Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by wj4

Durden7 wrote:

wj4 wrote:

PS any of you fellas try a yoga class? If so how do you like it?

LOVE it. Highly recommended.
How's the process like? Do you sweat a lot because you're trying to maintain balance and such? I'm thinking of redoing my work out
program completely and might incorporate yoga into it. The only con is that the classes are all in the afternoon and evening, not morning.

I never sweat in my classes. I wasnt doing (I forget the name of the yoga class done in 104 degrees). I did it for posture/balance/flexibility. The feeling of being completely stretched out and flexible upon leaving the class was excellent.

Bikram Yoga.

Been meaning to give it a try.
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

^At least give yourself 20 min of digesting before you workout
I always give myself 70 mins or so. I'll wake up, eat, go on NT and other sites for about an hour and leave for the gym. Anything less thanthat will give me an upset stomach.

Thanks for the yoga insight. I'll give it a try next week. Since I'm done with my low weight/high rep now I'm going to be doing high weight/lowrep. The workout should be less time consuming and instead of lifting every day, I'm going to group up the dates so I have 2-3 days off for yoga.
Off day for me but I'm bored so I'm going to the gym to do the Crossfit WOD: "Chelsea"

Basically it's 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 bw squats every minute on the minute for 30 minutes.
I love yoga I go twice a week. It's great to stretch everything out.... It is also great for balance and we do a lt of core - strengthening excercises
Man I saw this dude doing some !$$ to grass squats. Had the best form I've ever seen. I wanted to bust out my camera and take a video but that would besorta weird.
Hey Wj4, when you were doing Muay Thai, how many days and how many hours per session were you doing? My friend told me about a Muay Thai class and I might goand join with them...It only meets like 2-3 times a week though at 2 hours per big question is was doing it really beneficial for cutting weight?
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Hey Wj4, when you were doing Muay Thai, how many days and how many hours per session were you doing? My friend told me about a Muay Thai class and I might go and join with them...It only meets like 2-3 times a week though at 2 hours per big question is was doing it really beneficial for cutting weight?
I started out 3 times a week and worked my way up to 5 times a week. Class lasted about 1:30 mins. It was the ultimate cardio, man. I neversweated like that before. Go in for a class, I'm sure you will wake up sore the next day. I was a big dude when I started MT so yes it cut the weight forme. It also gave me the determination I have now. If it wasn't for MT, I'm sure I'd still be the 200 lb'er I was before.
damn I miss being in shape

I have NO time for the gym, and the closest one to me is a good distance away.
Im gonna have to make time to do stuff in the crib and/or maybe joggin in the neighborhood
Originally Posted by MF Doomer

Has anyone ever take Tae Kwon do or somthing similar?
Are you tryna get really fit? From what I've seen, it's lots of kicks and tossing, I'm not sure their regiments are as intense as sayMMA, Muay Thai...the rest of those. It varies with each school though.
Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

damn I miss being in shape

I have NO time for the gym, and the closest one to me is a good distance away.
Im gonna have to make time to do stuff in the crib and/or maybe joggin in the neighborhood
You don't really need a gym to be fit. Instead of paying for a membership, you can get a pull up bar for $30 and you're set. Pull ups,push ups, lunges, squats, planks, dips, muscle ups, sprints, cycling, etc. are where it's at. It's so much more convenient and I feel more fulfilledwhen I do a workout than if I go to a gym to do a weight lifting workout.
If you just want to be fit, weights aren't necessary, atleast not in the beginning. But if you want to train to look good, then weights are an easier wayof doing that. When I went to a gym, I'd see all these big dudes that had huge 'mirror muscles' and sure, it's cool at first. But I'drather train for function over fashion.
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Off day for me but I'm bored so I'm going to the gym to do the Crossfit WOD: "Chelsea"

Basically it's 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 bw squats every minute on the minute for 30 minutes.
that sounds brutal. esp the pullups. 150 in 30 minutes? you doin kipping pullups?
i've always wanted to work in a few crossfit wods into my routines
Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by Vancity74

Off day for me but I'm bored so I'm going to the gym to do the Crossfit WOD: "Chelsea"

Basically it's 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 bw squats every minute on the minute for 30 minutes.
that sounds brutal. esp the pullups. 150 in 30 minutes? you doin kipping pullups?
i've always wanted to work in a few crossfit wods into my routines

Just got back from doing this.

