Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by wj4

For the dudes that took/take yoga, you guys bring your own mat?

Yes absolutely take your own mat The mats they have (at my gym at least-LVAC) are always stinky and too short to really be effective...they arent really yogamats, just padded mats for floor excercises.

I got mine at the Nike outlet for 20 bucks and I happen to really like the Nike yoga-mats, they come in different colors and last a long time. But my dadnever pays more then 10 bucks and buys them at ross or marshals or wherever
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by ricerocket1

wj4 - i didn't really check the cholesterol for the muscle milk i shouldve of...i was wondering though you think itll be counter productive taking fat burner and drinking protein shakes though? like muscle mass etc

Fat Burners dont work.

i mean.....they don't do a TON (the legal ones, since ephedra is banned), and you can reach your goals without them.....but to say they don't work is simply untrue.

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Are military presses behind your neck a bad idea? I need some definite input on this.
not if you're using weight you can handle, no. i do these all the time, as well as regular and db military press.

Durden already said he HATES supplements (period) so there is no point..............

im sorry but there is a lot of BS in the industry but there are MANY effective supplements.............

He's right, that is how I feel.

Youre saying theres effective fat-burners? (I mean if youve got some legit information/research/results, Im very willing to have an open mind about it)
Klipschorn wrote:
Are military presses behind your neck a bad idea? I need some definite input on this.
Just don't bring the bar too low behind your head. I usually suggest people stop right at the knot on the back of your head where it meetsthe top of your neck, because you're getting enough of a stretch without straining anything in the rotator cuff.

As far as supplements, I think they're good and they help if you use the right ones, but everything is not for everybody, and it's not the end-all,be-all. I'd take alot of quality food and proper training over poor training, eating crap, and having all the supplements in the world any day.
How many weeks is good to focus on high weight/low rep and low weight/high rep? Is it a bad idea to do both simultaneously?


Sunday: Bicep/Back - Heavy Weight/Low Rep
Monday: Chest/Tricep - Light Weight/High Rep
Tuesday: Shoulders/Legs - Heavy Weight/Low Rep
Wednesday: Bicep/Back - Light Weight/High Rep
Thursday: Chest/Tricep - Heavy Weight/Low Rep
Friday: Shoulders/Legs - Light Weight/High Rep
^ I would suggest maybe taking another day off or at least switch up the chest and back days.

Doing shoulders after chest day is not smart.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by ricerocket1

wj4 - i didn't really check the cholesterol for the muscle milk i shouldve of...i was wondering though you think itll be counter productive taking fat burner and drinking protein shakes though? like muscle mass etc

Fat Burners dont work.

i mean.....they don't do a TON (the legal ones, since ephedra is banned), and you can reach your goals without them.....but to say they don't work is simply untrue.

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Are military presses behind your neck a bad idea? I need some definite input on this.
not if you're using weight you can handle, no. i do these all the time, as well as regular and db military press.

Durden already said he HATES supplements (period) so there is no point..............

im sorry but there is a lot of BS in the industry but there are MANY effective supplements.............

He's right, that is how I feel.

Youre saying theres effective fat-burners? (I mean if youve got some legit information/research/results, Im very willing to have an open mind about it)
most fatburners are BS

but there are many effective ones

not worth the side effects though

i dont mess with em.
Originally Posted by quik1987

How many weeks is good to focus on high weight/low rep and low weight/high rep? Is it a bad idea to do both simultaneously?


Sunday: Bicep/Back - Heavy Weight/Low Rep
Monday: Chest/Tricep - Light Weight/High Rep
Tuesday: Shoulders/Legs - Heavy Weight/Low Rep
Wednesday: Bicep/Back - Light Weight/High Rep
Thursday: Chest/Tricep - Heavy Weight/Low Rep
Friday: Shoulders/Legs - Light Weight/High Rep
I'm doing one month of each. This is the last week for my low weight/high rep.

Interesting concept you got there, but where do you go from there after a month to get around plateauing? BTW I'm probably spending almost twice as muchtime doing low weight/high rep. (6 sets of 15 reps, 1 min rest after 3 sets).
Originally Posted by JordanPP30

^ I would suggest maybe taking another day off or at least switch up the chest and back days.

Doing shoulders after chest day is not smart.
Why is that?

His work out plan, as far as muscle groups go, are 100% the same as mine.

