazy at BBQ's during the summer and son looked like an extra on 300 or something.
i think he ate like one cheeseburger back in june andfelt fat for the next two months.....dude was lean as hell in those pics

as for the 8% BF.......only thing I see getting in the way of me being sub-10% is alcohol. unhealthy foods have little to no appeal to me these days.
Originally Posted by Vancity74


Ripped, right? Amazing physique, right? He routinely eats 3 double cheeseburgers from McDonalds with supersized fries. Heck, I've seen him sit down and eat some late night poutine and hotdogs on more than one occasion.


I doubt you train as much as GSP to be able to eat that care free
Can you explain why it's a hassle on your self image? If a dude is really fired up, shouldn't be a problem though, right?

It's a hassle on your selfimage because of the obsession and work it takes to get to that level. Anyone who is trying to be at 8% is obsessed withworking out and what they eat. Even if they say theyre not, they abosolutley are. When someone is that tied up in how they look/what % theyre at it is goingto distort their self image. A person who is at 10%, but is not satisfied with it and wants to be lower will have a negative self image. They might saythings like "Oh, I know im in good shape, but i would just like to have a lower BF%" but deep down they know theyre not the body type they want to beand its not healthy.
8% at a comp is awful though. 8% is definitely do-able, but like anything else it takes a lot of dedication and it probably isn't worth it to most

Oh yeah I know, I wasnt trying to imply that 8% was competition level.
Need a little advice
whats the best way to go about bulking up, but at the same time losing fat around my stomach area etc...
Im not fat, im about 5'9-5'10 150lbs. But i got some fat around my stomach area, i want to get rid of that and bulk up.
I have access to a weight room for about 30-40 min a day 5days/week
Also any diet advice is great as well.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Need a little advice
whats the best way to go about bulking up, but at the same time losing fat around my stomach area etc...
Im not fat, im about 5'9-5'10 150lbs. But i got some fat around my stomach area, i want to get rid of that and bulk up.
I have access to a weight room for about 30-40 min a day 5days/week
Also any diet advice is great as well.
I'm in the same boat as you, roughly. I'm 5'10'' at ~150 lbs, around 12% body fat, but I got some fat around my stomach. Butvery minor. Hell it's not even fat if I stand upright, it's just a small layer covering up the 6 packs. I came to a conclusion that I'm justgoing to work with what I have and be a lean 150-155 lbs dude. Just going to continue my work out process as is.

i think he ate like one cheeseburger back in june and felt fat for the next two months.....dude was lean as hell in those pics
I donno why but I'm dying right now. Shout outs to myman Audi though.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Need a little advice
whats the best way to go about bulking up, but at the same time losing fat around my stomach area etc...
Im not fat, im about 5'9-5'10 150lbs. But i got some fat around my stomach area, i want to get rid of that and bulk up.
I have access to a weight room for about 30-40 min a day 5days/week
Also any diet advice is great as well.
I'm in the same boat as you, roughly. I'm 5'10'' at ~150 lbs, around 12% body fat, but I got some fat around my stomach. But very minor. Hell it's not even fat if I stand upright, it's just a small layer covering up the 6 packs. I came to a conclusion that I'm just going to work with what I have and be a lean 150-155 lbs dude. Just going to continue my work out process as is.

i think he ate like one cheeseburger back in june and felt fat for the next two months.....dude was lean as hell in those pics
I donno why but I'm dying right now. Shout outs to my man Audi though.

I've got 1 inch in height and 10 pounds on you guys.

I'd really like to get up to 170, then maybe lean out to 165 because I'm thinking of competitive MMA in the future as a possibility... but I don'tknow. The thing is, I know I could be a healthy looking, 15-16% body fat at 165-168 or a 8,9,10% at 150-153... I just have a problem with being under 155, tobe completely honest. I just feel unhealthy.
Originally Posted by wj4

Dang, temptation almost got to me. Went to Costco and was craving the nonfat yogurt. I didn't get it because I only had $1 in cash, was short 50 cents or so.
you should have at least copped a churro
... even if youhad to bum a few cents off someone
Originally Posted by doyung9

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Need a little advice
whats the best way to go about bulking up, but at the same time losing fat around my stomach area etc...
Im not fat, im about 5'9-5'10 150lbs. But i got some fat around my stomach area, i want to get rid of that and bulk up.
I have access to a weight room for about 30-40 min a day 5days/week
Also any diet advice is great as well.
I'm in the same boat as you, roughly. I'm 5'10'' at ~150 lbs, around 12% body fat, but I got some fat around my stomach. But very minor. Hell it's not even fat if I stand upright, it's just a small layer covering up the 6 packs. I came to a conclusion that I'm just going to work with what I have and be a lean 150-155 lbs dude. Just going to continue my work out process as is.

i think he ate like one cheeseburger back in june and felt fat for the next two months.....dude was lean as hell in those pics
I donno why but I'm dying right now. Shout outs to my man Audi though.
I've got 1 inch in height and 10 pounds on you guys.