It was hard, but I actually enjoyed doing it. Oddly enough, the only thing slowing me down were the pushups. I was doing regular pullups, palms out, shoulderwidth. And instead of the 1 set per minute for 30 minutes, I decided to see how many I could do in 20 minutes. I ended up doing 25. My goal is to be able to do30 next week. I was also gonna do some core work after but I was so freaking gassed. Heck, I'm typing this in bed right now I'm that beat.
If you want to get stronger in any movement - be it the bench press, pull up, push up, squat, etc. - the best way is to practice that movement regularly. Pullups have gotten so much easier for me. Before I used to struggle to do 3 or 4, now I can do 10 in a row. Still working on muscle ups though. They're awhole other story.
Whats the difference between Lipo 6 black and Bio-Forge. Im about 6'0 240, looking to lose some weight and gain some strength. Hoping to find something togive me an extra bounce in my step, especially for the gym where I need to get over my current overweight stamina plateau that Im kinda at. Looking for anyideas or thoughts, appreciate it.
Originally Posted by wj4

For the dudes that took/take yoga, you guys bring your own mat?
pretty sure you do...i see people on campus with them all the time
try the p90x yoga CD
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

damn I miss being in shape

I have NO time for the gym, and the closest one to me is a good distance away.
Im gonna have to make time to do stuff in the crib and/or maybe joggin in the neighborhood
You don't really need a gym to be fit. Instead of paying for a membership, you can get a pull up bar for $30 and you're set. Pull ups, push ups, lunges, squats, planks, dips, muscle ups, sprints, cycling, etc. are where it's at. It's so much more convenient and I feel more fulfilled when I do a workout than if I go to a gym to do a weight lifting workout.
If you just want to be fit, weights aren't necessary, atleast not in the beginning. But if you want to train to look good, then weights are an easier way of doing that. When I went to a gym, I'd see all these big dudes that had huge 'mirror muscles' and sure, it's cool at first. But I'd rather train for function over fashion.

Im not even concerned with muscles....I just need to lose ALOT of weight. So I think youre right, Im gonna have to work out in the house
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by ricerocket1

wj4 - i didn't really check the cholesterol for the muscle milk i shouldve of...i was wondering though you think itll be counter productive taking fat burner and drinking protein shakes though? like muscle mass etc

Fat Burners dont work.

i mean.....they don't do a TON (the legal ones, since ephedra is banned), and you can reach your goals without them.....but to say they don't work issimply untrue.

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Are military presses behind your neck a bad idea? I need some definite input on this.
not if you're using weight you can handle, no. i do these all the time, as well as regular and db military press.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by ricerocket1

wj4 - i didn't really check the cholesterol for the muscle milk i shouldve of...i was wondering though you think itll be counter productive taking fat burner and drinking protein shakes though? like muscle mass etc

Fat Burners dont work.

i mean.....they don't do a TON (the legal ones, since ephedra is banned), and you can reach your goals without them.....but to say they don't work is simply untrue.

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Are military presses behind your neck a bad idea? I need some definite input on this.
not if you're using weight you can handle, no. i do these all the time, as well as regular and db military press.

Durden already said he HATES supplements (period) so there is no point..............

im sorry but there is a lot of BS in the industry but there are MANY effective supplements.............
Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

Whats the difference between Lipo 6 black and Bio-Forge. Im about 6'0 240, looking to lose some weight and gain some strength. Hoping to find something to give me an extra bounce in my step, especially for the gym where I need to get over my current overweight stamina plateau that Im kinda at. Looking for any ideas or thoughts, appreciate it.

I usually take 25mg of ephedrine and 200mg of caffeine before my workout. I have such a high tolerance to the stuff that I usually slam back a cup of coffeeright before. It gets my heart racing and I usually sweat a lot during my workout. The other day, however, I had 2 caps of Lipo-6 and this stuff is like crackcocaine compared to the EC stack. I don't think I could handle it... way too intense for me.

But yeah, the EC stack is without a doubt the cheapest and most effective fat burner out there.
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