I stopped by the local Sport Chalet to look for yoga matt, and most of them don't have carrying straps. The one that does is super skinny, won't evenprovide cushion against the hardwood floor.
Plateauing is not really an issue for me, I'm not really trying to gain in size very much, just trying to get really lean and improve vascularity. I'mpretty much the size I want to be, maybe I can be a little slimmer. I'm about 5'11 170. I want to be maybe 160 looking like this. I'm pretty sureit's already been posted.


So right now I'm mostly doing heavy weight/low rep (about 3 sets of
with lots of cardio. Intervals 3 times a week (15min), and normal cardio (30min) thedays inbetween.

As for dieting. Try to eat mostly lean meat, fruits and veggies. High fibre carbs when I do have them, mostly before 7pm. 1 cheat day and day away from the gyma week.
Originally Posted by quik1987

Plateauing is not really an issue for me, I'm not really trying to gain in size very much, just trying to get really lean and improve vascularity. I'm pretty much the size I want to be, maybe I can be a little slimmer. I'm about 5'11 170. I want to be maybe 160 looking like this. I'm pretty sure it's already been posted.


So right now I'm mostly doing heavy weight/low rep (about 3 sets of
with lots of cardio. Intervals 3 times a week (15min), and normal cardio (30min) the days inbetween.

As for dieting. Try to eat mostly lean meat, fruits and veggies. High fibre carbs when I do have them, mostly before 7pm. 1 cheat day and day away from the gym a week.
Plateau will become an issue for everyone who does the same routine for a while, regardless of what the goal is. It happened to me and I'mskinnier than you at 5'10'' and 148-150 lbs.

BTW I looked up the info, for Never Back Down, Cam got down to around 150 lbs and he's 6' even. Having a physique like Cam in the movie, Beckham, andPitt in Fight Club has always been my goal from the get go.

You can even clean up your diet even more if you like, and cut back on red meat since a lot of it comes from cows who aren't grass fed so they can growbigger in size.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

What are some good neck exercises that can be done at the gym?
Neck exercises? I'm almost certain you mean you want to work out the traps.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

What are some good neck exercises that can be done at the gym?
Neck exercises? I'm almost certain you mean you want to work out the traps.
In that case, traps
nah actually there's a head strap i've seen a guy break out before. looks like a cross between headgear and old school football helmets. the guy then grabs the end of the cable machines to add weight and does side abductions (head to shoulder) and extension/flexion (head forward and backward). i would imagine boxers do this. it's a real specialized muscle group to work out though. you can do the same thing if you grab the handles on the cablemachines and hold them against your head as you go through the motions.
wj4 - good to know thanks.

I looked up the workout and this is what I found. Could be fake though.

Im putting what weight he used on here as a guide but I suggest you start out with whatever wait you can do with reps between 20 and 30 times. ALL EXERCISES INEVERY STEP ARE DONE WITH 20 - 30 REPS

Monday - chest

3 - 25 push ups
3 - nautilus press (45, 55, 65 lbs)
3 - nautilus incline press (55, 65, 70 lbs)
3 - pec deck machine (40, 45, 50 lbs)

Tuesday - back

3 - 5 pull ups
3 - seated rows (75, 80, 85 lbs)
3 - lat pull down (85, 90, 95 lbs)
3 - t bar rows (50, 55, 60 lbs)

Wednesday - Shoulders

3 - Arnold press 35,35,35
3 - laterals 15,15,15
3 - front raises 10,10,10

Thursday - Biceps & Triceps

3 - nautilus curl machine 20,25,30
3 - ez curls cable 30,35,40
3 - hammer curls 15,20,25
3 - push downs 50,55,60


Treadmill 45 minutes 65-75% MHR

Saturday and Sunday off

Remember reps range from 20 - 30 on all excercises.
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Off day for me but I'm bored so I'm going to the gym to do the Crossfit WOD: "Chelsea"

Basically it's 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 bw squats every minute on the minute for 30 minutes.
How'd that work out for you?

That's by no means a light work out for a off day, that's like a push till you throw up workout.
Originally Posted by RED FLAG

Originally Posted by Vancity74

Off day for me but I'm bored so I'm going to the gym to do the Crossfit WOD: "Chelsea"

Basically it's 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 bw squats every minute on the minute for 30 minutes.
How'd that work out for you?

That's by no means a light work out for a off day, that's like a push till you throw up workout.

I posted a couple of pages back how it went. Surprisingly, it wasn't bad. Definitely not a 'light' workout, I just didn't want to lift anyweights today but still wanted to go to the gym. I actually did the "Cindy" which is as many sets in 20 minutes as possible. On my way to the gym, Imentally decided on 25 so that's all I did. I took some breaks in between and finished with a minute to spare. Oddly enough, it wasn't the 125 pullupsthat killed me, rather it was the pushups that I was struggling with towards the end. Also the lactic acid buildup during the squats was hard to cope with.