I'd really like to get up to 170, then maybe lean out to 165 because I'm thinking of competitive MMA in the future as a possibility... but I don't know. The thing is, I know I could be a healthy looking, 15-16% body fat at 165-168 or a 8,9,10% at 150-153... I just have a problem with being under 155, to be completely honest. I just feel unhealthy.

Why? Especially if you want to compete in MMA, you need to be lean..that's going to be your advantage. 15-16% is way too much body fat. Asthey say..the fastest way to look like you pack on 20 lbs of muscle is to lose 10 lbs of fat.

BTW, this guy on the left is about my height at 5'10'' and he's around 150. Doesn't look unhealthy to me.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by doyung9

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Need a little advice
whats the best way to go about bulking up, but at the same time losing fat around my stomach area etc...
Im not fat, im about 5'9-5'10 150lbs. But i got some fat around my stomach area, i want to get rid of that and bulk up.
I have access to a weight room for about 30-40 min a day 5days/week
Also any diet advice is great as well.
I'm in the same boat as you, roughly. I'm 5'10'' at ~150 lbs, around 12% body fat, but I got some fat around my stomach. But very minor. Hell it's not even fat if I stand upright, it's just a small layer covering up the 6 packs. I came to a conclusion that I'm just going to work with what I have and be a lean 150-155 lbs dude. Just going to continue my work out process as is.

i think he ate like one cheeseburger back in june and felt fat for the next two months.....dude was lean as hell in those pics
I donno why but I'm dying right now. Shout outs to my man Audi though.
I've got 1 inch in height and 10 pounds on you guys.

I'd really like to get up to 170, then maybe lean out to 165 because I'm thinking of competitive MMA in the future as a possibility... but I don't know. The thing is, I know I could be a healthy looking, 15-16% body fat at 165-168 or a 8,9,10% at 150-153... I just have a problem with being under 155, to be completely honest. I just feel unhealthy.
Why? Especially if you want to compete in MMA, you need to be lean..that's going to be your advantage. 15-16% is way too much body fat. As they say..the fastest way to look like you pack on 20 lbs of muscle is to lose 10 lbs of fat.

BTW, this guy on the left is about my height at 5'10'' and he's around 150. Doesn't look unhealthy to me.

Oh, I know... I think you misunderstood me a bit, or I wasn't clear enough.

Like if I were to want to get into MMA, I'd want to walk at 170, and cut to 155. Realistically though, I'd be better off walking at 160 and cutting to145 or even walking at 155 and cutting to 135. No one I know can believe I'm 160 right now. I'm pretty lean as it is, I'm just like everyone elseyou know, I don't see in the mirror what others might see, all I see is "no, that's not it".
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Need a little advice
whats the best way to go about bulking up, but at the same time losing fat around my stomach area etc...
Im not fat, im about 5'9-5'10 150lbs. But i got some fat around my stomach area, i want to get rid of that and bulk up.
I have access to a weight room for about 30-40 min a day 5days/week
Also any diet advice is great as well.
I'm in the same boat as you, roughly. I'm 5'10'' at ~150 lbs, around 12% body fat, but I got some fat around my stomach. But very minor. Hell it's not even fat if I stand upright, it's just a small layer covering up the 6 packs. I came to a conclusion that I'm just going to work with what I have and be a lean 150-155 lbs dude. Just going to continue my work out process as is.

i think he ate like one cheeseburger back in june and felt fat for the next two months.....dude was lean as hell in those pics
I donno why but I'm dying right now. Shout outs to my man Audi though.

what would be the best method for getting rid of that fat?

what exercises, what not to eat and stuff like that.
Also would i have to lose that weight first, then bulk up? or could it be done at the same time?
^ Before and after is good.

But if you have a strong preworkout nutrition, the postworkout meal/shake isn't necessarily needed immediately. You can just have a normal solid meal after(carbs/protein).
Originally Posted by Tarvald Drama Chase

im trying to burn fat and lose weight.... can someone help me out with a good workout routine??



Seriously though, this question is asked almost daily, yet has been answered 1,000 times. If you're too lazy to do a quick Google search for a goodroutine, you're too lazy to get your *+% into the gym.
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