Next week, my goal is 30 sets. What's weird is on the Crossfit forums, people are saying the record is 39 and that anything over 30 is incredible. But thenagain, Crossfitters are weirdos.
Originally Posted by quik1987

Plateauing is not really an issue for me, I'm not really trying to gain in size very much, just trying to get really lean and improve vascularity. I'm pretty much the size I want to be, maybe I can be a little slimmer. I'm about 5'11 170. I want to be maybe 160 looking like this. I'm pretty sure it's already been posted.


So right now I'm mostly doing heavy weight/low rep (about 3 sets of
with lots of cardio. Intervals 3 times a week (15min), and normal cardio (30min) the days inbetween.

As for dieting. Try to eat mostly lean meat, fruits and veggies. High fibre carbs when I do have them, mostly before 7pm. 1 cheat day and day away from the gym a week.

This dude has a mean physique, something im after. I'd say he be around 10%.

All this supplement talk has got me going crazy haha, I tend to stay away from them (cept for Whey) simply because I know nothing about them haha. I willprobably try a pre-workout supplement in the future when I visit the gym more regularly.

I think I re-found my motivation after my workout today...
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by JordanPP30

^ I would suggest maybe taking another day off or at least switch up the chest and back days.

Doing shoulders after chest day is not smart.
Why is that?

When you do chest exercises... your front deltoids are getting pounded. so working them out the next day is not smart.
Originally Posted by quik1987

wj4 - good to know thanks.

I looked up the workout and this is what I found. Could be fake though.

Im putting what weight he used on here as a guide but I suggest you start out with whatever wait you can do with reps between 20 and 30 times. ALL EXERCISES IN EVERY STEP ARE DONE WITH 20 - 30 REPS

Monday - chest

3 - 25 push ups
3 - nautilus press (45, 55, 65 lbs)
3 - nautilus incline press (55, 65, 70 lbs)
3 - pec deck machine (40, 45, 50 lbs)

Tuesday - back

3 - 5 pull ups
3 - seated rows (75, 80, 85 lbs)
3 - lat pull down (85, 90, 95 lbs)
3 - t bar rows (50, 55, 60 lbs)

Wednesday - Shoulders

3 - Arnold press 35,35,35
3 - laterals 15,15,15
3 - front raises 10,10,10

Thursday - Biceps & Triceps

3 - nautilus curl machine 20,25,30
3 - ez curls cable 30,35,40
3 - hammer curls 15,20,25
3 - push downs 50,55,60


Treadmill 45 minutes 65-75% MHR

Saturday and Sunday off

Remember reps range from 20 - 30 on all excercises.

Possible to increase weight and drop reps? I want to lift heavy (build strength) and im looking for some ideas on my new gym programme. Looking toincorporate some Abs, complexes, dropsets and some Tabata princple as well.
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Originally Posted by RED FLAG

Originally Posted by Vancity74

Off day for me but I'm bored so I'm going to the gym to do the Crossfit WOD: "Chelsea"

Basically it's 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 bw squats every minute on the minute for 30 minutes.
How'd that work out for you?

That's by no means a light work out for a off day, that's like a push till you throw up workout.

I posted a couple of pages back how it went. Surprisingly, it wasn't bad. Definitely not a 'light' workout, I just didn't want to lift any weights today but still wanted to go to the gym. I actually did the "Cindy" which is as many sets in 20 minutes as possible. On my way to the gym, I mentally decided on 25 so that's all I did. I took some breaks in between and finished with a minute to spare. Oddly enough, it wasn't the 125 pullups that killed me, rather it was the pushups that I was struggling with towards the end. Also the lactic acid buildup during the squats was hard to cope with.

Next week, my goal is 30 sets. What's weird is on the Crossfit forums, people are saying the record is 39 and that anything over 30 is incredible. But then again, Crossfitters are weirdos.
Am I thinking this right? every minute on the minute for 30 mins

so you start and do your 5 pullups 10 pushups and 15'll probly be nearing the 45 sec mark...then 15 secs later you start the same thing, andrepeat for that for every minute for the next 29 mins?

that is major. props to those who can compete with that.
I think I have my cardio cut out for me guys. Did P90x after a leg day at the gym when I ran into my homeboy on the way back. We were talking and he said himand his brother used to do it, he went from 180 to 160 just p90 with not that much dieting on his part. Got home, blew the dust off and popped in "Ken PoX" was pretty good I must say....
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